How To Write An Amazing Online Profile

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How To Write An Amazing Online Profile

Sami Wunder Be Wildly Successful At Love

How To Write An Amazing Online Profile


Get Noticed Online!

Copyright ©2016 Sami Wunder Coaching

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This is Sami Wunder,

your Get-Wildly-Successful-At-Love coach.

You can find me on my

website and on my

popular relationship

support group.

As a certified dating

and relationship coach

that teaches women

how to attract and keep

soul level love, I get

asked all the time: “Sami, yes, I want to attract soul-

level love, but where do I even find men to date?“

You see, not every woman has the luxury of being

able to meet new men daily and organically in her

social circle.

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Actually, the older we get, the more permanent

our circle of friends becomes and the harder it gets

to meet someone through it.

In fact, some of my clients, in their late 30s and 40s

are already getting out of failed marriages or

broken relationships and they too are looking to

start again and don’t have a clue on what the first

step is.

My Answer, As always Is:

Start With Online Dating.

With the click of a mouse modern technology has

made it possible to access profiles of 1000s of

eligible men all at the same time while sitting in

the comfort of our homes. You can match for

interests, filter height, age, location, or education.

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It’s a world with limitless possibilities, if you

approach it with an open mind.

Yes, there are creepy and weird men online, like

they are everywhere else including real life – but,

when you possess the skills to navigate online

dating, you will LOVE the process instead of

hating it. I will address this issue at the end of this


But for now let’s assume, you DO open yourself to

online dating.

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Next Step: Which Websites To

Register On?

Well given that there are so many out there, I trust

the analysis of the professionals. My personal

favourite is the comprehensive guide by, that helps daters find the best

dating site for their specific needs (best overall,

best for long-term relationships, best app, and best

niche dating sites).

Check out the guide here:

Now here’s what happens a lot: you register on the

best dating sites and yet you don’t get noticed. In

fact, in spite of being on the best dating websites,

you only get clicks by scammers and weird men

and start to feel discouraged and frustrated by the

whole process.

Copyright ©2016 Sami Wunder Coaching

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“What is going on here, Sami?” you ask.

“Is there something wrong with me?“

Well, here’s what’s going on. In my experience…

… It’s not about you, but about

the way your online profile writes

about you.

In the online world, impressions matter, and if

your profile reads like the profile of 10000 other

women out there, the probability that a quality

man will notice you reduces drastically.

On the other hand, when your profile is well

written, when it represents your unique fire and

energy, when your soul shines through those

written words, your online experience turns

overnight, from boring to happening, from

ignored to desired – all in a jiffy!

Copyright ©2016 Sami Wunder Coaching

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Tangible Results Of A Well

Written Online Profile:

Getting noticed by quality men;

Increased number of hits on your profile;

Increased inflow of messages from quality men;

Increased response rate to your messages;

A much higher probability of getting compatible matches online;

More men to date;

Better quality men to date;

Many more dates;

An increased probability to meet your “one“;

A higher return on investment on your dating website subscriptions which cost money.

Copyright ©2016 Sami Wunder Coaching

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A Multitude Of Concrete Benefits!

As you can see, it’s totally worth it to spend some

time writing a good profile or investing in a

professional to write one for you.

And that’s what I am going to help you with


Here are my 7 sure-shot ways to write an online

profile that will make you stand out and get

quality men to notice you and come knocking at

your door!

Copyright ©2016 Sami Wunder Coaching

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Tip 1:

Keep it short

Less is more when it comes to your online profile.

Be true to yourself: Do you actually feel inspired to

read page long profiles of men yourself? What you

wouldn’t do, don’t expect a man to do either.

Lesson: Keep it short. Remember, he doesn’t have

to know everything about your life through your

profile. He has to date you to get access to all those

juicy details.

So reveal some interesting things about you, but

not everything. 5-6 sentences profiles, when well

written, do wonders.

