how we work-2 · How we work he se in l s e and a r fill our place with all their ideas and...

Post on 01-Jun-2020

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Transcript of how we work-2 · How we work he se in l s e and a r fill our place with all their ideas and...

Love whatwe do

Love toexperience

Learn to trust ourselves

Be aware, thankful and respectful to our mother nature

Empathize with others

Build emotional intelligence

Love and respect one another

Love tolearn

Parents and teachers

together, guide children

to discover their ability to communicate using words, numbers, art, music, movement,

science, meditation, nature, discovery and the hundreds of possibilities available

relationships to which children are exposed to at this very young age, havean influence in their lives. Therefore, we strive to make these first years rich in interactions, full of respect, love, companionship, understanding and responsibility and encourage them to always be the best version of themselves.

Our children learn through a “Head, Heart and Hands” principle. This Waldorf inspired philosophy, which references multidisciplinary and balance learning, encourages our children to think and work with love and it is all in synchrony with our daily endeavours.

About us

Our Beliefs

At Here & There we believe that children have anenormous potential and are capable, responsiblecitizens inside our society. We believe that all the

Reflect from our mistakes

Learn to make mistakes

Progressive Education

Who we follow?


Reggio Emilia PhilosophyLORIS MALAGUZZI’S

John Dewey’s basis relied on the fact that one cannot learn without motivation. Knowledge is seen as a social condition and it is our responsibility to support children construct their own learning. Education is seen as “the process of living” rather than “a preparation for future life”.

Multiple IntelligencesHOWARD GARDNER’S

This theory differentiates intelligence into specific “modalities”, rather than seeing intelligence as a single general ability. Gardner divided these modalities into eight “intelligences”: musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, logical - mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal,

and naturalistic. Although each intelligence is defined as very specific, Gardner opposes the idea of labeling learners to a specific intelligence. On its core, this theory should "empower learners", not restrict them to one modality of learning.

Among the main principles of this philosophy are: the image of the child, as a strong capable and creative person; the role of the teacher, where she is a partner in the learning process rather than an instructor; the environment, which acts as the third teacher provoking creativity in each child; and the hundred languages of children through which theycan express their ideas. The aim of this approach is teaching how to use these symbolic languages (eg., painting, sculpting, drama) in everyday life.

Therefore, school life should not be separated from home life, rather, moral and ethical education should be an important part of the curriculum. The teacher is a part of this, not as an authoritative figure, but as a member of the community who is there to assist the student. This theory focuses on the child's powers and interests.

Waldorf education is dedicated to generating an inner enthusiasm for learning within every child and allow motivation to arise from within. It helps engender the capacity for joyful life-long learning.

Among their most important principles they believe in understanding each child’s process and progress individually; storytelling as a magical path of learning; teaching the children to be more aware of the world round them through contact with nature; the use of open-ended materials to spark children's creativity; established routines to give children roots and a sense of security; and include art in every aspect possible.

Waldorf EducationRUDOLF STEINER’S

Among its main focus are the respect for the child and its unique needs and interests; teachers seen as facilitators; prepared environment to support learning; emphasis on personal care and care for the environment; hands-on learning with the use of specific materials; and engaging all senses in the learning experience in order to support children in understanding more complex concepts.

“The need for imagination, a sense of truth and a feeling of responsibility.

These are the three forces which are the very nerve of education” .- Rudolf Steiner

MARIA MONTESSORI’SMontessori MethodThe Montessori method views the child as one who is naturally eager to learn. It focuses on supporting children physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively with the objective of growing children who become independent and responsible adults who share a love for learning.

How we work

“Each child finds identity, meaning, and purpose in

life through connections to the community, to the

natural world, and to humanitarian values such as

compassion and peace. Holistic education aims to call

forth from people an intrinsic reverence for l

ife and a

passionate love of learning” -Ron Miller

fill our place with all their ideas and creations to make memories throughout this amazing journey



All the groups will enjoy the same project in their own range of development. Every group will have different academic goals through a wonderful journey of hands-on experiences.

and one leads to the other, giving the child the understanding of continuity and process awareness. At the end of each quarter, parents and teachers meet and discuss each child’s participation and accomplishments.

Each group consists of 6 to 7 students and one teacher, which allows for a very personalized and targeted education experience.

We work based on an Annual Projects Plan

Every Project is worked on a quarterly basis throughout the year,



Meditation & Music


Imagine & Play

Outdoor Time

Build & Construct

Math & Discovery

All the materials in the areas offer the children an infinite range of options to develop multiple skills using their creativity as main motor.

“A holistic way of thinking tries to encompass and

integrate multiple layers of meaning and experience

rather than defining human possibilities narrowly”

-Robin Ann Martin

The main areas are:

We have designed a rotary system with different

settings throughout our space which children will

visit daily, allowing them to engage in a diversity

of provocations that promote and support Howard

Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences.

Each area is designed and equipped with the purpose of creating immersion in the specific area it refers to.

Art &Creativity

At Here and There children are encouraged to form inner discipline rather than simply “obey” without understanding.

Our main goal is to have

FREEDOM WITH DISCIPLINE.Environment and freedom are two main factors to support this process. We also strive to maintain a calm and quite atmosphere which will gradually come more natural as they develop this inner discipline skill. Regarding freedom, the child is able to choose the course of his/her actions after being instructed with the limits and guidelines for each experience and/or material interaction.

Once a week children will enjoy an Open Day, where all the areas will be set up with invitations to experience, and they are free to choose where to participate and when. This allows children to begin learning to make use of their time, plan for themselves, and empower their choice making skills.

A “work in progress” area will be available for children who do not feelthat time was enough to finish their work, and come back to it later on.

Discipline and values

Our little ones’ Routine

Because younger children are natural learners and explorers of their surroundings, we have designed their class as a “yes” environment, where everything in it supports the development of different areas of development within their reach. They will be experiencing hands on everyday but with limited rotation to support their emotional growth by making them feel secure and with the least changes possible. They will be visiting Playground and Play & Imagine areas, as these are important play-based learning opportunities for them.

“PLEASE” & “THANK YOU”are seen as magical words;

Our kids will be encouraged to learn life skills,

Another important aspect for us at Here & There is to

nurture each child’s natural desire

to protect and love our environment.

table manners are reinforced through conversations at the table; respect and patience are worked on while waiting for turns and learning how and when to interrupt; social interactions are always perfect “teachable moments” to support the development of well-rounded children who base their attitudes and actions on a strong base of values.

such as, setting up the table, cleaning up after themselves, maintaining organization and so on. In addition, we expose them to our wonderful mother nature and teach them how to respect it, interact respectfully with it, and protect it.

We dedicate time every day to encourage grace and courtesy regarding different aspects of the child’s life.

We believe that natural consequences lead children to adapt a more comprehensive view of how their actions and interactions interfere withina group. We accomplish this through positive reinforcement and redirection.