How To Talk The Talk On Twitter

Post on 08-May-2015

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Transcript of How To Talk The Talk On Twitter

How To Talk The Talk On Twitter


A guide to using the right kind of tweets to have the right kind of conversations.


Preview Summary How to tweet? We all know that we need to tweet for our personal branding, our work’s social business agenda, or making our personal business and social selling more successful. But, how to you actually use Twitter to connect and communicate with your ‘peeps’? It’s not as hard as you think. However, as Rex Kramer (Robert Stack’s character) said in the famous 1980’s Airplane movie, “flying a plane is no different from riding a bicycle, just a lot harder to put baseball cards in the spokes.” And so is Twitter no different than having a regular conversation, if you know where to put the RT’s, DM’s, MT’s, #'s and @’s!

•  Knowing the rules of engagement and how the controls work will help you be successful to: •  Build your personal brand •  Get on your customer’s radar •  Have the right conversation, with the right person at the right time and in the right way

By mastering these three success goals, you can continually be nurturing your sales pipeline or just increasing the value of your social currency.

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@Gerry Moran


Sometimes you just want to tell everyone your message because it will be relevant to them.


Use A Regular Tweet To Connect With Everyone

• Curate content and thought leadership to increase people’s knowledge • Deliver event updates with which a large audience might be interested • Use as your ‘unfiltered’ communication stream that aligns with your personal brand • Use hashtags to reach a greater audience

Regular TWEETS reach your followers AND non-followers (who find you by following a keyword or hashtag referenced in your message). Typically these messages are relevant for everyone and help to build your visibility, followers and social brand.


At times you just want to mention people in your discussion to get their attention.


Use A Mention To Get The Attention Of Your ‘Target’

•  This Twitter “CC” connects with a contact by referencing them in a Tweet that others can see

• Use this ‘by the way’ contact to nurture a customer or get on their radar • Use retweets (RT) and modified tweets (MT), another type of mention, to connect!

A MENTION reaches a contact in their Twitter timeline feed if they follow you. If they don’t follow you, your message shows up in their in-box, better known as their Mentions & Interactions tabs. Many Twitter users have email and pop-up alerts set up to be notified when they are mentioned. Oh, and others will always see these tweets !


Other times you want to break through the clutter and don’t mind that others will see your social missive.


Use A Reply To Reach Someone Who Doesn’t Follow You

• Start a semi-public conversation with or ask a question of a contact • Send a message or questions to your contact to incite a response

Use a REPLY to reach someone who does not follow you. A REPLY lands in a person’s Mentions & Interactions tabs if they don’t follow you. People who follow both of you can see your semi-private exchanges. And, you can use a REPLY to make the first contact, so you don’t have to wait to ‘reply’.


Then there are times you just need to be very private.


Use A Direct Message (DM) To Send Private Communication

•  Send a private message or start a private conversation with a contact •  Tweet directly only to your contact

A DIRECT MESSAGE is a private Tweet between you and your contact. You can send a DM to someone who follows you, even if you don’t follow them. You can only have a private 2-way conversation when you both follow each other.


So, what are your next steps?


Your Next Steps

1.  Use regular tweets to reach a mass audience 2.  Use Twitter mentions to connect with a person indirectly 3.  Use a Twitter reply to initiate a semi-private conversation 4.  Use a direct message to have a private conversation 5.  Contact Gerry Moran at 215-817-4085 to increase your

Twitter skills!



@GerryMoran Social Media And Marketing Coaching Blog