How to protect your email account?

Post on 28-Jan-2018

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Transcript of How to protect your email account?

How to identify spam emails quickly? Vicky Liu

With the rapid development of network, it is much easier for us to find lots of useful information quickly, but at the same time, it gives more chances for the frauds. Actually, fraud is something that everyone has heard about, and everywhere can be found, even you just do business with local companies. It can never be completely eliminated, but it can be minimized. As a sales, we have the responsibilty to protect our email's safety. We should not only protect our email's passwords, but also stay away from the attachments and links from frauds.

We need to spend plenty of time reading emails, but actually many of them are from frauds, except some normal development letters from suppliers. If we can identify spam emails quickly, it can help us save a lot of time that we can make full use of the time to do other things.

As a sales with 6 years experience in custom plastic injection molding(, I would like to give you some useful tips about how to identify spam emails quickly. Below are some typical examples of spam emails:

1,Your email address is not included in the recipient's

2, Pretend as Alibaba or other B2B or B2C. This is the most difficult for us to identify, and the easiest be cheated.

3, Pretend as our email server:

4, Pretend as customer:

5, Pretend as courier like DHL:

6, Pretend as SNS like Linkedin or Facebook, etc.:

7, Pretend as forwarder:

8, Investment or Lottery, or transfer money for them:Never believe it!:

To make it simple and short:

1) Whenever you open a link or attachments, pls be sure it is safe.

2) Never log in and put in your passwords. If you do it by mistake, change your passwords at once!

3) Before you pay, make sure the recipient's email is not stolen, especially when you are noticed to make payment to another new account.

---------------------------------------------VickyRespon Plastic Industrial Co.,Ltd.Add: NO 509 Wulv Road, Tong’an Industrial Zone, Tong’an, Xiamen, ChinaZip Code:361100Cell: 008615985829163Email: sales01@rpimoulding.comWebsite: Skype: rpimouldingWelcome to learn more from Reddit: chinamoldmaker