How to Reduce Exam Stress

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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Transcript of How to Reduce Exam Stress

  • 8/3/2019 How to Reduce Exam Stress


    Dear Members,

    For some students Exam time is the most stressful part of their life. But to be honest

    this is not a correct thinking or approach. There are certain or simple things which

    can really help you to avoid last time examination stress. So through this brief write-up an attempt has been made to share some points regarding how to avoid

    examination stress.

    The theme of this write-up isavoid exam stress through a sound exam preparation

    because I personally feel that stress at the time of examination is the result of weak

    preparation and shows lack of self confidence towards the preparation. So some of

    the points mentioned in this write-up are connected or dealt with good exam

    preparation. Please find below some of my very simple observations regarding howto avoid the examination stress:

    1. Focus on conceptual study

    This is one of my all time and permanent suggestion. To avoid examination stress and

    secure long time professional success it is very essential to focus on conceptual study

    from the very beginning of your professional journey. Conceptual study is the only

    way out to deal with any sort of examination.

    2. Keep discussing the topics with your friends

    Another way out to deal with exam stress is to have a cool chat or exam oriented

    discussion with your friends and fellow students. This is helpful for you in many ways.

    Through these kinds of discussions you may clear your doubts and mentally prepare

    yourself for the battle ahead. Also keep in touch with your teachers for desired


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    3. Give a complete reading to the course

    It is also important to give a complete reading to the course content. Confidently

    strike off the topic which according to you is irrelevant and never asked in the exams.This point is totally connected with your self confidence and consequently reduces

    your exam stress. Remember in the exam hall a small hint or 10-20% knowledge is

    enough to attempt a question. A simple reading or knowledge can be very handy for


    4. Spend quality times with your family and friends

    One of the best way to handle exam stress is to spend some quality time with your

    family and friends. I urge you all to consider this point very important to regain the

    entire consumed energy and enthusiasm. According to me during exam time family

    and friends are like protein and energy boosters. They provide you the desired

    strength to fight with exam stress. So after a long study session have a relaxed chat

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    or interaction with your family and friends. I personally feel that this is a solid method

    to avoid exam stress. Try this

    5. Follow a fixed study plan honestly

    As per my personal understanding if you follow a regular study plan from the very

    beginning, you can easily avoid the exam stress. Exam stress is somewhere

    connected with your preparation method. If you are satisfied with your preparation

    then it would be easy for you to say bye-bye to exam stress. So try and understand

    the importance of this point and prepare and follow a detailed and flexible study plan

    from the very beginning.

    6. Stay away from all negative thoughts

    Negative thought or thinking is one of the biggest reasons of exam stress and

    consequent failure in exam. Without any proper reason avoid thinking that your

    preparation is bad or you are weak in theory or practical paper. Just go ahead and

    give your best shot. Do not allow negative thinking and consequent exam stress to

    distract you and your positive energy.

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    7. Always focus on good and flexible revision


    A good revision during exam time surely relaxed your mind and helps you to avoid

    unnecessary exam stress. So prepare a special strategy for course revision and

    prepare special short revision type notes. Plan your revision schedule as early as

    possible and follow the same honestly and keep reviewing it and make necessary

    changes as and when necessary. This point helps you to deal with lengthy course and

    improve your revision strategy. Select easy chapters as per your strength and gain

    tremendous confidence by practicing more & more questions. After gaining enough

    confidence remove that chapter from your final revision list. Now there is no need to

    revise that chapter during final revision and be confident about that chapter. Just

    follow your revision schedule strictly.

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    8. Use your previous exam experience

    Obviously you are not going to give first exam of your life. So use your experience of

    previous exams regarding how to handle the exam pressure. Also recall your

    previous exam success to generate much desired self confidence.

    9. Few general observations to avoid exam stress

    Some of the general observations to avoid exam stress are as follows:

    i.) Stay away from unnecessary examination pressure. Remember exams are justto test your knowledge and should not be treated as a pressure cooker.

    ii.) To avoid exam stress always believe in action. Thinking without action willincrease your stress and adversely affect your positivity.

    iii.) Always make provision for a small break during long study sessions torejuvenate your energy and strength.

    iv.) Slight nervousness is perfectly fine and inevitable during exam time. Butexcessive stress can be very harmful and block your thinking process. So just

    be careful.

    10. Have faith in your abilities and blessings of your parents

    Last but certainly not the least to avoid exam stress or any kind of stress in life it is

    very important to have faith in your abilities and efforts. Remember nobody is

    perfect so always ready to improve yourself. Always try your best with utmost

    sincerity and dedication. I am sure success will follow you. Also give due regards to

    the expectations of your parents and also remember with their blessings you can

    deal with any sort of pressure situation.

  • 8/3/2019 How to Reduce Exam Stress


    Getting a good nights sleep before an exam isexcellent preparation for the day ahead, so wehave compiled some tried and trusted Dos and

    Donts. The relaxation exercise works for adultstoo!


    y Have a warm milky drink or herbal tea beforebed.

    y Have a warm, fragrant bath before bed (not a

    hot one, see below)

    y Browse through a magazine or read a chapterof a (non school) book before putting out thelight.

    y Listen to some relaxing musicy Practise a simple relaxation exercise (see



    y AVOID the temptation to stay up late studyingso that you are over-tired, as your memorycannot retain things when your brain isexhausted.

    y AVOID stimulants such as tea, coffee or coladrinks for at least four hours before going tobed.

    y AVOID having a hot bath before you go to bed,as it is very stimulating.

