How to run a Sample Swim Meet with Meet Central™

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of How to run a Sample Swim Meet with Meet Central™

How to Run a Sample Swim Meet

with Meet Central™

Running a sample meet is easy with Meet Central™. All you’ll need is an iPad, Internet, and a few devices!

*Devices must be iOS8 Compatible

1. Airplane Mode

2. Connect to Internet

Once you open the app, triple tapping on the Meet Central™ logo will bring up the Support/Reset Sample Meet menu.

*Tap Reset Sample Meet if you ever want to start fresh.

After the Sample Meet is reset and you have selected “ScoreKeeper” as your role on the iPad, tap join the

swim meet. Don’t forget to read the warning! *In this case, just connect to the Internet

Once you’ve read the warning, you may now tap “Start The Huddle.”

You will now enter the Sample Meet Club ID, Starter key, and tap “Login”

Club ID: 001Starter Key: Fun

We’re almost there! Tap “Sample Meet”

Select how many Lanes, Timers, Judges, and set your pool configuration. After this,

tap “Check in for Meet ID”

Now we’re ready to join our Timers, Starter, and Stroke & Turn Judges. Enter the Meet ID “8013” and watch

them turn from Red to Green. After this, tap “START THE MEET”

On this screen you will configure the scoring. Set it up however you choose and tap “START THE MEET”

You are now ready to GO!*Use swimmer IDs 001-099

Time to HAVE FUN!
