How To Use Time Travel For Personal Growth

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How To Use Time Travel For Personal Growth

Leverage Time Travel

There are a lot of cool movies about time travel.

The idea of knowing what is going to happen is VERY compelling.

But there're also plenty of movies of going back in time, because you want to predict what will happen, only to destroy the present.

Ray Bradbury wrote a story about that.

It's been turned into all kinds of movies.

Even a Simpson's episode, where they had a magic toaster that could time travel.

Why is the idea so compelling?

Because EVERY SINGLE HUMAN has this thought:

"Boy, if I knew back then what I know now..."

Of course, this is why they say "hindsight is 20-20."

Meaning it's EASY to look back AFTER the fact.

When you KNOW all the information.

But the ONLY time humans can KNOW everything is AFTER things happen.

Which necessarily means that BEFORE things happen, we NEVER know everything.

There is ALWAYS risk. ALWAYS.

You mitigate it, you can minimize it, but you can never remove it.

Of course, like anything else, you can go too far.

One of the strange things about us humans is we tend to CREATE what we FEAR the most.

Take some guy who is TERRIFIED of talking to a girl, for example.

He doesn't want to get rejected.

If he gets rejected, he'll end up being alone.

So what does he do?

He NEVER approaches any girls.

And he is ALWAYS alone.

Creating EXACTLY what he fears the most.

I'm sure you can think of many examples of this.

It is very common.

How can we get around this seemingly impossible human problem?

One is to simply accept that risk is ALWAYS going to be present.

You will ALWAYS make mistakes.

Only through consistent practice, doing the same thing over and over, will you get better.

That requires you to be willing to ACCEPT and LEARN from your mistakes.

But there's another way.


Instead of just charging ahead with NO CLUE what to do, you can practice in your mind.

Take some time VISUALIZING what you want to have happen.

So when you DO take action, your subconscious will already have an idea of what you want.

Making the necessary behaviors seem more natural.

More automatic.

As if you've already DONE them before.

Ask any world class athlete.

They BECOME world class athletes because they practice MENTALLY just as often as they practice PHYSICALLY.

You can do the same.

But not just closing your eyes and practicing.

You can be aided by powerful tools.

When you combine your mental practice, with these tools, you will become unstoppable.
