How to Target Facebook Ads Based on Email Address and Phone Number (Custom Audience)

Post on 08-May-2015

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Are you tired of a .03% click-through-rate on your Facebook ads? Have you read my recent articles, employed ad rotation, optimized your ad images, and targeted and traced your ads to hell and back, but are still seeing disappointing Facebook Ad results? Then let’s just cut to the chase. Let’s integrate your Facebook ads with your existing contact list. Let’s target your ad to a group of people who have engaged before, who have purchased before, and who you know are interested in your products or service. This article will examine targeting your Facebook Ad to an existing email or phone number list. I’ll dive into why it’s awesome, how it works, and how you’ll need to change your ads based on your new targeted audience.

Transcript of How to Target Facebook Ads Based on Email Address and Phone Number (Custom Audience)

How to Target Facebook Ads based on Email

Address and Phone Number

(Custom Audience)

Facebook Ad Targeting from your Existing Contact List

How does List-Targeting Work?

Why is List-Targeting Awesome?

Importing your Email List

Importing your Phone Number List

Importing from your CRM or Email Service

Targeting a Lookalike Audience

How does this Affect your Facebook Ads?

Create an Exclusive Contest or Offer









How does List Targeting Work?1

How does List Targeting Work?




You provide Facebook with the contact information you’ve generated with a contest or have within your CRM tool.

As most Facebook users have a registered email address and phone number within the platform, Facebook can match the details you’ve provided to their user.

This list is compiled and those users are targeted specifically for your ad. Note that it can take up to 24 hours if Facebook is busy.

Why is List-Targeting Awesome?2

Why is List-Targeting Awesome?




No longer are you targeting by age group, gender or specific interest and hoping you’re right.

Now you’re targeting by name, literally.

You’re targeting people who have already engaged with your brand and encouraging them to do so again.

Importing your Email List3




Importing your Email List

Facebook Ad tools should allow you to import your email list from your own CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool.

Simply tick the target by ‘Email Addresses’ box within the targeting page of your Facebook Ads tool.

Copy your email list and and paste it into the tool.

Importing your Phone Number List4

Importing your Phone Number List



Your ad manager should also give you the option of targeting by phone number.

Like emails, phone numbers can be generated from a Facebook contest or from your own existing customer database.

Your ads tool will work with Facebook to automatically track down and target those Facebook users who correspond to the phone numbers you’ve provided.


Importing from your CRM or Email Service


Importing contacts from a CRM or Email Service




How to Integrate them with Wishpond’s Facebook Ads tool:

In the Contact Database tab of your Wishpond account you can connect your account with your external email service or CRM with a single click.

You can important contacts from any list or group into Wishpond.

From within your Wishpond Contact Database you can then select exactly which contacts to target with your Facebook Ad

Launch it!4

Targeting a Lookalike Audience56

Targeting a Lookalike Audience

Tick the ‘Target similar people’ box within your ads manager. The tool will work with Facebook itself to generate a similar audience.

It will examine demographic similarities, such as age segment, gender and location as well as precise interests and broad categories.

An algorithm within Facebook matches those demographic details with existing Facebook users, to find the best possible match for your next ad.




How Does this Affect your Facebook Ads?7

How does this affect your Facebook ads?




You’ve been designing Facebook ads to be massively appealing. They’re colorful, have great Calls-to-Action and great images. Don’t stop now.

The only difference with targeting to an existing contact list is that you’re sure your audience is familiar with your brand (as they’ve engaged with you at least once before).

This means you can refrain from having your brand name as your ad’s headline. Instead, you can take advantage of that space for a great CTA or other eye-catching words:

Create an Exclusive Contest or Offer8

Create an Exclusive Contest or Offer

Create an ad for entrants after a contest is over: ‘Consolation Prize! // Enter here for $10 free credit toward your next purchase with AcmeShades.

Give one more opportunity: Doing it again! // Invite your friends for one more chance to win a $500 gift card to AcmeShades this Christmas.

Exclusive to recent/frequent purchasers: Thank you! // We’re rewarding our most loyal customers with a chance at $250!



How you can do it:


Further Reading




The Science of Keeping your Facebook Fans Engaged

4 Ways to Combat Facebook Ad Fatigue

How to Create a Targeted Facebook Ad Audience Using Power Editor

6 Facebook Ad Image Best Practices that will Send your Click-through-Rate to the Moon

How to Use the Facebook Ad Conversion Pixel to Track E-Commerce Checkouts



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