How To Maximise Your Health in The 21st Century

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Transcript of How To Maximise Your Health in The 21st Century

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© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

How to Maximize Your

Health in the 21st Century

Save Money, Look Sexy, Maximize Your Health, and

Learn the 3 Things You Must Do to Prevent Disease

and Decrease Aging

Written By: Dr. Isaac H. Jones

Edited By: The Designer Health Centers Team

This Document is New Health Model Approved!

© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.


The statements made in this book have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug

Administration and represent the professional opinion(s) of the author. The purpose of this

book is not to act as a personal physician to any reader and is not meant to directly or indirectly

diagnose disease, dispense medical advice, or prescribe the use of any products or services as

treatment for sickness or disease. This information is for educational purposes only. You should

always cooperate with a licensed health professional of your choice with the goal of creating

optimal health. Please consult your physician prior to implementing any of the strategies

mentioned in this book or starting any diet or exercise program—especially if you are pregnant

or nursing. Any application or use of the information, resources, or recommendations contained

in this book is at your own risk.

We don't intend to treat or diagnose as we believe that the only way to gain true health is

through removing the interferences in the body; therefore your body can heal itself. Doctor

means "teacher" in Latin, and that's what we intend to do in order for you to maximize your

own experiences. The Designer Health Centers (DHC) website contents, educational materials,

programs, lab work and consultations are for educational purposes only. If you choose to take

action as a result of any of the aforementioned, you take sole responsibility for making the

decision to do so.

Testimonials Notice:

Due to FTC regulation of content distributed over the internet, we have chosen not to add the

powerful testimonials and case studies of patients around the world that have overcome a

myriad of chronic conditions and disease. These patients were committed to implementing

behavioral changes and lifestyle strategies that support removing interferences and creating

lasting results. Based upon the content within this book you can only imagine what we've

been able to help people overcome. If you choose to engage in the Designer Health Centers

culture, we would be happy to give you the names and numbers of the patients or what we

call "Health Participants" that have had such incredible results that they want to share their

story. We've been able to help thousands of people maximize their health through addressing

what we believe is the cause. While we have seen many miracles, we believe that the real

miracle is to never get sick in the first place. No matter where you are in the spectrum of

disease formation, I've written this book to help maximize and transform your health!

© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Future of Healthcare

"This is the ultimate guide to understanding the future of healthcare. These strategies have

literally transformed my health and life."

- Steve Linder, Founder of SRI Training

This document may be the beginning of learning how to maximize your life experience and

live the life of your dreams. Through applying what is written throughout this book, you could:

Increase your ability to focus and perform

Increase your energy, peace and vitality

Begin addressing major underlying causes of disease

Learn top fat loss strategies

Learn major causes of cancer, heart disease and diabetes

Learn major underlying causes of ADHD, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis , ALS and more

Understand the 21st century disease epidemic and what to do about it

Maximize sexual performance and sensations

Learn the 4 steps that anyone needs to take to transform their health

If we don’t have our health, we have nothing. What good is your money without health?

What good are you to your business, mission or family if you don’t have your health? Poor

health doesn’t just bring diseases and disorders. It steals quality experiences away from you,

your family, friends, and grandchildren. What is possible if you had optimal health? Would you

be more confident and essentially be more attractive? Could you make more money? Would

your relationships be maximized? Could you experience more joy and have more peace? Do you

realize that by implementing certain health strategies you might be able to overcome diseases

that you are genetically susceptible to? What other levels of health could you have that you’re

not even aware exist? Beyond “feeling okay” could you feel more energy and vitality? Could you

optimize nervous system and immune function? Could you experience life like you’ve never

experienced it before?

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The evident answer is that true health can bring all of these things and more. Health

optimization is what I teach and it’s what I’ve dedicated my life to. I want to show you how to

have increased levels of energy and vitality. I want to show you major strategies to overcome

and prevent disease. I want to show you what the 3 major interferences are that can block

healing in your body. I want to show you simple health strategies to implement into your

everyday life. I want to show the successful entrepreneur, busy executive, and the moms that

have too much to do how to easily integrate high-energy health strategies into their lives. But

first we must ask these fundamental questions. What is health? What interferes with it? Do I

have disease developing silently in by body right now? What model of health care makes sense

to live in?

Just before we get into this report, I would like to have the opportunity to tell you a little bit

about myself and why I have authority to teach in this arena. At a relatively young age I was

diagnosed with ADHD and Dyslexia. I couldn’t focus in class, and had to take my tests in special

needs in order to have enough time to finish. Doctors prescribed several different types of

medications, but side effects only made matters worse. Back at home my mom was on anti-

depressants and my dad was on high blood pressure medications and at high risk of a heart

attack. Both of my parents were several pounds overweight.

We were a happy family but didn’t know the potential that existed for our health and our

lives. The traditional medical model wasn’t helping us reclaim our health. In fact, it was

worsening our conditions.

Eventually, my mother took me to a chiropractor and a naturopath after exhausting our

options with the traditional medical community. The chiropractor and naturopath literally

transformed my life forever and introduced me to learning advanced health strategies. Within a

matter of a few months I was out of special needs, my acne cleared up and my ability to focus

sky rocketed. I overcame ADHD and Dyslexia and started to realize that I wasn’t “broken”, but I

had many gifts, talents and abilities. I started to get “A”’s in classes and the oddly enough I was

even the first one to finish many of the tests! The health strategies introduced from the

chiropractor and naturopath, along with the improved grades that I was earning, made such a

massive impact in my life that I decided to become a doctor with a focus on understanding

© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

underlying causes of disease.

Upon graduating from high school I went to the most prestigious health and wellness

university in the world- Life University.

