How to start preparing for JEE/CET from class 11?

Post on 21-May-2015

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How to start preparing for JEE / CET from class 11? by

Transcript of How to start preparing for JEE/CET from class 11?

JEE / CET ची� तया�री� ११ वी� पा�सू�नची का� ?

JEE / CET ला� ११ वी�, १२ वी� दो�न्ही�

वीर्षां��च्या� अभ्या�सूक्रमा�वीरी प्रश्न.

M.C.Q.’s सू�डविवीण्या�ची� सूरी�वी ११ वी�

पा�सू�न आवीश्याका.

M.C.Q.’s सू�डविवीण्या�सू�ठी$ ला�गणा�ऱ्या�

क्षमात�)ची� विवीका�सू.

- Tables upto 30

- Square of numbers from 1 to


- Cubes of numbers from 1 to 10

- Reciprocals of 1st ten natural


- Concepts of ratio, percentage.

- Solving equations.

- Reading ability.

वे�ळे�चे� गणि�त “The bad news is the time

flies but good news is you

are the pilot”.

क्षमात�)ची� विवीका�सू कासू� कारी�याची� ?

Text books आणिणा Reference

books ची+ सूखो�ला वी�चीन

प्रत्या+का सू)काल्पान� न�ट सूमाजा�वी�न घे+णा+.

Formulae पा�ठी कारीणा+. Units

लिलाविहीण्या�ची� सूवीया ला�वीणा+.

Mathematical ability विवीकालिसूत


Approximations ची� सूवीया / सूरी�वी.

(3.14)2 ≈ 10

g ≈ 10

Common sense वी�ढविवीणा+.


• a0 = ?

• What is ?

→ This is not defined!

It is an indeterminate form.




Infinity is something which is greater

than every real number. It is not a

real number and can not be shown

by a point on the number line.

Minus infinity (-∞) is something which is

less than every real number. It is negative.

Which of the following is false?

(a) is not defined.

(b) 2 is the only even prime number.

(c) Square of every real number is positive.

(d) A triangle can be both isosceles and right




Constructivism (ज्ञा�नरीचीन� वी�दो)

पा�वी5ची� घे�का� आणिणा ओका� पाद्धत वी�पारीत�

या+णा�री न�ही�.

मा8ला�)न� विवीची�री कारी�याला� प्रवी9त्त कारीणा�री� वी

प्रश्न विवीची�री�याची� मा8भा� असूणा�री�

णि<क्षणापाद्धत� .

He who asks is a fool for five minutes,

but he who does not ask remains a fool


It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I

stay with problems longer.



Minds are like parachutes, they only

function when open!!!

No spoon-feeding!

Spoon-feeding means provide (a person)

with ready-made opinions, judgments, etc.,

depriving him/her of original thought or


Teachers open the door. You enter by


If you can’t make a mistake, you can’t make


Contribution of Parents (पा�लाका�)ची� सूहीभा�ग)

विवीद्या�र्थी5, पा�लाका आणिणा णि<क्षका असू� वि?का�णा तया�री

झा�ला� पा�विहीजा+ .

दोही�वी�ची+ मा�र्क्ससूB ही+ फसूवी+ (deceptive)


९० – ९२% मिमाळा�ले+ले+ मा�र्क्ससूB ही+ बा�ळासू) नसू�न

सू�जा आही+.

IIT एका मा9गजाळा ...!

In Pune 24,000 students appeared

for this exam and only 2% i.e. 480

were eligible for advanced.

(For which criterion was around

31% i.e. 98% students could not

get even 31%.)

In Mumbai 44,000 students

appeared for this exam and

only 4.5% i.e. 2000 were

eligible for advanced.

(For which criterion was

around 31% i.e. 95.5%

students could not get even


Total intake of all IITs is


In 2013, 1.26 lac appeared

for advanced i.e. only 7.8

% could make it to IIT.

विवीद्या�र्थ्यांया��काड�न अपा+क्ष�  (Students’ Role)

Have a goal in life

A goal is a dream with a deadline.

It is better to be head of an ass than to be a

tail of a lion.

Hard work

Genius is one per cent inspiration and

ninety-nine percent perspiration!

Reading Habit (वी�ची�ला तरी वी�ची�ला! )

Hobby ( का8 ठीला� तरी� छं)दो जा�पा�सू� )

“आया8ष्या�त माला� भा�वीला+ला) एका ग8जा सू�)गत�.

उपाजिजाविवीका+ सू�ठी$ आवीश्याका असूणा�ऱ्या� विवीर्षांया�ची) णि<क्षणा

जारुरी घ्या�. पा�ट�पा�ण्या�ची� उद्या�ग जिजाद्दीUन) कारी�, पाणा

एवीढ्या�वीरीची र्थी�)बा� नका�. सू�विहीत्या, लिची?, सू)ग�त, न�ट्य,

णि<ल्पा, खो+ळा या�)तल्या� एखो�द्या� तरी� काला+<� माX?� जामावी�.

पा�ट�पा�ण्या�ची� उद्या�ग त8म्ही�ला� जागवी�ला, पाणा काला+<�

जामाला+ला� माX?� त8म्ही� का� जाग�याची) ही+ सू�)ग�न जा�ईला.”

- पा8. ला. दो+<पा�)ड+ 

•Regular exercise.

Commit to be fit.

•Social work.

You owe something to


Ednexa Online Bridging Course

इ. १० वी� वी ११ वी� Science माधी�ला अभ्या�सूक्रमा�ची�

दोरी� मा�ठी$ आही+. difficulty level माध्या+ बारी�ची फरीका

आही+. तसू+ची, इ. ५ वी� त+ १० वी�त�ले अन+का

concepts ही+ पा8ढ+ असूणा�ऱ्या� अभ्या�सूक्रमा�ची� पा�या�

आही+त. या� सूवीB concepts ची� revision

कारीण्या�सू�ठी$ आणिणा ११ वी�च्या� अभ्या�सूक्रमा�ची� पा�या�

पार्क्सका� कारीण्या�सू�ठी$ एड̀न+र्क्ससू� तफa विवीद्या�र्थ्यांया��सू�ठी$ मा�फत

Online Bridging Course घे+तले� जा�णा�री आही+.

Live webinars द्वा�री+ विवीद्या�र्थ्यांया��न� आमाच्या� तज्ज्ञा

प्र�ध्या�पाका�)च्या� मा�गBदोर्शBन�ची� ले�भा घे+त� या+णा�री आही+.

Bridging Course च्या� वी+ळा�पा?का�ची� मा�विहीत� या� वी+बासू�ईटवीरी वी

त्या�चीप्रमा�णा+ SMS द्वा�री+ काळावीण्या�त या+ईले.

Best Of Luck...!