How to Receive Angelic Guidance - Amazon S3 · 2014-11-01 · Connecting with your angels, and...

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Transcript of How to Receive Angelic Guidance - Amazon S3 · 2014-11-01 · Connecting with your angels, and...

How to Receive Angelic Guidance

Angel Course from

By Melanie Beckler

You have angels! Everyone who is alive on the planet has spirit guides and guardian angels who offer love, guidance, support and healing from beyond the physical. By learning to tune into your angels, you can access insights and guidance from the angelic realms to benefit your own life and share with others.

Before we start learning how to receive and tune into the guidance your angels are broadcasting... Lets lay a bit of foundation and take a quick look at what angels actually are!

What Are Angels?

Angels are spiritual beings of unconditional love and light who exist in the higher vibrational planes of existence. They exist outside of the constraints of time, space and ego, which allows them to exist in direct connection with Source at all times. This connection with the Divine enables angels to act as divine messengers for us in the physical realm.

Regardless of whether you are currently aware of your angels, and open to their love and guidance or not, they’re looking out for you and supporting you in your life from behind the scenes.

Elevating your energy to meet your angels is a valuable and powerful step on your path of spiritual development. Your angels are here to help to reconnect you with your path and purpose so you can alighn with what is most important to your soul in your journey through life.

Angels also serve to gently and lovingly guide you through challenges on your path, offering comfort, protection and healing when you need it most.

The angels have an infinite supply of guidance, love and light to share with you. They’re always near, and they’re always ready, willing, and waiting for you to reach up to make the connection.

By consciously linking with your angels using the skills you will learn in this course you will be able to clear and uplift your vibration to connect directly the angelic realms. Then, you can start to work with your angels to create blessings in your life, to benefit your family, friends, humanity, earth, and all that is.

Why Connect With Your Angels?

Once you establish a clear connection with the angelic realm there really are no limits to what can be

accomplished. Some angels specialize in healing, others in delivering messages from the Divine or from deceased loved ones and others can assist you in the manifestation process.

There are warrior angels, protection angels, teaching angels, guidance angels, nature angels, guardian angels, angels of wisdom, abundance, creativity, joy, inspiration, passion, laughter and so many more. There are even angels whose purpose is to watch over certain locations, people, projects, and even ideas.

Learning to tune into the guidance of your angels will help you to remember and align with your life purpose. Your life purpose may include sharing the guidance you receive from the angels with others, or it may be something completely different.

Your life purpose is the mufti-faceted reason for why you're present here in the physical world.

At soul level your purpose involves being here on earth for personal reasons like; healing karma through forgiveness and learning the lessons of love and service. You are also here to gain mastery through love in the multidimensional Earth 'classroom' of the physical, mental, emotional, digital and spiritual realms.

In addition, many souls alive on the planet now are here to work with the light energy and help increase the amount of light and love present in humanity and on Earth. These individuals are called lightworkers.

If you resonate at all with being a lightworker, earth angel, or you simply feel you are here on Earth the purpose to help the Earth and humanity, you are!

Connecting with your angels, and uniting with the light of your higher self will help you to know and accomplish your unique light-work advancing you on the path of living your life purpose.

Let's Get Started!

Guided Angel Message #1 Meeting Your Guardian Angels

Listen to the Meet Your Guardian Angels .MP3

Once you listen to the above message, be sure to take a moment to write down in your journal the names of your guardian angels, as well as any guidance, or insights you received during the meditation.

How to Talk to Your Angels

Angels are spiritual beings, and so while you may want them to physically appear before you and tell you what you want to know, it’s most likely you will need into enter the divine space within yourself to experience the connection, and to perceive their guidance.

Receiving angelic guidance and 'talking to angels' is not only about getting answers.

Answers are a portion of this kind of communication, yes, but by default in connecting with the guidance of angels you will be connecting with angelic healing, coaching, wisdom, insight, and energy clearing which all happen regardless of whether you are hearing specific answers or not.