While in university I learned from the

top health experts from Harvard and

Stanford that often visited the school

for seminars and lectures. I received

advanced certifications in 21st century

intracellular detoxification and bio-

nutrition, nervous system balancing

and spinal correction and learned

things that I could have never

imagined. I even received an

international academic scholarship!

After I learned these things I

created a system. The first to benefit

were my parents. My mom overcame

depression and my dad overcame

major risk factors for heart disease.

They are both now healthier than ever and have been medication free for years. My parents are

in the picture above on the cover of a local magazine, Mature Living. The man in the picture is

the chiropractor that I recommended for them while I was in school.

I graduated with honors from Life University with a doctorate in Chiropractic. After

graduating I went on to work for one of the largest health centers in the world in Orlando,

Florida. At the health center, I built an internationally recognized Bio-Nutrition and

Detoxification Program that impacted thousands of patients each week. I was able to create

systems from what I learned from the top health experts in the world to help virtually anybody

in any situation. If you have a pulse and you’re still breathing then you have the potential to

heal. I focused on removing major interferences within the body to trigger its own natural

© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

healing powers. The result is optimal health.

Because of the success of the program I had the opportunity to educate doctors all over

America on how to implement true health strategies into their practice. I recently redirected my

focus to invest 100% of my time on teaching this information to you. Currently I’m traveling the

world speaking internationally, writing books, creating wellness programs and launching an

online health center that will transform the health of people worldwide. I am already working

with the Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia and major health organizations in North America and

Europe. This is the beginning of a health revolution!


I am writing this book with great emotion as I learned of another person close to me whose

mother just passed away from cancer. As a doctor, people have often shared personal stories of

loved ones that have lost the battle to some sickness or disease. We all hear the statistics, but

sometimes it doesn’t truly hit home until someone close to us dies. Here are the staggering


• 1 in 3 women will develop cancer in their life time1

• 1 in 2 men will do the same1

• Cancer is claiming 1 in 3 lives1

• More than 1 in 2 people will develop one or more forms of cardiovascular disease2

• 1 in 2 people will die from cardiovascular disease

• 1 in 3 people will develop diabetes within the years to come3

• Stroke is the second leading cause of death worldwide. A stroke typically affects your

life forever if you survive and is caused by the same underlying factors that trigger heart

disease (i.e. stroke = "heart attack" of the brain) 4

In 2010, the United States spent 12% GDP or $2.7 trillion on disease care. In light of this fact, are

we any healthier since the year 2000? The statistics don't lie:

• 1 in 10,000 children were diagnosed with Autism ten years ago… in 2010 1 in 110

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children in the U.S. were diagnosed5

• In the UK it’s even worse with numbers as high as 1 in 58 children diagnosed with


• ADHD, Dyslexia, Tourette syndrome and OCD are increasing at the same rate7

• 1 in 6 five or six-year-olds will be diagnosed with some type of neurological disorder that

affects the ability to learn and socially interact8

• Upon autopsy of children who had passed away in car accidents examiners found up to

90% occlusion of their arteries. This means that those children were developing heart

disease under the age of 10!9

• 1 in 2 children born after the year 2002 will develop diabetes10

Between the years of 1975-200511:

• Thyroid cancer has increased by 116%

• Testicular cancer has increased by 60%

• Acute Childhood leukemia has increased by 82%

• Non-Hodgkin's lymphocytic leukemia has increased by 67%

• Childhood brain cancer has increased by 39%

• Post-menopausal breast cancer has increased by 22%

And unfortunately the list goes on. With the multi-trillion dollar “healthcare” industry

focused on treating the effects or symptoms of disease, the numbers will continue to skyrocket.

Why hasn’t the healthcare industry changed its approach? One reason could be that massive

residual income streams are created from a positive feedback loop of sickness and disease as

more people are focused on treating symptoms instead of seeking to understand the root cause.

This creates artificial health in that people assume that they are healthy because they don’t

have any perceived symptoms. While medications may be good in emergency situations, most

of the time they elicit fake results. This is why the motto at Designer Health Centers is “True

Health. Real Results.”

A perfect example of understanding the concept of artificial health points to heart attacks.

In the medical community, high cholesterol is a “key indicator” of a person’s risk for heart

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disease. Most health professionals monitor cholesterol and prescribe cholesterol lowering

medications in an attempt to reduce the risk of heart attack. Isn’t it surprising then, that up to

50% of people that have had heart attacks had low cholesterol not high?12

Propaganda via non-for-profit organizations that are funded by pharmaceutical companies

continues to pull at the emotional heartstrings of the western world. They do this through

painting a completely different picture of reality by telling people that “the numbers are going

down” and “we’re winning the war on (insert disease).” They persuade people to give more

money to fund “symptom research” versus “prevention” and “cause” research perpetuating this

positive feedback loop. The question is, who’s going to stand in the gap? Your children and

grandchildren are counting on us. Someone has to make a difference and that’s why there

needs to be a health revolution.

By now you probably understand that we are living in a time unlike any other in the history

of mankind. There is more disease than we have ever seen and this is truly the new epidemic.

But there has to be a solution. You deserve to know what the research is saying about the cause

of many 21st century health problems and what can be done about the conditions that are

plaguing society today. But, first we need to understand how we have found ourselves in this

situation in the first place.

Models of Health

“Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.”

- Albert Einstein

First we must address the fundamental issues of the two models of health care. There is

nothing more devastating than having a false belief and receiving false information about the

source of health and illness. False beliefs about the source of illness and health have caused

more death and suffering than all human wars combined. There is nothing more important than

learning the truth about the origin of health and disease.

