How to prepare for board exams

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of How to prepare for board exams

Fear of exam

"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them."

The strategies below can help you keep pace throughout the year. They will ensure exam success as well as mastery of the subject.

study textbooks throughly

There is probably no chance of a question in exam paper beyond your prescribed textbooks. So ensure that your are well versed with all topics and concepts in your textbook.

Do not ignore diagrams, tables or graphs in your textbooks.

Solve past year's question papers

Try to solve at least ten past year's question papers and sample papers to get an idea of the exam pattern and important questions.Solving past year's papers will help you to get exam-ready.

Stress on important points/formulae

Memorising certain important formulae, notes and dates is required almost in all subjects.Write down these points on flash cards that can be easily carried by in your pocket and wallet.

Write down these notes in bright colors' on sticky notes or chart paper and stick it around your study place so that every time you pass by, you will take a look on them.

Studying in the early mornings is the best time as there is minimal distraction outside which helps you concentrate better.

Many students feel sick during exam due to pressure, sleep deprivation and improper diet.

You should have at least 7 hours of sound sleep everyday .Drink adequate amount of water.Have atleat four healthy meals.Drink a glass of milk before going to bed.

Answer the following in true or false to

check your study skills

•Note-taking styles are pretty much the same.•How long I study is more important than concentrating while I study.•Memory techniques can make it easier for me to do well in exams.•Everyone learns in the same way.•Some people are just not smart.•Putting up posters with review points won’t make any difference to my grades.•Mind maps are an effective way to review and summarize what I’ve learned.•Time can be my ally or my enemy. It’s up to me.

Answers: 1-F, 2-F, 3-T, 4-F, 5-F, 6-F, 7-T, 8-T