It's important to ask, and then be open to the guidance from the angels which appears in many ways. If you really want a specific answer, or if you really want the angels to help you in a certain , your expectation can block the assistance which will most serve, or the answer which is the highest truth.

Ask, and then allow the answer to appear in its own unique way.

Ask, and then allow the assistance to unfold in the way which will most serve you, Earth and humanity alike.

Angels Communicate in Five Main Ways

You can learn to develop any number of your subtle psychic senses to receive messages from the angels, but the easiest way to do this is to start with the sense which is most natural to you.

How you will receive angel messages depends on how you perceive the physical and spiritual realms.

To determine your strongest sense, you simply need to be open and aware.

When you ask for help, trust that your angels are indeed communicating, and that you have everything you need to receive and comprehend their guidance. One of the biggest blocks most people face in opening to receive angelic guidance, is expecting to experience the angels in a specific way, when in reality they naturally perceive the guidance much differently.

You are already receiving angelic guidance and you have been all your life. Now it's simply a matter of becoming aware of how you receive guidance, and learning to tune into the answers and assistance in the way it most clearly presents itself for you.

Now, lets look at the five main ways the angels will communicate.

You will likely experience a blend of a few of these, with one sense initially seeming the strongest. Remember to be open to receive guidance in the way which works for you naturally and your complementary senses will naturally open and develop as well.

1. Feelings

Emotional, as well as physical senses and feelings are often used by the angels to communicate guidance.

Receiving angel messages and psychic information through a sense of feeling is known as clairsentience. When you receive guidance in this way it's important to trust your feeling, and do your best to put your feeling into words. Gut instincts are usually spot on for clairsentients who ask for guidance from the angels.

A ‘yes’ response from the angels may come in the form of feeling love or joy in response to a topic or question. This feeling of joy can also be a more general validation that you’re on the right path and in alignment with your higher purpose and the guidance of the Divine and of your angels.

A feeling of dread, tightening in the stomach or jaw, or just feeling uncomfortable may signal a ‘no’ response to a question from your angels. Feeling off in this way may also be a sort of warning from the angels, alerting you to the presence of negative energies, or upcoming situations you need to be mindful of.

When you do feel tense, or experience a tightening in your jaw or stomach, pay attention!

Call in white light and angels to clear and protect your energy, and be aware about what you were thinking, or the course you were taking, as clairsentience is a common way to receive guidance from the angels.

Spiritual chills are another way the angels communicate their guidance and presence through feeling. For many, getting the chills happens as a sort of validation. You may also feel a chill in the air as a sign to pay attention. Increased awareness in the moment will help you to decipher chills, and any other feelings you receive from the angels.

2. Sight

The second way angels communicate is through sight. This includes both seeing with your physical eyes, as well as seeing with your minds eye, or third eye, which is called clairvoyance.

Lets talk about physical sight first because I want to be sure to clarify that this does not necessarily mean seeing angels in front of you manifest as physical beings (especially when first starting out). Rather, once you invoke your angels, and ask a question, everything you tune into after that point has a specific reason.

As an example, let's say you've started a new project, and you ask your angels what the potential outcome will be.

After asking, you for some reason look out your window and you look right at an airplane. Guess what? The angels are drawing this to your attention for a reason, and on some level travel, a business trip, or maybe even a vacation are in store for you as you continue working on the project you've asked about.

Once your attention is drawn to the plane and you focus upon it, trust it is happening for a reason and be open for your additional feelings, senses and knowing to fill in the gaps in deciphering what it means.

Seeing with your minds eye is called clairvoyance and it involves receiving mental images of colors, images, people, shapes, animals, concepts, or you may even see a movie like scene playing out in your minds eye.

This can come in response to a question, through meditation, or when you are deep in contemplation about a person or situation. Flashes of light, sparkles, and seeing color are a common way clairvoyance opens allowing you to begin seeing angels.

