How to Set Up a Facebook Business Page

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Promote your business and engage with customers for free using a Facebook page.

Transcript of How to Set Up a Facebook Business Page

How to Create a Facebook Page for Your Business

Why Use a Facebook Page?

It's a free way to promote your business.

It gives you more engagement with prospects and customers.

Pages show up high in search engine results, giving your business better visibility.

A page can also serve as a simple blog for your company.

Start with a personal account.

Log in at the top or fill in the form to create a free account.

Getting Started

Click the link at the bottom of the sign-up form to create your “page.”


Getting Started

After you sign into your personal account, click the “Ads and Pages” link on the left side of your Wall.


Getting Started

Type in the URL:

Setting Up Your Business Page

Start with the form on the right.

Setting Up Your Business Page

Select business type (local business).

Enter your page name.

WARNING! You cannot change this name—ever!

Confirm that you're the official representative of your company.

Getting Started with Your Page Follow the

steps on the welcome screen to add a profile picture, invite friends, write company info, promote the page, and more.

Add Your Profile Picture

Click “Upload an Image.”

Find your company logo from your hard drive/server.

Make sure the file is under 4 MB.

Build Your Page

Don't proceed with Step 2 (Invite Friends).

First, build your page by adding info about your company.

Build Your Page Start with the

“Write something about <your company>” box.

Be concise. Sell the FB page

rather than your company.

What value will people get from becoming a fan?

Build Your Page

Next, go to “Edit Page.”

Build Your Page

Fill in your basic contact info.

Even if you're solely an online business, entering a physical location can reassure visitors that you're not a “fly-by-night” organization.

Build Your Page

Use “Detailed Info” to give readers a sense of who you are.

Think of it as your “About Us” page on your website or marketing literature.

Use the description to provide a brief glimpse of what your company does.

Build Your Page

Scroll down Use “General

Information” to provide background info, your mission statement, special offers...

Don't overdo it with text.

Price Range?


Click on the tabs at the top to access different “pages.”

The “+” lets you add more tabs. Don't overdo it with tabs, either. Five

is plenty.

Your Wall

This is the place to post “status updates”

Post blog updates, leading questions, special offers, company news.

Keep in mind that the goal is to encourage comments and conversation.

Discussions Tab

A great way to generate conversations with fans. Post questions that make people want to respond.

Notes Tab

Notes can be used for articles you've written.

Acts like a blogging space.

I wouldn't advise using this in place of a blog, though.

Other Tabs

Add events, video, favorite links, and more.

Customize your page to fit your business...

If you're more comfortable in front of a camera, use Video instead of Notes.

Promoting Your Page

Invite friends! (But only friends who might have an interest in your business.

Encourage them to share, spread the word, and comment!

Promoting Your Page with Ads Use the Like Button

on your website! Or try a “Like Box.”

Promoting Your Page with Ads Create Ads Warning: This costs

$! Pay per click or

impression. Target a specific

demographic. Track your results.

Promoting Your Page Create ads to add more fans. Warning: This costs $! Pay per click or impression. Target a specific demographic. Track your results.


Metrics are key to the success of any social media campaign.

Facebook shows you who's visiting and when, so you can gauge the effectiveness of your posts.

Need More Help?

Facebook has plenty of Help documentation including FAQs and user forums.

Can't find what you need? Google it. There's perhaps too much info out there!

Is Facebook Worth It?

Like any marketing effort, your Facebook campaign won't succeed if you don't: make regular updates respond to comments and track your results.

But if you start posting expertise that is of value to your customers, the potential for going “viral” and getting immediate feedback can be make it worth the investment.

Good luck!

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