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There are two models of health care. There is the

reactive Traditional Medical Model (TMM) and the

proactive New Health Model (NHM). The TMM focuses on

mechanistically treating symptoms and disease with two

primary tools: drugs and surgery. One word that describes

the TMM is “effect” as most health professionals are

treating the effect of the cause of disease. Treating the

effects of problems never creates a solution. Symptoms

are your body’s “cry” for help. They are signals that you

are sick and need to make changes. What happens if you

silence the smoke alarm over your bed at night? Does that

get rid of the fire in the basement?

The reality is that focusing on treating symptoms

creates more sick people. To exemplify the flaws in this

type of thinking consider a recent study in The New

England Journal of Medicine. In 18,000 premenopausal

breast cancer patients (breast cancer is one of the worst

types of cancer), investigators found that treating the bone

reduced the recurrence of cancer by 35%.13 In this study

treating the bones affected the breast. This study provides

sound evidence that when you change the soil the seed

doesn’t grow as well. If you change the system you can

have a marked affect on cancer.

We need to start looking at disease prevention and

treatment holistically. The very foundation of the TMM is

flawed and sooner than later will cave in. The NHM

focuses holistically on prevention, behavioral change and

addressing the causes of disease formation. One word that

describes the NHM is “cause” as we are focusing on

reducing and removing the interferences within body

Models of Healthcare

The Traditional Medical Model

(TMM) overview:

Focuses on the effect

(symptoms) - $$$$$

Tools are drugs and surgery

Enforce the belief that healing

comes from a pill, lotion or


Research focuses on effect and

temporary relief

Don’t question the doctor or

the system

Relies on insurance for “health

care” - $$$$$

Wait to get sick before taking

control of your health

All chronic disease is genetic

The New Health Model (NHM)


Focuses on the cause and

health creation - $

Tools are lifestyle and

behavioral change and


Healing comes from within

Rely on evidenced based

strategies that get to the root


Empower yourself through

asking questions and education

Relies on insurance for

emergencies and focuses on

true prevention - $

Stop disease from forming in

the first place through

behavioral change

Chronic diseases are lifestyle

and environmentally induced

(genes <10%)

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systems that enable disease formation and decrease quality of life.

Assume your body is a can and disease is a fly. When does the fly come around? When the

can is full of garbage! Getting rid of the flies still doesn’t get rid of the garbage. Sooner than later

the flies will return. We need to remove the garbage and address the cause. And unlike the

TMM where the typical approach is “one size fits all”, the NHM creates a health program

customized to each individual.

Doctors such as Chiropractors, Medical Doctors and Naturopaths have operated under the

umbrella of both the TMM and the NHM. Unfortunately, over 95% of doctors focus on

symptomatic care, whether it’s a Chiropractor adjusting for “pain removal”, or a medical doctor

or naturopath giving a medication or supplement to treat symptoms. Many of these physicians

are very bright and it’s not their fault for practicing this way, as their education has wholly

focused on effect. NHM doctors still address the symptoms within the context of addressing the

cause, with the goal of removing symptoms permanently. Designer Health Centers is the

gateway to living in the NHM. This is the future of healthcare, and you can have this today.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his or her patients in the

care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of

disease.”—Thomas A. Edison

What Is The Underlying Cause?

So, what are some of the major underlying causes of disease today? What is the research

saying about this and why aren’t we changing our approach? According to some of the top

research institutes in the world such as Harvard, University of Chicago, University of Washington

and many others there is strong evidence that inflammation is a major underlying cause of

disease. There have been over 100,000 research articles published on inflammation in the last 5

years. Look at what some of the top researchers have done in regard to this research:

Walter Willet, M.D., department head of nutrition at Harvard Medical School and

author of Eat, Drink and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy

Eating, has created a diet that focuses on decreasing inflammation (when you sign up at

© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved. you can get the top 21st Century anti-inflammatory

nutrition and lifestyle plan for free).

Martin L. Pall, PhD., Professor of Biochemistry and Medical Sciences at Washington

State University, recently wrote a scientific review entitled “Explaining Unexplained

Illnesses” which strongly links inflammation to many of the today’s diseases and chronic


Dr. Russell Tracy, Professor of Pathology and Biochemistry at the University of Vermont

Collage of Medicine says, “Inflammatory factors predict virtually all bad outcomes in


Dr. Berry Sears, Former Research Scientist at Boston University School of Medicine and

MIT says, “Inflammation is the underlying cause of disease”.

The list goes on and on. In Discover: The New Science of

Health, the opinions of top researchers from around the

world are summarized below:

“Inflammation seems to underlie not just senescence

(wrinkling, degeneration and deterioration with age)

but all chronic illness[es] that often come along with

it: diabetes, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s and other

neurological conditions, heart disease, cognitive

function decline, premature aging, and even


Inflammation of the brain and nerve cells has been linked

to autism, ADHD and many other childhood learning

disabilities.15,16 Chronic inflammation is also one of the major

underlying causes of neurological conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease.


If inflammation has been so strongly linked to all of these diseases and disorders of the 21st

century, we have to ask the next logical question: what causes inflammation? Before we address

this question, it is essential to understand the definition of health.

Note to the Ladies

Wrinkling of the skin is caused

by inflammation both inside

and outside of the cells of the

body. To optimize the look, feel

and elasticity of the skin, one

must remove the very things

that cause the skin to age. One

must address the underlying

causes of inflammation to

optimize skin health. To

maximize the look and vitality

of your skin follow the 4

essential steps at the bottom of

the report after learning what

causes inflammation.

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Define Health Then Will You?

