How to Soothe a Teething Baby( BABY TEETHING MASSAGER)

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to Soothe a Teething Baby( BABY TEETHING MASSAGER)

How to Soothe a Teething Baby

Treating Teething At Home• Rub your baby's gums with a clean

finger. If your baby is teething, sometimes simply applying pressure can relieve some of the pain. Rub a clean finger over your baby's gums. If you're not comfortable using your finger, you can also use a moistened gauze pad.

Keep your baby's mouth cool• Keeping your baby's mouth cool can

relieve some of the pain of teething. You can use a variety of cool substances to cool off your baby's gums and mouth.You can use a cold wash cloth, a cold spoon, or a slightly chilled teething ring to help your baby feel better.[2]While cold substances can help, anything frozen can be bad for your baby's health. Contact with extremely cold temperatures can be harmful to the mouth and gums.

Invest in a teething device• You can purchase a teething

device online or at a local drug store. Teething devices can be traditional teething rings, which are small plastic devices babies can chew on when their gums are bothering them. You can also buy teething blankets, which can be more convenient. Some teething devices vibrate to massage the gums and add extra relief.

Give your baby hard foods• If your baby is old enough to eat

solid foods, harder foods can help. Your baby can chew or gnaw on harder food items, such as peeled cucumbers or carrots or teething biscuits, and the pressure can provide pain relief.[5]Keep a close eye on your baby if you give him hard foods, or place the hard foods in a mesh feeding bag approved for this use. You want to make sure he does not choke

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