How To Post and Upload FarmVille Picture

Post on 10-Mar-2016

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How To Post and Upload FarmVille Picture

Transcript of How To Post and Upload FarmVille Picture

How To Post and Upload FarmVille Picture

1. Go to Farmville scroll all the way out of your farm (if needed) then go into Full Screen.

2. Then If on a Mac Hit Command Shift and 4(to select a small portion) Command Shift and 3 (for whole screen)2b. On A PC Hit the Print Screen on your keyboard [PrtScn]

3. When the picture is on your desktop use a photo editing software Photoshop(Mac and PC) and the basic programsyour computer should have came with MAC(Preview) and PC(Paint) past the picture on your desktop to the program you are using then crop to remove your stats and friends.

3b. then hit crop (for a mac), you should have a photo like below(save it to your desktop). it should be fairly the same on a PC

4. Your newly cropped photo should be on your desktop keep that there. got to (you should have a photo like below)

4b. Hit choose file and select the photo you cropped then on resize scroll down on Message Board (640X480)

4c. You should now have a screen that looks like the picture above. Now hit UPLOAD NOW

5. Now last step when you hit UPLOAD NOW you should have a screen like below

5b. Use IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards copy the IMG Code

6. Then the final step is to post it into the forum and paste it into the forum. then you are done.