Sadly, most people think they are healthy because they “feel” healthy. However, many

are numb to the full life experiences that exist for them in heightened levels of energy and

vitality that exist when they apply advanced health strategies and prevent disease. If true health

is one of your major goals then wouldn’t it be a good idea to know what the definition of health

is? Understanding the definition of health gives us a goal in which to aim. Why travel

somewhere without knowing what the destination is?

Unfortunately, if you were to ask most

physicians they wouldn’t have a clear answer for

you. Many would say that health is the absence of

disease. Imagine if your goal is to fly from London

to New York and you asked your pilot if they knew

where the destination was and they said, “It’s not

London.” Would it be good to let that individual

“guide” you to New York? Of course not! And yet

most doctors and individuals would define health

as “the absence of disease” or in other words, “feeling good”. This is an extremely dangerous

approach to health care. Big Pharma would define health as, “the absence of symptoms by using

our drugs”. So the question is, what is the definition of health? According to the World Health

Organization the definition of health is as follows:

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the

absence of disease or infirmity.

Get this. Health is an innate, natural phenomenon. Being healthy is normal, it is what

you are genetically programmed to express! Health is holistic. It’s not just exercising or eating

the right foods. I’ve worked with hundreds of patients that were vegetarians eating organic

Interesting Fact

Jim Fixx (1932-1984) is the man that

made popularized the sport of

running. He was a vegetarian and an

organic food advocate. He dropped

dead of a heart attack at age of 52 due

to inflammation. This is clear evidence

that simply eating well and exercising

is not enough.

© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

What Causes


1. Toxicities

2. Deficiencies

3. Psychology

foods and they were dying from diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes. One of my

close relatives is a prime example. He’s been a vegetarian for 40 years eating nothing but raw

veggies and fruit, and yet he still developed a serious form of cancer. The medical community

often links diseases like cancer to “bad genetics.” You’ll soon find out that your genes do not

play the biggest role in disease formation at all.

If true health is our destination, how do we get there? And how do we remove the

obstacles or interferences that make it difficult to optimize health? There are 12 major

components of your life that need to be addressed to maximize your health. I address these

components in the Designer Health Centers Healthy Lifestyle Design Program. It’s far too

comprehensive and advanced to talk about in this document, so for now let’s focus on what the

major interferences are.

What Causes Inflammation?

Do you want to understand the most advanced fat-loss strategies, and how to look and feel

your best? Then this next section is for you. All illness is based on adaptation to stressors from a

pathological environment and inflammation is caused by 3 major components. The first is

Toxicities, the second is Deficiencies and the third is our Psychology. Toxicities cause

inflammation and are associated with almost all disease states known to man, including genetic

disease. Toxicities are due to four major components:

1. The environment

2. Heavy Metals

3. Bio-toxins

4. Physical Trauma

Nutrient deficiencies cause inflammation and are associated with every disease state known

to man. Deficiencies can be broken down into 4 major categories as well. These deficiencies are

as follows:

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1. Nerve supply

2. Oxygen

3. Water

4. MicroNutrients:

a. Antioxidants

b. Vitamins

c. Minerals

d. Amino Acids

e. Electrolytes

f. Carbohydrates

g. Fatty Acids

h. Metabolites

Our psychology affects our view of reality and the way we interpret the world. It dictates

how emotional we are, the quality of relationships we have and it has a massive impact on our

physical health. Our psychology is created through the synthesis or lack of synthesis of these

following five categories:

1. Spiritual Life

2. Social Influences

3. Upbringing

4. Culture

5. Past Experiences

With that being said, the 3 essentials of the New Health Model (NHM) are as follows:

1. Create Purity (through removing toxicities)

2. Optimize Nutrients (through removing deficiencies)

3. Maximize Relationships (through mastering your psychology)

Let’s briefly break these down shall we?

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Create Purity

Pre-frame: These truths can be very tough to read through. In the forefront I want you to

know there are solutions for addressing each toxicity as addressed below. Please don’t turn into

a hypochondriac.

The first essential of the NHM is to create purity. Why should this be one of our goals?

The reality is that toxicity causes inflammation, which leads to disease. So what are these toxins

and what can we do about them?

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), since WWII approximately

80,000 chemicals have been introduced into the market place. Not one was tested for toxicology

before 1976.20 Less then 10% of these chemicals have been at least partially evaluated for

safety. None have been properly studied for their effects on the human immune, nervous,

endocrine and reproductive systems.21These chemicals are affecting every area of our lives. In

fact, recently published studies are showing that one third of the population has multiple

chemical sensitivities.22 Additionally, according to the National Cancer Institute 75% of all

cancers are linked to chemical exposures in the environment. The problem is that these

chemicals don’t just leave our body, they bio-accumulate or stockpile inside wreaking havoc on

bodily systems over time. Chemical toxicity has become so pervasive that studies have shown

that toxins are actually bio-accumulating within a mother’s womb and are transferred to unborn


To further shed light on this fact, The Environmental Working Group found 232 toxins

and chemicals in the umbilical cord of 10 newborn babies. Many of these chemicals cause

cancer, cognitive and behavioral impairments, endocrine system disruptions, reproductive and

cardiovascular system abnormalities, diabetes, asthma and obesity.23 So where do we get these

toxins from anyway?


Bisphenol A or BPA and phthalates are found in plastics that touch our food and water.

These substances mimic hormones that cause major endocrine problems especially in children.

BPA is also found in almost every canned food tested by consumer reports.24 These toxins are

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found in personal care products, cosmetics, children’s toys and water pipes. Plastics cause

inflammation and hormone dysregulation and they are wreaking havoc on our bodies.

Using glass containers is best for storing food and drinking water. Investing in glass

storage containers such as Pyrex or mason jars will help decrease your exposure to plastics and

the harmful chemicals that they contain.

