How to use your treadmill for weight loss

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Physical Assets is the Toronto area’s premiere retailer of top of the line fitness equipment, including treadmills, power plates & elliptical. Visit us today at 110 Avenue Rd in Toronto, ON, or online at to view our wide selection.

Transcript of How to use your treadmill for weight loss

How to Use Your Treadmill for Weight


How to Use Your Treadmill for Weight Loss

• The topic of weight loss is one of those subjects that seems to have no beginning or end, and will continue on forever. There are countless eating plans, diets, workouts and workout equipment that all claim to melt off the pounds and keep them off. One such piece of equipment is the treadmill.

How to Use Your Treadmill for Weight Loss

• You can find treadmills in any gym or health club, and you can buy them at many different retailers for home use. The treadmill isn’t magic, but it can certainly help you shed some pounds if you use it the right way. Here are some important tips.

The Quality

• Not all treadmills are created equal. They are the only piece of regular exercise equipment that’s motorized, so the quality of the motors will vary quite a bit, as will the price. Naturally, more expensive treadmills will usually have better motors and longer life spans, so it’s wise to get the best treadmill you can afford.

The Quality

• The motorized aspect is one of the treadmill features that enables people to lose weight successfully, because the machine keeps the pace for you. Since motivation is always such a factor in weight loss programs going awry, if you can get on it and turn it on, you’re usually good to go.

The Quality

• Higher quality treadmills will offer more built-in programs, more incline and greater speed variation. These things aren’t necessarily critical for weight loss, but they will help keep you interested. Look for a treadmill that will easily accommodate your current weight, as well as any regular running or walking program.

Find Your Fitness Level

• In order to find weight loss success on the treadmill, it’s important to determine your fitness level first. Safety always has to come first, and if you try to launch into an exercise program when you are physically able to do it, you’re asking for trouble.

Find Your Fitness Level

• At the same time, if your fitness level is above that of a beginner you may not get all the possible benefits by doing a beginner-type program. Not everyone who needs to lose weight is automatically at the beginner fitness level.

Find Your Fitness Level

• In some cases, your fitness level will be fairly obvious, but you can get an assessment if you aren’t sure. Sometimes, the treadmill itself will come with a booklet explaining how to figure it out, or you could visit your gym or doctor’s office to find out. Once you know what you can do, you won’t be short changing yourself or doing too much during your workouts.


How Much Weight?

• You’ll also need to determine how much weight you need to lose to reach your ideal weight. Your doctor can provide you with this information too, if you aren’t sure. Naturally, larger amounts of weight will require a longer and more thorough program than if you only need to lose a few pounds.

Regular Workouts

• It’s important to workout according to your fitness level and how much weight you need to lose, but those aren’t the most important things. Keeping your workouts regular and not missing too many of them is the most important factor. Most weight loss quests fail because the person doesn’t do what they’re supposed to do.

Regular Workouts

• In the vast majority of cases, it isn’t the treadmill’s fault that you didn’t lose weight. Get a proven program from your treadmill or a trainer and then do it every time you’re supposed to do it. Exercise with intensity and cut down on the fattening foods you typically eat, and you will see results.

Don’t Give Up

• Once you start to notice some weight loss results with your treadmill, you must remember to keep challenging yourself as you go. As you lose weight and your fitness improves, you will plateau if you don’t make it harder.

Don’t Give Up

• Luckily, many treadmills will do that for you as they have computers that monitor your heart rate and modify your program accordingly. Basically, if you get yourself a quality machine, all you have to do is remember to get on it on a regular basis.

Don’t Give Up

• Not everyone loses weight at the same pace, and if you find that it’s coming off a little slower than you’d like, keep going. Take a look at other elements like your diet, but don’t give up.

Further Information…

• Physical Assets is the Toronto area’s premiere retailer of top of the line fitness equipment, including treadmills, power plates & elliptical. Visit us today at 110 Avenue Rd in Toronto, ON, or online at to view our wide selection.