3. Hearing

Hearing the guidance from angels is known as clairaudience.

Hearing angels can be both inside of your mind, as a stream of thought alongside your own, and perhaps even in your own voice. Hearing angels may also seem to originate externally, as if your angel were standing next to you speaking in the same way you would listen to a person. Through hearing both internally, and externally, you can receive clear and accurate guidance from your angels.

For those who are new to hearing angels, they often miss the guidance, writing it off as their own inner self speaking. Keep in mind, when you ask your angels a question you will receive an answer, which sometimes does appear very similarly to your inner voice.

With practice and awareness you can learn to distinguish what is your own voice and thoughts and what is guidance from the angels. A simple trick to help you distinguish what is your angels and what is your ego is to remember that angelic guidance is loving, empowering and uplifting. Angelic guidance is also repetitive until you pay attention and get the message, so if you keep hearing an idea, it's likely a message from your angels which you'll keep hearing until you finally listen and take the appropriate action. Also, when you ask the angels a question you will become aware of their message almost immediately after you pose your question.

You may also hear angelic music playing, or hear a slight buzz, or even a beep as your angels come into your awareness. For many people who are just opening to clairaudience, hearing their name being called out by a gentle or celestial voice upon first waking is a common occurrence.

4. Knowing

Have you ever just known something to be true without being sure how or why you knew? This is how claircognizance, or clear knowing works.

You ask your angels a question, and suddenly you know the answer. It's not that you hear it, see it, or feel it, you just know. It's like the answer is impressed upon your consciousness, and deep down you know it to be true.

Clairgognizance can also help you to see the truth about people, situations and circumstances, or to simply know when you are in the presence of angels even when you don't seem to be receiving other signs. Trust this knowing, as it is a powerful psychic sense and a common way for your angels to communicate.

5. Signs

In addition to offering direct guidance through your subtle senses, angels will often communicate with you through a variety of signs and signals. These signs and signals include song lyrics playing at just the right time, overhearing bits and pieces of a seemingly random conversations, noticing the words or messages on actual signs or billboards, finding coins, seeing rainbows, finding crystals or feathers, and more!

When you pay attention, you will find that angelic guidance is everywhere. The trick is to remain

centered, present and aware so that you can tune into the symbols and signs your attention is drawn to and to understand the deeper meaning your angels are working on communicating.

It also really helps to write down the occurrences you think may be signs from your angels. Often by just writing something down, it suddenly seems to make more sense. In addition, you can then look back over all the angel signs you've received to notice the common signs your angels use, and when.

Cleansing Your Energy to Connect With Your Angels

As you now know, your angels are always around you. But then, why is it that you can't always clearly hear, feel or sense their presence of guidance?

This is because their vibration is so light and pure it often takes clearing and elevating your personal vibration in order to tune into them.

This next meditation with Archangel Michael will help you to do just that.

As you continue on your path in receiving angelic guidance, keeping your energy clear and balanced is key. To support yourself on this path staying hydrated, eating healthy, exercising, and honoring yourself by taking time to play and enjoy life, are important steps in opening to receive clear guidance from your angels.

In addition, your angels may offer you specific guidance on steps you can take to increase your connection with them. I know several people who have been either been guided to switch to a vegetarian diet, give up coffee, take more walks in nature, or start taking salt baths in order to strengthen their connection. You may not know why you're being asked to make a diet or lifestyle change, but it you act on the guidance, it will increase your clarity to connection. Don't let this scare you though, I also have a friend who still eats lots of steak, drinks red wine, and has coffee with lots of sugar every morning, and she is one of the most connected people I know, and teaches others how to channel, it really just depends on your energy and what your angels recommend.

To get started clearing and elevating your vibration, relax and listen to your next guided angel meditation with Archangel Michael where you will be assisted in cutting and releasing any cords, scanning your energy and releasing density in all forms to elevate your vibration so you can clearly tune into your team of angels and guides.

Listen to the Cleanse and Meet Your Team .MP3

Where to look for angels.