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    y AVOID watching anything too exciting on TVbefore you go to bed, as it is difficult to thenunwind.


    a) When you are anxious or stressed you tendto worry a lot and things go round and roundin your head, which is a waste of energy.Worrying about a problem solves nothing!

    b) The opposite of being stressed and anxious is

    to be relaxed and calm.

    c) Practising a simple relaxation exercisebefore you go to sleep can help you to winddown and to get things into perspective.

    Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. ~Natalie Goldberg, Wild


    Releasing the pressure, it's good for the teapot and the water. Try it sometime. ~Jeb Dickerson,

    Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.

    There's always a light at the end of the tunnel. Exams have a beginning and an end, and the stress that

    goes along with them should end with the exam. Once the paper's in, there's nothing more you can do

    to (legally) influence the outcome

    Some students have discovered various mechanisms to deal with the pressure, like running

    away from home or simply refusing to appear for exams.

    If you are a student, there is no need to explain what exam stress is. Sleepless nights, troubled

    thoughts, loss of appetite, rapid pulse, trembling hands - these are typical manifestations ofexam fear. Recent research has shown that it affects all the systems of the human body:

    nervous, immune, cardiovascular, etc. Unfortunately, the negative influence of this

    phenomenon on the students body and their psychology is underestimated nowadays. Social

    polls demonstrate that students perceive the exams as a duel of questions and answers, as a

    severe torture as intellectual and emotional overload.

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    Do we need exams in the first place ? - Yes, exams are important for you as their results

    influence future professional career, your social status and your selfesteem. Every person has

    own optimal level of worry and anxiety, which helps him/ her to achieve the best results. You

    must learn how to control your stress and extra anxiety for preparing for the Test. If exams

    cause great worry, if you have some symptoms of exam stress (insomnia, rapid pulse, handstrembling and so on) you ought to do something about it.

    Here are a few tips that may help you reduce the exam stress:

    Believe in yourself.

    You are capable of passing the exam. You wouldn't have been given a place in the class or on

    the course if you didn't have the ability to do it.

    Dont just worry take action!

    If you don't understand some of your course material, getting stressed out won't help. Instead,take action by seeing your course tutor or asking your class mates to help you understand the


    Dont put yourself under too much pressure

    Aim to do your best but recognize that if you think that "anything less than A+ means I've

    failed" then you are creating unnecessary stress for yourself.

    Take a break.

    As soon as you notice you are losing concentration, take a short break go for a walk, talk to a

    friend or just listen to some music. Then you will feel refreshed and able to concentrate on your

    revision again.

    On the Exam Day:

    Try to avoid panic.

    It's natural to feel some exam nerves prior to starting the exam and that can be a positive andmotivating feeling. However, getting excessively nervous is counterproductive as it hinders your

    ability to think clearly.

    Breathe deep.

    The quickest and most effective way of eliminating feelings of stress and panic is to close your

    eyes and take several long, slow deep breaths. Breathing in this way calms your whole nervous


    Too much stress around exam time can cause any of the


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    a) an inability to focus on the exam question

    b) Forgetting material you've learned, through to

    headaches, cramps, nausea and shaking.

    c) None of which will help you manage a good mark in theexam! So how can you manage your stress levels to

    make sure they don't get in your way?


    a) Most students know that cramming the night before

    never works and they never setting up a study schedule

    in advance (and then following it) - but somehow, we

    end up doing it anyway!

    b)Start thinking about what you're going to need to study

    at least a few weeks (if not longer) before the exam, and

    set up a timetable for yourself. This is for revision part.

    Before that , you have to cover at least one round of


    c) Use checklists, and cross off each topic once you've

    covered it. Try different study techniques, and test

    yourself frequently to identify which ones work best for



    a) With so much study to do (or perhaps to avoid doing?),

    sleep is a common casualty of exam time.

    b) It's also one of your best allies for a clear mind, so if you

    care about your exam results, make sure you don't let it


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    c) Aim to get 7 hours a night minimum in the weeks

    leading up to exams (more if you're feeling tired -

    different bodies have different requirements), and

    ensure you get an early night before each exam - even if

    your exam isn't until the afternoon


    a) Perhaps more than at any other time of year,

    nutrition levels are critical during exam time.

    b)Our brains simply can't function optimally if we'renot supplying them with enough of the nutrients they


    c) If you're on any kind of calorie-controlled diet,

    consider relaxing it a little around exam time, and

    make sure you're eating plenty of fresh fruit,

    vegetables and whole grains.

    d) Consider a multi-vitamin supplement if you're not

    already taking one.


    a) As the exams draw closer, it can be easy to lock

    yourself in the library (or your room) and not

    come out for hours at a time.b)The trouble with this is that when we stop moving,

    our brains get sluggish.

    c) If you want to make sure you're taking in what you

    study, it's important to get some form of exercise -

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    even just a walk around the block - at least once a


    d)And if you're starting to feel stress symptoms

    building as you study, try taking time out forsomething even more energetic.


    There are a number of different relaxation methods

    available - how many have you tried?


    2)listening to soothing music,3) hypnosis audios,

    4) burning relaxing essential oils,


    6)hot (or cool) baths,

    7) Journaling and walking through somewhere green

    are all possibilities.


    a) Both before and during exams, oxygen is your friend!

    b)Focused deep breathing is a relaxation technique you

    can use regularly during the time leading up to the

    exam, and it's also a great tool to have during the exam


    c) When you're under pressure, it's natural for your

    breathing to start speeding up and getting shallower.

    d)Don't let it! Consciously take slower, deeper breaths

    and watch yourself start to relax, and your thoughts

    begin to clear as you do.The most painful thing to experience is not defeat but regret ~ Leo Bascaglia

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