Personal Care Products

Many ingredients in our “natural” and conventional personal care products are toxic and

cause inflammation. A recent study of U.K. women found that women wear on average 515

chemicals from their cosmetics and personal care products daily.25 Most of our personal care

products have over 125 man-made ingredients that are suspected of carcinogenic activity.26

Several substances found in these products, such as toluene are already known carcinogens.27

These chemicals bio-accumulate in the organs and can cause kidney damage, liver

abnormalities, skin cell growth inhibition, damaged cell membranes, rashes, respiratory damage,

along with immune and nervous system depression.28


Toxins off gas from our mattresses, computers, T.V.s, flooring and many other areas of

our homes. Flame-retardants found in mattresses, computers, pillows, vehicles, appliances and

T.V.s are harmful and can be detected in almost anyone that lives in the western world. These

toxins also bio-accumulate in our bodies and in women they can be transferred to babies in

breast milk.29 They cause health problems that disrupt hormones, neurology, and the liver. 30

“The air in our enclosed homes is two to five times more polluted than outside from the off gassing of toxic beauty products, cleaners, atomizers, deodorants, new carpets & paints (and cars), pesticides and herbicides... that are making us sick. For example, despite mainly eating organic for the last 16 years, along with living in the mountains, I still had elevated cancer cells.” - Dr. Sanjay Gupta M.D., Surgeon General to President Obama

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Heavy Metals

Heavy metals cause high levels of inflammation. We get mercury from amalgam fillings, fish,

vaccinations and high fructose corn syrup.31 According to Professor Boyd Haley Ph.D. and the

former department head of Biochemistry at the University of Kentucky, mercury is the second

most toxic substance on earth. Mercury causes death to nerve cells found in the brain and

throughout the body.32 There are many diseases and debilitating health conditions that heavy

metals have been strongly correlated to. A few are listed below:

1. Chronic Fatigue

2. Fibromyalgia

3. Alzheimer’s

4. Arthritis

5. Learning Disabilities

6. Leaky Gut Syndrome

7. Insomnia

8. Multiple Sclerosis

9. Infertility

10. ALS

Studies have also shown that thimerosal, a mercury preservative found in vaccines, is tightly

linked to the development of autism.33 Metals toxicity also leads to nutrient deficiencies.34 For

example, if you have mercury toxicity not only does it cause immune suppression, autoimmune

disorders, and immune deregulation, but it also

causes glutathione, zinc, selenium and vitamin E


As people age their bones release stored lead,

another harmful metal, leading to heart disease,

high blood pressure and stroke.36 That means the

exposures you could have had when you were a

child may not seriously affect you until after the age

of 50. 37

Heavy metals such as mercury also bio-

accumulate in the fetus38 and many vaccines still

contain toxic levels of mercury, aluminum and

formaldehyde. One vaccination given to a six-pound new born is the equivalent of giving an

adult that weighs 180-pounds 30 vaccinations in the same day!39

Fat-loss Tip!

The most advanced fat loss strategies are

found in addressing toxins that block and

damage the hypothalamus and thyroid

from functioning properly. Toxins such as

heavy metals block receptor sites on

these glands and it can cause weight-loss

resistance. Leptin, which is the hormone

that tells your body to burn fat, can’t be

“heard” by the hypothalamus because of

inflammation from these toxins. This

leads to weight-loss resistance. This is

why many people can eat healthy and

exercise and yet they still can’t lose


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When heavy metals combine in the body it creates a synergistic toxic and damaging effect.

In one study investigators gave hundreds of rats a concentration of mercury designed to kill less

than 1% of the rats. They did the same for lead. One would assume that adding the lead and

mercury in concentrations of 1% plus 1% would equal 2% dead rats, correct? This is not the case

with heavy metals. When you combined the individual concentrations of lead and mercury to kill

1% of rats together, it killed 100% of the rats!40 Similar results have been recorded in humans in

Australia.41 Furthermore, most people in this world have dangerous exposures to these toxins

that stockpile inside of the body. This is a primary reason why we test for over 20 toxic metals at

Designer Health Centers.


Biotoxins are living toxins within your body. Some invade the body while others are

“opportunistic” (which means, given the right environment they will grow out of control). There

are thousands of forms of biotoxins such as fungus, mold and parasites. These bio-toxins, when

fed in the body (processed sugars are the

primary food) give off potent toxins and

neurotoxins called “mycotoxins”.

Mycotoxins like cyclosporine, lactic acid,

and acetaldehyde are strongly linked to

cancer, high blood pressure, and major

immune suppression.42

Hulda Clark, Ph.D., N.D., and

author of The Cure for All Disease says,

“You must cleanse your body and make

your body as unlivable for them as

possible. Parasites [another form of bio-

toxins] are one of the most undiagnosed

Major Symptoms of Bio-Toxicity42

Allergies to Foods (due to leaky gut)

Environmental Hypersensitivities

Fatigue (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)

Malnutrition (decreased uptake of

essential micronutrients)

Neurological imbalances (depression,

worsened PMS, headaches, etc.)

Hypo or Hyperglycemia

Weight Gain (lean tissue) and weight-

loss (fat loss) problems

Chronic infections


Chronic itching and skin irritation


© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

health challenges in the world.” There is a specific way to detox your body from toxins, but 2

other essential factors must be addressed or you could cause chronic bio-toxic exposure. I

address the other 2 essentials in the Designer Health Centers Healthy Lifestyle Design Program.

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), more than 20

million American workers are affected by toxic fungi related to “sick-building syndrome”. One

out of every 6 children in America are exposed daily to related fungal toxins. These numbers

don’t even reflect the reality of what is going on.43 Twenty-four percent of the population is

genetically susceptible to mold as proven by HLA genotype tests.