Angels are high vibrational beings. When you tune into the energy of someone, including yourself, you have the ability to tune into their angels by learning to sense these higher levels of vibration.

Here are some of the types of spiritual beings you or the person you are tuning into may have with them and where you will likely notice the presence of these angels, guides, deceased loved ones and spiritual beings.

This was just covered in the Archangel Michael clearing and connecting meditation, but I wanted to

give you a quick conscious recap here, as well.

Fairies, Nature Angels, Elementals, Driads, and Devas – Around the feet or legs

Pets, Power Animals, Mythical Animals – Around the legs or waist

Deceased Loved Ones and Ancestors – Around the midsection. Deceased loved ones often will often stand behind you.

Spirit Guides – Can be found in a circle around your center.

Guardian Angels – Over the right and left shoulders or near the third eye.

Archangels and Ascended Masters – Directly overhead, usually above the crown chakra

Star Beings – Way above the person... People with a star connection often have a type of silver or light cord extending up into the cosmos or toward a 'mother ship'.

Which of these guides and angels do you notice are present with you?

Write down in your journal the types of guides and angels you feel are present with you now.

Opening to Angelic Communication

As you've learned there are many ways to receive guidance from your angels. Lets jump in and give you some first hand experience communicating with your angels so you can discover how you best receive guidance from the angels.

You will likely find that as you practice and continue asking questions and receiving guidance your connection becomes stronger, blocks are removed, and your subtle senses open allowing you to receive more in-depth guidance in a number of ways.

Listen to the Receiving Angelic Guidance .MP3 Now

Once you've listened to the above meditation, take some time to write down the guidance you tuned into during the meditation.

This is also a good time to practice connecting with your angels on your own now, to receive guidance, and then record in your journal what you've received.

The process is simple, call in white light, call in your angels, relax, open your heart and enter in...

Ask a question, ask for guidance, ask for information and receive insight and guidance from your angels.

Even if it doesn't make much sense to you now, jot down a few notes before proceeding.

Your Ego Mind

A course on receiving angelic guidance would not be complete without talking about the role of your ego mind.

You might be surprised to know that even the most well known and enlightened spiritual teachers still have ego based insecurities and life challenges manifesting.

I know I do and so does every other spiritual teacher I have ever met.

We are all human, so remember that when you find yourself having some doubt, judging the information you receive, or questioning whether you are really tuned into the guidance of your angels, or just making it up, that it is perfectly normal and a part of the process.

Dealing with the ego's input is a natural part of spiritual development especially when you are learning to receive guidance from your angels.

So how do you deal with your ego mind? Turn away!

One of my first spiritual teachers explained this process as 'turning your cheek away from the ego, and focusing upon love' and it really is that simple.

Your ego mind will want to come up with all kinds of excuses for why you can't or aren't able to access angelic guidance, but the truth is you can!

Your ego mind may say you're too tired, too old, too young, too fat, too skinny, too busy, too distracted, that you need more training, more reading, a better location, more peace and quiet, and probably many more excuses!

Generally speaking, your ego mind will be the voice of doubt, judgement and excuses. Once you can identify those thoughts as your ego mind interjecting, you know what to ignore and this opens you up to hearing, sensing or feeling the quieter and empowering communications from your angels.

If you do find yourself buying into what your ego is telling you, and we all do from time to time, just call upon Archangel Michael.

Think or say “Archangel Michael please cut the cord to the excuses from my ego mind.” or

“Archangel Michael please help me to turn away from my ego so I can clearly hear and receive the guidance from my angels”

Ask and Michael will answer. Then, trust you're supported, call in your angels, and ask for and receive the guidance available to you now.

If you do find you're judging, doubting, or thinking fear based thoughts. Simply think “Stop, clear, and release”. Stop the negative thought, clear it from manifesting in your life, and release the thought into the light with assistance from the angels and from the Divine.

