How to Write a Clean HTML Blog Post for your CMS

Post on 07-Jul-2015

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If you usually write your post first on word and then copy paste it into wordpress, Joomla or any other CMS, it may be interesting to review our tuto in order to be sure your code is clean !

Transcript of How to Write a Clean HTML Blog Post for your CMS

How to Write

A clean Blog Post for Joomla or Wordpress

To Make It Short !

1. Clean your text on notepad++

2. Edit on a simple WYSIWYG text editor

3. Insert on your CRM

4. Backup into a .html file

1- Blog Writing

Not always easy !

Blog Post Writing Process

Most of the time you or your

blog writers will produce their

content on Microsoft Word or

Google Drive documents and

then will upload it into your blog.

The problem is that you need to

make sure that the code is clean

on your blog to don’t mess it up

Blog Post Writing Process

Blog Post Writing Process

Blog Post Writing Solution

So rather than a .doc file ask

your writer to provide you a .html


2- Why to clean

Your HTML before posting


Whatever CMS you use it’s usually the

same idea.

Styling (fonts, size, colours) are

specified into your .css files. So if you

add another style into your page, it will

be read as the main style and will not

respect your template design.

Make it clean because

1. Looks fine on your blog

2. Google prefers clean codes

3. Faster loading time

4. You validate it and you’re

sure of it

3- Tuto

Easily clean your code

Basic HTML to know


<h1>This is a heading</h1>

<h2>This is a heading</h2>

<h3>This is a heading</h3>


<p>This is a paragraph.</p>



<p><i>This text is italic</i>.</p>



<img src="w3schools.jpg" alt="W3Schools.c

om" width="104" height="142">


<a href="">This

is a link</a>

Test your text

1. Copy your text from its source to

your CMS

2. Click on Toogle / Source to

review the HTML

3. If it does not look like the previous

slide code, you need to edit it

Step 1 - Word to Note Pad


Copy paste from word to notepad ++/

So at this stage you’ll just get some

pure text with no html

Step 2- To your editor

You can either use your blog editor


1. Click on source / toggle editor

2. Clean all <html> you see

3. Paste your text

Now you have pure html

Editor we like:

Step 3 - Edit your text

1. Click again on source / toggle

editor (you’ll see the edit text option)

2. Edit your text with bold, heading, and

basic elements

3. Click again on Toggle / Source and

select all the code between <body>

an </body> (you may not see them

based on your editor)

Tips: Avoid to use useless colours or

new fonts, etc.

Step 4 - Save as HTML

1- Copy past your text from your

WYSIWYG editor to notepad++

2- Clic on save as and and save it as


Now you can review it on your

browser as any html element !

Tadam ! Now it’s clean !

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