“If you don’t clean your house all kinds of small ‘guests’ come out of nowhere to take up residence with you. Similarly, when we create an unhealthy internal terrain it paves the way for unwanted, toxic guests.

- Robert O. Young PhD., D.Sc.

Dr. Robert O. Young goes to the extent to say that cancer is in fact caused by bio-toxins

within the body. Bio-toxins release extreme levels of inflammatory agents. Most of us have

created the perfect terrain for these bio-toxic, unwanted guests. It’s time that we kick these

guests out! This is such a big deal that in the Healthy Lifestyle Design Program, which focuses on

behavioral change and detoxification, we devote one full month to implementing the best

strategies for cleansing and removing bio-toxins. These techniques are designed to be used

periodically throughout the rest of your life.

Creating Purity: Summary

Toxins are everywhere. There are also

toxins in our city water including chemicals such

as fluoride, chlorine and pharmaceuticals.44 Our

carpets off-gas formaldehyde, benzene, toluene

and xylene, which are known to cause cancer,

neurological damage, and reproductive and brain

Interesting Fact

Toxic exposures from heavy metals,

bio-toxins and other environmental

toxins all lead to weight-loss

resistance and an inability to gain

lean body tissue.

© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

development problems.45 Other sources of many of these toxic chemicals are pesticides,

insecticides, herbicides, paint, cleaning products and insulation. 46,47 We haven’t even discussed

the disease-causing chemicals found in the air.

Due to toxins, another epidemic, called weight-loss resistance is on the rise. For many

people, no matter what they eat or how much they exercise, they still can’t seem to lose

weight.48 Toxicity leads to a chronic release of stress hormones, which your genes have no

defense over. We are simply not built to adapt to elevated levels of inflammatory hormones

from our poor lifestyle choices and toxic exposures. This is why we need to change our lifestyle

and implement customized and advanced detoxification strategies. This leads us into one of the

last major hurdles to address. What about our genes? Don’t they dictate every disease that we


What is the Genetics Role in the 21st Century Disease Epidemic?

Organizations and pharmaceutical companies within the TMM spend billions of

advertising dollars perpetuating a lie that most, if not all chronic illness stems from bad luck or

faulty genes. Haven’t you heard, “The reason why I have cancer is because it’s in my genes” as if

our genes are conspiring against mankind to take us out. Even beyond cancer, TMM contends

that diabetes, heart disease, obesity and depression are all mostly if not wholly genetically


As individuals hold on to these false beliefs they enter into a state of victimization

believing that they have no power or responsibility in terms of their health and that the only

options are drugs and surgery. Why not eat those deep fried donuts? You’re going to die of

cancer eventually anyway. Why not “live it up” in the mean time? This type of thinking not only

falsely absolves each person from taking control of their health, but it creates a false sense of

security as individuals rely on prescription drugs, insurance companies and “healthcare system”

to bail them out. All the while, money is flooding into the healthcare industry as prescriptions,

treatments, surgeries and procedures increase rapidly to deal with an increasingly ill population.

© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

“Epigenetic changes represent a biological response to an environmental stressor that

can be inherited through many generations via epigenetic marks. But if you remove the

environmental pressure ‐ the epigenetic marks will eventually fade and the DNA code ‐

over time ‐ begin to revert to its original programming.” 49

--John Cloud, Why Your Genes Aren’t Your Destiny

Chronic illness and the symptoms of chronic illness are not internal errors by your

genes. Rather, they are states of physiological adaptation caused by errors in lifestyle choices

and/or exposure to environmental stressors. As mentioned before, we are innately and

genetically programmed to strive for health and balance. This is what defines life.

Scientists from the Cytokine Research Laboratory and the University of Texas M.D.

Anderson Cancer Center note the following in regard to chronic diseases, including cancers:

“…studies with identical twins have suggested that genes are not the source of

most chronic illnesses. For instance, the concordance between identical twins for

breast cancer was found to be only 20%. Instead of our genes, our lifestyle and

environment account for 90–95% of our most chronic illnesses…Only 5–10% of

all cancer cases can be attributed to genetic defects, whereas the remaining 90–

95% have their roots in the environment and lifestyle.” 50

So what has changed over the last 20 years? Is it our genes or our lifestyle choices and

thus the expression of our genes? Have drugs and surgery appropriately removed toxins and

restored sufficient nutrients? What is the only logical and scientific solution to this 21st century

disease epidemic--more drugs and surgery or a healthier lifestyle? The answers are self-evident.

As discussed over the last few pages, toxins play a leading role in the formation of an

environment that creates disease and so do nutrient deficiencies. This brings us to the second

essential of the New Health Model, optimizing nutrients.

Optimizing Nutrients

We live in a world where the soil is becoming more and more depleted of essential vitamins,

minerals and micronutrients each year that passes. This isn’t just true of conventional foods, this

is sadly true of organic foods as well.51 For example, if you have a salad made up of mixed

greens, peppers, onions, tomatoes, olive oil and other veggies, it has 63% fewer nutrients than

© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

the same salad made 50 years ago. Additionally, a salad made today would contain residues of

pesticides and nitrates.52

According to the Royal Society of Chemistry in the UK, the food we eat today has lost

valuable nutrient properties that are important for optimal cellular function. Nutrient depletion

has been recorded for the following substances: 76% depletion in copper, 49% sodium, 46%

calcium, 27% iron and 16% potassium. That report was released in 1991.53 You can only imagine

how much worse it would be 20 years later.