Copyright ©2016 Sami Wunder Coaching

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Tip 2:

Avoid Generic Adjectives

Woman A says she is

“fun, passionate and loves


Woman B says she is “fun,

passionate and loves


While woman A’s fun

comprises “late night

parties“, woman B’s fun

comprises “ice skating.“

While woman A loves to

dance salsa, woman B is

crazy about tango.

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The point I am making here is that these are two

completely different women using the same

generic adjectives to represent themselves. These

generic adjectives are in effect HIDING what

makes these women unique.

When your profile doesn’t shine light on what’s

unique about you, not only do you attract

incompatible matches, you also run the risk of

passing off on your soulmate, because he is simply

unable to recognize your uniqueness amongst that

bunch of loosely thrown, vague adjectives.

This brings me to the next point: How can you

avoid these generic adjectives and let your unique

light shine through the written word? Give specific


Copyright ©2016 Sami Wunder Coaching

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Tip 3:

Give Specific Examples

Let’s show you what I mean by demonstrating

with Woman A’s profile.

Instead of expressing herself in this “general“ way,

she now gives a specific example of what it does to

her to dance her favourite dance of Salsa. It could

look like:

“I feel alive and like a total diva when I dance

Salsa at the local girls club in downtown SF.”

Can you see how the specific example makes

Woman A stand out uniquely? You picture her

dancing Salsa like a diva at the local girls club in

downtown San Francisco, and she draws an

exciting picture in your mind.

Copyright ©2016 Sami Wunder Coaching

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Who would you want to know at this point?

Woman A, or Woman B with her old “fun,

passionate and loves dancing“?

The answer is easy. The more specific you can get,

the more you can stand out in a man’s mind and

get his mental juices and excitement flowing for

you even without having met you.

It works like a subtle, non-sexual mind seduction.

Equally effective, and no less powerful than the

real thing.

Copyright ©2016 Sami Wunder Coaching

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Tip 4:

Paint The Picture

When it comes to describing what you want in a

man or in a relationship, instead of using loaded

adjectives to DESCRIBE what you want, paint the

picture of what you desire.

Let’s take an example.

Description Format looks like: “My man should be

fun, relaxed and like hiking.“

Painting the picture looks like:

“It would feel so good to sit by the couch, relax

with him on a Saturday night while munching


Copyright ©2016 Sami Wunder Coaching

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“The idea of going on an adventurous hike up

an Appalachian trail with him fills me up with

childlike excitement.“

Can you see the difference?

When you just describe what you want, you don’t

evoke any feelings within the man reading it

because he doesn’t know how these particular

adjectives of “relaxed and hiking“ would look like

in your life.

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For instance, for another woman who uses the

same adjectives, “relaxed“ could look like sitting in

the park and reading a book.

When you take the time to paint the picture, you

ensure that the man reading your profile is getting

a glimpse of what being close to you may feel like

to him.

Copyright ©2016 Sami Wunder Coaching

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Tip 5:

Avoid Demands

Very often, you will find Internet dating gurus

giving advice that you should let the men know

what you will be expecting from them in the


I say: Not the best idea, and especially not if it

sounds like a demand!

Let’s see some examples and how men would read


Woman A: “I like my men to take the lead, to pay on

dates and court me during the dating process.“

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Man’s reaction:

He probably would pay

anyway and would

court the lady anyway,

but reading that written

on a profile makes him

go: “Eeeww! Demanding.

Not sure I can deliver all

of that so strictly.“

Demands make men

want to shut down,

instead of inspiring

them to deliver.

Copyright ©2016 Sami Wunder Coaching

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Here’s another example.

Woman B: “It is an absolute must that he want kids

and family, because that is what is an imperative for


Man’s reaction:

He probably does want kids and family too, but

the way this message is worded feels like too much

pressure to deliver.

He would rather decide this organically and in

conversation with the woman in question.

As a result, he will probably skip contacting

woman B.