Automatic Writing

Automatic writing is a powerful tool for receiving angelic guidance, because the very act of writing opens your mind up to receive inspiration, ideas, and messages. When you have a pen in your hand,

and you place it onto paper, your brain automatically thinks there is going to be some sort of information, message or concept coming through.

This is the natural process which happens when you place a pen to paper to write, and so receiving messages from spirit in this way does not feel scary, or weird, or out of the norm for the ego mind, and so it allows the guidance to flow though.

When you put in the focused effort to develop automatic writing, it’s likely your supporting psychic senses will kick in to help you receive and interpret the guidance from the spiritual or angelic beings you’re connecting with. So don’t be surprised if you feel, sense, hear or see the angel you’re automatic writing messages from, just stay present and aware, and enjoy the connection.

You can also use automatic writing by typing on your computer, and I sometimes do… I just find it easier and more fun to do automatic writing the old fashioned way with a pen and notebook, so this is where I would recommend you begin. But by all means, if you’re inspired to give this a try on your computer go for it, test it out, or try both ways, and see what works best for you.

Now to help you open to automatic writing I channeled another powerful message with Archangel Michael, which you can now read below.

Automatic Writing with Archangel Michael

Listen to the Automatic Writing .MP3 Message from Archangel Michael. Or it has been transcribed for you below.

Greetings beloved one, indeed I am Archangel Michael, present with you now, here to assist you in learning a powerful new technique for receiving angelic guidance through automatic writing. Through automatic writing, you are able to bypass the filter of your ego mind. You are able to receive the guidance of your angels directly into written form. To proceed, get out your notebook and a pen, and place them before you. When you’re ready, with your notebook before you and with a pen in your hand, begin to relax. Imagine that you are surrounded with divine white light and in the presence of 100,000 angels of love, light and protection. Think of your guardian angels, and invite them in.

Take a deep breath and now feel your energy flowing down, grounding you to the earth. Go down energetically, until you reach the light at the core of the earth. Connect with the incredible light you find therein. Feel, know and experience your oneness with the light at the core of the earth which you are connected to, which is connected to God, and which is connected to All That Is. And now imagine that this light of the Divine and of earth, begins to flow up. Imagine it flowing up through the bottom of your feet, up along your legs, activating and opening your root chakra, your sacral chakra, your solar plexus chakra, flowing up along your spinal column, activating and opening your heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra, crown chakra, your soul star chakra above your crown, and your upper chakras, nine through twelve even higher.

Imagine you are continuing up into the light, up above the lights, into direct presence with Source, God and All That Is. Feel this incredible energy of Divine presence all around you now. From this place, in direct connection with Source, take your pen and place it with the tip onto your notepad and write. “I now invite my highest, best, most loving possible angel who can most serve, please connect through automatic writing now.” In its most simple form you can simply write: “I now, invite my angel to connect with me now.” Open your heart, quiet your mind and now write a question. A good question to write to begin is simply, “What guidance do you have for me now?” Write the question, open your heart and then continue to write. This time, write down the guidance you are receiving from your angel. Know that you may begin to hear the message. If so, write down one word at a time, exactly what you hear. Don't worry about where the message is going, if it’s going to make any sense, or what the overall gist of the message will be. Just write it down.

You may receive this guidance as a general knowing of a concept, or of an idea. Do your best to put it into words, not filtering it through your ego mind, just writing it down on the paper. You may see words flash before you mind’s eye, or you may see a scene unfolding. Write down what you see.

You may find that your pen simply wants to write. You may find that you’re simply receiving an intuitive inspirational message. Without questioning, judging, or filtering the message in anyway, write down what you receive now. Allow whatever wants to flow through you now, in whatever form it comes to pass through you onto the paper, through your pen, for the highest and greatest good according to Divine will, and so, it is.