One out of three childhood deaths in this world are due to micronutrient deficiencies.54

Almost 100% of premenopausal women in the U.S. are deficient in folate. Over 85% are

deficient in vitamin C, more than 50% are deficient in Vitamin E and more and more are

deficient in B vitamins along with many other micronutrients.55

What about people that supplement? More than 40% of people that supplement rigorously

were still found deficient in essential micronutrients.56 Anyone taking medications or has taken

medications will most likely have essential nutrient deficiencies that can ironically lead to

disease. For instance, if you take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) such as Asprin™ or

Acetaminophen, you can deplete your levels of the most important master anti-oxidant in the

body called glutathione.57 58 Heavy Metals toxicity also depletes glutathione levels,59 so it’s no

surprise that over 80% of the population has glutathione depletion.60 Low glutathione levels are

strongly correlated to these diseases

Alzheimer’s Disease61


Cancer 63

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome64

Crohn’s Disease65

Cystic Fibrosis66


Heart Disease68



Liver and Kidney Dysfunction71

Lung Disorders (IPF, Asthma,


Wrinkling and Aging73


Parkinson’s Disease75


© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

There is no anti-oxidant on earth that has a higher anti-oxidant score (ORAC score) than

glutathione. 77 For instance, blueberries have an ORAC score of 3000, dark chocolate has an

ORAC score of 13,000 and Acai berries a score of 18,000. Supplements that detox the body and

raise glutathione have ORAC scores as high as 192,000! 78 Glutathione slows the aging process

and reduces inflammation that leads to most all diseases.79 It also prevents neurological

diseases,80 detoxes the body from carcinogens and the intracellular environment,81, 82 and

increases athletic performance. 83 It also prevents cancer, heart disease and diabetes from

forming in the first place. 84 85

One of the world’s leaders in neurotoxicity, Dr. Dan Pompa, D.C. says, “High levels of

glutathione is the reason why you don’t develop cancer, heart disease and diabetes.”

Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant that all other anti-oxidants depend on in order to

function properly.86 Note that every micronutrient is essential for you to reach optimal health. I

could write a 400 page book on vitamin D, another book on vitamin E, another on healthy fats,

etc. All are essential, like your arms and legs are essential, but glutathione is like the “brain” of

micronutrients. Toxicity, especially heavy metals toxicity doesn’t just deplete the body of

glutathione but also other essential micronutrients. For instance, lead toxicity inhibits the

formation of red blood cells in the bones and can cause impaired vitamin D metabolism and

selenium deficiencies.87 That is why it’s essential to look at your body’s toxicity levels and

nutrient deficiencies.

At Designer Health Centers we send out labs to health participants all over the world. The

MicroNutrient Test is an essential test that measures the biochemical function of vitamins,

minerals, amino acids and antioxidants including glutathione, providing a powerful clinical

assessment tool to customize your nutrition.

“Because suboptimal nutrient status is associated with many chronic diseases, including

cardiovascular disease, cancer and osteoporosis, it is important for physicians to identify

patients with poor nutrition and deficiencies.”

- Journal of American Medical Association, June 2002

© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Deficiencies are caused by the lack of nutrients in our diet, taking medications and exposing

ourselves to other toxicities. Remember, the major deficiencies that lead to inflammation and

disease inhibit one or more of the following:

1. Nerve supply

2. Oxygen

3. Water

4. MicroNutrients:

a. Antioxidants

b. Vitamins

c. Minerals

d. Amino Acids

e. Electrolytes

f. Carbohydrates

g. Fatty Acids

h. Metabolite

You can see that there are many factors that contribute to maximized health and

addressing the root cause of health problems. I want to disclose something that most people

never get the privilege of knowing--and that is the impact that nerve supply deficiencies have on

your health.

Nerve Supply Deficiencies

Physical trauma to your nervous system is toxic to your body because your nervous

system controls every function in the body. For your heart to beat, your lungs to breath or for a

tumor to heal, the healing and regulating power flows from your brain down your spinal cord to

all 75 trillion cells and 11 organ systems in your body. Your nervous system orchestrates the

synergistic electrical symphony of all the trillions of messages that are communicated every

second to keep you alive. If the nerve going to your heart is clipped, your heart dies and you die.

Because your brain and spinal cord are the most important organs in the body, they are fully

encased in bone known as your scull and spinal column.

Your spinal column needs to be in proper alignment for your nervous system to function

at 100%. To have proper alignment you need 3 natural flowing curves. If your spine shifts out of

proper position it doesn’t “clip” the nerve but it puts damaging pressure on it and over time it

© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

can cause disease. Nobel Prize recipient and nuero-surgeon, Dr. A. Breig said, “A loss of cervical

curve stretches the spinal cord 5-7 cm and causes disease.”

If you have a loss of cervical curve, and most people do, then you most likely hold your

head a bit in front of your body. This is known as forward head posture. For every inch of

forward head posture, it can increase the weight of the head on the spine by an additional 10


Most people in industrialized nations have major misalignments of the spine. I’ve

personally taken thousands of x-rays. Other then my x-ray and a few of my doctor friend’s x-

rays, which are near perfect clinically, I see straight curves or reverse curves in the neck region

of most patients which is pathological. In conclusion, there are both chemical interferences and

physical interferences that are toxic to your health. But how does your spine shift out of proper


Physical interferences from spinal misalignments are due to micro traumas such as sitting

in front of a computer or desk all day, and from macro traumas such as car accidents, falls, or

collisions. This creates a misaligned skeletal and nervous system structure that over time leads

to disease.89 90

When your spine is out of its proper biomechanical position the communication from

brain to body decreases. Optimal oxygen levels to your body are decreased because your vital

capacity, which is the amount of oxygen that fills your lungs, is dramatically reduced. Over time,

spinal misalignment can cause your nerves to malfunction and even die. This severely inhibits,

and will eventually prevent, communication from the brain to vital organs. This is analogous to a

hose watering a garden. If there is a kink in the hose (like poor structure and posture of the

spine) even if some water (nerve supply) still gets through, the plants (organs) will eventually


Physiologist and Researcher I.M. Korr states, “When the motion of intervertebral (Spinal)

joints is even slightly amiss, there will be autonomic effects, with resulting circulatory,

metabolic, and visceral repercussions."91 Nobel Prize recipient for brain research Dr. Roger

Sperry said, “Ninety percent of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the

proper movement (from proper alignment) of the spine. It would be analogous to a windmill

© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

generating electricity.”

