How to overcome High Bounce Rates?

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to overcome High Bounce Rates?


High Bounce Rates?This might be why!



Slow Web Pages

Times have changed. Nobody has the time and patience to wait for your web page to load.

4 out of 10 visitors will leave your website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. And around 47% of them expect your web to load in less that 2 seconds. Here are ways by which you can reduce your load time:

- Minimize HTTP requests- Reduce server response time- Use compressed images- Enable browser caching- Minify resources


4 out of 10 visitors will leave your website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load


visitors expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less

Too many Call To Actions

Your call to actions can make your visitor to come to the webpage but bounce away as well. Most business owners and savvy Internet marketers know that calls to action – invitations to register, purchase, or take another next step – are an important part of turning website visitors into paying customers. But you can end up putting too many call to actions on the page which might result in high bounce rate.

A webpage with too many call to actions on it, overwhelms the visitor with number of possibilities where the visitor has no idea which link or button will deliver whatever he or she is looking for. 


More visitors convert to leads from personalized CTA’s as compared to untargeted CTA’s

Poor Site Design

Developing a website is not as easy as it may seem because even the smallest mistakes can lead to poor user experience and increase bounce rate. Therefore, you have to be very careful while designing a website for your business. Your website works like the face of your brand and if it is not impressive, then your brand value drops drastically.

Make sure that you are not committing these common design blunders, and have a web or UX designer review the site.



Time taken by visitor to form an opinion about your website


Visitors form an opinion about the website based on the design alone

Mobile Unresponsive

Mobile is not the future, it is the present. Number of mobile users is more than the number of PC or Laptop users.

This means that if your website is not mobile friendly then you are ignoring the majority and ultimately losing real website traffic. Make sure that your website is mobile responsive. That means you need to go through fonts, font sizes, button size, hyperlinks and every other small detail.



Visitors are unlikely to return to a mobile site they had trouble accessing


Visitors say that they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site

Bombarding Pop-ups

Are you bombarding people with unwanted popups likes ads, surveys, and email subscription forms? And your visitor has reached the point that he/she has to form a strategy for staying away from continuous pop-up landing pages, you may find yourself creating a more painful than pleasurable experience. After all, the last thing your readers want after landing on your site is a pop-up with a hard-to-find “close” button.

Also, the use of auto-play videos tends to divert attention away from more substantial content. Moreover, if your visitor can’t immediately access the pause or volume buttons, they’re very likely to bounce off.



Users say that they find pop-ups very annoying


The era of offering unrelated contents with irrelevant links and click baiting is pretty much gone forever. You need to know what your audience actually wants to read instead of shoving irrelevant content down their throats. You need to know why a visitor would end up on a specific page on your website and what he/she is looking for.

Misleading keywords and phrases or images may generate clicks, but visitors aren’t going to stick around if the content presented doesn’t relate to what brought them there in the first place. Also, you’ll increase your odds of being flagged by Google. 


Visitors are unlikely to return to a mobile site they had trouble accessing


Visitors say that they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site

Poor Quality Content

If someone visits your website then definitively he/she is looking for something valuable and knowledgeable. If you are not offering them valuable contents or piece of information then they’d eventually leave.

Poor quality site content (or page content) is a common culprit for pages that underperform and seem to repel visitors they attract at alarming rates. If your bounce rate is high for a particular page – perhaps higher than your site average overall – chances are, your content isn’t pulling its weight. 

Every landing page should have a high quality, flowing narrative that is relevant both to the page itself and to the visitors being channeled to that page.


Visitors are unlikely to return to a mobile site they had trouble accessing


Visitors say that they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site


Users might block a site with poor quality content (according to a survey by surveymonkey)

Quick Tips

- Optimize page load time- Include single, clear call to action- Optimize for mobile- Create a well designed website- Make site’s navigation effortless- Put only relevant pop-ups- Avoid click-baiting at all costs- Focus on quality content