Write. Allow the message to flow. Allow the guidance from your angel to appear, not judging or critiquing what you receive. Don't worry about how you are receiving the guidance, there's no need to label or identify exactly how or why this works for you, just write. Know that this may take some practice for you to dial in. For now, just write. If its gibberish, squiggly lines, symbols or a loving supportive stream of consciousness and message from your angels coming through, write it down. When you seem to have written the entire message, you can write another question and allow the answer to appear in the same way. Continue to work with this process to receive a written message from your angels. There are some who have the thought that automatic writing needs to be mystical and enchanting, where the pen seems to move independently and mystically on its own. If this happens, allow it.

But perhaps, more likely, you will receive a message in some form through your subtle senses, and instead of filtering it through your mind, simply write it down right away. And when you’ve completed writing, you can go back and read the answer from your angels. Although you are the one writing, you are still 'automatic writing' to receive guidance from your angel. Practice this now, knowing that I, Archangel Michael am right here with you, protecting you and supporting you energetically.

Remember your process is simple. Ground and feel your oneness with earth, with the light at the core of the earth and with All That Is. Allow the light to flow up through your feet, and up along your spinal column activating your chakras. Go up into the light into direct presence with Source and with the Divine. Breathe, relax, and from this place in writing, invite your angel in.

Write down your question, and then allow the flow of Divine and angelic guidance to begin.

Practice this now.

Practice & Integrating Your Angelic Guidance

As you continue to practice the process of tuning into the guidance from your angels, you will find that you learn to hear, sense, interpret and trust your guidance more easily, over time. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to assume you’re making it all up and to throw in the towel and chalk this little experiment up to a failure.

As with all things in life, gaining confidence in the guidance you are receiving takes practice.

With confidence in the process of gaining insight and guidance from your guides and angels in your life, you may experience less stress and more love and positive blessings manifesting in your life.

Even when challenges present themselves, being able to tune into guidance and insight from your angels can make dealing with life's inevitable challenges that much easier.

Being able to confidently move forward in your life knowing that you are on your soul's path is an amazing feeling that you can achieve when you take the time needed to practice learning how to connect with your angels.

Connecting With Other Like Minded People & Lightworkers

Lastly, you may find that you have unique experiences that you would like to communicate about but you don't exactly know who to talk to, or where to turn for this kind of discussions.

This lack of community can create a feeling like 'I'm alone' when the truth is that there are millions of lightworkers all over the world who are advancing on their personal spiritual path.

I am happy to share with you a new resource that is available to you as an customer where you can connect with other visitors, subscribers, members and customers to discuss the experiences you are having to gain further insight.

Simply visit and click the 'Sign Up' button to set up your free account there and introduce yourself.

From here, you are able to read about the experiences and ideas of the more than 1000 members who are all at different stages in their personal spiritual growth.

You are also able to post about your experiences and share your questions with the community so that others who have had similar experiences may share their insights on what helped them to offer you even more perspective and insight on the situation.


To conclude this course you have a final meditation with Archangel Michael which will assist you with a final cleansing of your energy and in releasing any lingering blockages. You will integrate everything you've learned in this course so far so you can receive clear angelic guidance for yourself.

Listen to the final .MP3 with Archangel Michael, and then write down in your journal the guidance you receive from your angels during this meditative experience.

This course is designed to be a resource that you will receive benefit from time and time again.

Connecting with your angels takes practice and persistence, but is well within your ability. You may need to go through the audio components of this course more than once to experience the fullness in guidance that is available to you from the angelic realm.

Your angels are always with you and always willing to help and offer you guidance, it's simply a matter of quieting your mind, lifting in light, opening your heart, and tuning in.

Enjoy the journey!

Listen to the Archangel Michael- Receive Guidance .MP3 Now...

This is an 8 Min Guided Meditaiton with Archangel Michael with 22 minutes additional Thaddeus meditation music to help you deepen your connection and to receive guidance from your angels. You will be guided into a high vibrational state, and then assisted in tuning into the guidance from your angels.

Relax, breathe and enjoy!

With love, light, and gratitude, Melanie