Copyright ©2016 Sami Wunder Coaching

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Tip 6:

Avoid Negative Statements

My experience with writing online profiles has led

to the recognition of this annoying, but true,

golden nugget:

Most men try their luck with an attractive woman


Negative statements about what you don’t want in

a man, or written attempts to disqualify older or

creepy men from contacting you will not be very


Just a waste of your precious writing space and

word count!

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It will also diminish your exciting and upbeat vibe,

and make you look negative before an otherwise

healthy, quality man.

Examples of negative statements that you should

avoid look like:

“Please do not contact if you are looking for

hook ups.“

“Men who just want sex, stay out.“

“Please do not send messages like, ‘Hey What’s


Copyright ©2016 Sami Wunder Coaching

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Tip 7:

End With A Hook

Close your profile in a way that prods men to take

some action.

A hook reads like a subtle invitation to ACT after

reading the profile.

It inspires the man reading to send you a message

and start some kind of a dialogue with you based

on what the hook reads like.

Copyright ©2016 Sami Wunder Coaching

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Examples of hooks could look like:

“I can imagine us playing in the water on that

Puerto Rican beach. And you? ;) ”

“I can almost feel you want to know more.

Easy then! Just write me ;) “”And you know


“After all of that, there’s still so much more ;)

But you’d have to ask me out on a date to know

it.... “

Qualities of Good Hooks:

1. They are subtle.

2. They are positive.

3. They are teasing (feel free to wink).

4. They inspire to act (not demand or force).

Copyright ©2016 Sami Wunder Coaching

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So divas, that’s how you write an amazing profile

that gets you noticed.

If you follow those 7 simple (not easy, but simple)

guidelines to write your online profile, you are

guaranteed to get immediate results!

Will This Profile Keep The

Scammers And Weird Men Away?

Unfortunately, no.

It helps to be aware that there are indeed

scammers out there, who may want to take

advantage of your trust. This is why I wrote an

article about how you can identify them.

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As we already mentioned, most men try their luck

with an attractive woman, even if they know they

don’t stand a chance.

However, what a well written online profile does

do, is that it increases the number of quality men

who write to you as well.

Copyright ©2016 Sami Wunder Coaching

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So You Got Noticed Online.

Now What?

To avoid the overwhelm that comes with receiving

100s of messages daily, and to navigate online

dating effectively and efficiently, it helps to follow

a very SPECIFIC PROCESS, which reduces the

time you spend online, and which gets you results

(phone calls, real dates) quickly.

This process, that I teach and recommend to my

private coaching clients, is laid out extensively in

Call 5 of my audio training program, Attract Your


The nuts and bolts of online dating are explored in

one full hour of intense, powerful information.

This will save you a lot of time and heartache, by

teaching you how to easily filter out the low-effort

men who are only looking for flings or hook ups.

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Once your online profile is well written, Attract

Your Soulmate is going to empower you for the

next steps of real-life dating.

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Attract Your Soulmate is a complete dating course,

which will also help you to:

Set yourself up for success by adopting the

mindset of a real Diva;

Conquer the negative beliefs that might be

keeping you stuck in your love life;

Understand how men really think about


Harness the power of your feminine energy

and effortlessly become an attraction magnet;

Learn what rotational dating is, and how it

will prevent you from losing yourself for any

one man;

Prepare for every possible dating situation

and scenario;

Become confident and actually enjoy the

dating process.

Copyright ©2016 Sami Wunder Coaching

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This audio training program shows how easy it

can be, when we have the right knowledge, to

attract and keep the love of a quality man.

Attract Your Soulmate has already been a life-

changer for dozens of women out there – you can

read their experiences on this page:


Copyright ©2016 Sami Wunder Coaching

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I wish you tons of luck and success in your love

life, and would love to hear back from you on how

this is working out for you.


Sami Wunder

PS: Inspired to transform your love life? Join my

tribe on Wunder Divas – my private dating and

relationship support group! Hundreds of other

amazing women just like you are already in.

Find us here: