How To Solve Water Heater Leaking Issues

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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Transcript of How To Solve Water Heater Leaking Issues

What To Do When You Have A Hot Water Heater Leaking Problem

SUMMARY - Water heaters often have leaking issues, particularly older ones

This information shows what action to take in simple steps and

covers a wide selection of hot water heater leaking problems in a

clear and understandable guide

Water tank leaking is never a positive event to occur in your daily life and we never want to see this


There is often different degrees of severity of water tank leaking which ranges from a very small puddle

to a mini-flood

What is important to note is that you do not ignore the


You should immediately take action straight away as in the long run you will potentially save a lot of

money, hassle and time

A small leak can very often turn into a much bigger leak and in some cases can cause the hot water tank to fully rupture

Look at the size of the water tank and imagine all that hot

water all over the floors

So what causes your water tank to leak? Well there are many reasons why your hot water tank is leaking and they can usually be

determined by the exact location of the leak itself

Firstly though, make yourself safe

If you have an electric water heater turn it off

Turn the water supply off as well, after you find the location of the leak as it may actually stop once the water supply is off

Now you can find the water leaking location so we can find a solution to the problem

You should check that the leak is not coming from any overhead pipes and

make sure that you check the pipes that are attached to your hot water

heater tank

If the leak is actually coming from one of the pipes then

consider yourself lucky

All you will have to do is simply replace - don't bother trying to repair here as the cost involved is relatively cheap

This means that you will not need to replace the water tank

Now find the exact location of the water heater leakage so you can apply the correct solution for

your problem

If the leak is coming from underneath the hot water heater, then it could be two things

The leak can be explained in two ways, one possibility is that the valve (called the drain

valve) is faulty and leaking (this needs replacing) or that the water tank has rusted at the bottom

A rusted water heater tank is never a good thing and is a sign of

failure, you should immediately consult expert advice and ideally

look to replace the water heater

If the location of the leak is from the top of the tank, then you should first check the TP valve

(temperature-pressure) first

This is usually the main reason of leakages from the top of the


If the valve is responsible for the leak, then you have two solutions

to try, firstly reduce the temperature inside the heater, this

can often stop the leak

If this does not work try flipping the valve as dirt often gets stuck

inside, if neither of these work then you should replace the valve

It is very important to get this fixed, the main reason being is that this valve

makes the heater safe, if the valve is faulty , that means pressure can build

up, more pressure than the tank can handle and BANG - no more heater and

a flood in your house

Is the heater leaking from the tank itself? You will find in most cases that this is down to rust

This in a funny way is a good sign, as it signifies that the water

heater is failing and it is time to either call a plumber to assess or

simply replace the heater

The reason being is that the hole where the leak is coming from will only grow and eventually the tank

will fail and hot water will be thrown all over the place

Repairing the heater is not really advisable and is not an

option most plumbers will give

Not only would it be quite expensive to repair, the parts inside would need to be

replace (like the anode rod) so it does not fail so quickly