Nervous system damage due to improper spinal structure and function actually organizes

diseases. According to research published in The Journal of the American Medical Association

the author, Freeman J.T. said, “Deviations in the body’s center of gravity causes poor posture,

which results in intestinal problems, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, osteoporosis, hip and food

deformities, poor health, decreased quality of life and a shortened life span.”92

When physical nerve pressure is left undetected and uncorrected, a law of Physics called

“Wolf’s Law” sets in. The law states that improper posture causes degenerative changes that will

begin to occur and accelerate the aging process rapidly.93 This causes even more pressure on the

nerves. Not only does forward head posture and misalignment cause herniations, arthritis

(which is totally preventable94) and pinched nerves,95 but multiple studies performed by

organizations such as Johns Hopkins and the Geriatric Society have shown that the spinal

degenerative process can shut down organs and increase mortality.

Roger Cady, M.D. published articles in the Journal of Pain Management (1994) for his

groundbreaking study that linked poor posture to other physiological processes such as

abnormal breathing, blood pressure, imbalanced hormone levels and a compromised immune

system. When you have compressed nerves the nerves end up damaged and even die, which

leads to defective communication.96 What happens when you have a corporation with flawed or

decreased levels of communication? The business suffers and will eventually go bankrupt!

Chiropractors specialize in structural and nervous system correction. However, many

choose to run their offices under the umbrella of the TMM where they just focus on pain relief.

Because they haven’t stayed up to date with the cutting edge technologies for nervous system

and spinal corrective techniques, there is a need for achieving sustainable structural results.

For this reason, Designer Health Centers has designed a Nervous System and Spinal

Corrective Luxury Retreat. Our doctors have advanced training in the most cutting-edge

structural corrective techniques and have worked with thousands of patients. Technology has

evolved at a rapid pace enabling us to get correction and increase your health in a fraction of

the time. Now you can literally get incredible spinal, biomechanical and brain balancing

correction in one week! Additionally, you will walk away with exercises and strategies designed

© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

to sustain your correction at home.

Anyone from any part of the world can participate! To learn more email

Optimizing Nutrients: Summary

In summary, these major deficiencies need to be addressed and in the TMM they

absolutely are not. In fact, not only are they being ignored, but by being on pharmaceutical

medications you are most likely causing more deficiencies within the body. As stated before, it’s

not the physicians’ fault for the lack of knowledge in this area. Most doctors in the TMM are

brilliant and have great hearts to serve

mankind. The question one must ask is,

“What tools do they have in their toolbox?”

A fire fighter has two tools, axes and

a fire hose. Doctors in the TMM have two

tools, drugs and surgery. If you have a fire

who are you going to call? No, not the ghost

busters, but the fire fighters! And will you

be grateful? Of course you will. They could

save your life. Likewise, if you get in a car

accident and you’ve lost a limb, who are you

going to call? 911! Please don’t call Designer

Health Centers and ask for a shot of wheat

grass. The TMM has its place in emergency

situations like car accidents, or severe

infections but that isn’t what it’s used for the

majority of the time. After the firefighters leave, you call in the electricians, the plumbers, and

the interior designers: Meet Designer Health Centers, your body’s personal interior decorator,

electrician, and plumber. Ultimately, we don’t want to have fires in the first place, which is why

we need to customize healthy lifestyle designs for each person--body, mind and spirit. This

brings us to the third essential of the New Health Model, maximized relationships.

An Analogy:

Fire Fighters vs. Electricians,

Carpenters and Interior Decorators

TMM: Fire fighters have two tools: 1. Axes (Drugs) 2. Fire hoses (Surgery)

Use = only in fires (Emergencies)

NHM: Electricians, Carpenters and

Interior Decorators have many tools:

1. Tools To Check Electrical Integrity

2. Hammers, Wood and Nails for

Building or Rebuilding Strong


3. Top Line Materials to make the

Inside and Outside of Your House

Looks Luxurious

4. Vacuums to Clean the Inside Out

Use = most of the time in Prevention or

Rebuilding, Maximizing Safety, and

Optimizing Design and Look

© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Living at cause means that

instead of allowing life to

“happen to us” we choose

empowering meanings for

every situation whether good

or bad to maximize personal

growth and development.

Maximized Relationships

There are many aspects to having incredible relationships. There is no doubt that the

longest living and healthiest people on the planet have incredible relationships. The 4 main

relationships are the following:

1. Spiritual Relationship

2. Emotional Relationship

3. Innate Relationship

4. Personal Relationships

If you can master your mind through psychologically living your life at “cause” and not

“effect” then you will most likely have very healthy

relationships. Living at cause means that instead of

allowing life to “happen to us” we choose empowering

meanings for every situation whether good or bad to

maximize personal growth and development.

Psychological toxicity develops when we live out

of balance, neglecting our spiritual and/or emotional and/or innate and/or personal

relationships. It also develops when we tend to play the “blame” game and don’t ever take

responsibility for how we are part of any equation whether it equals a good or bad experience

or whether you were hurt or someone else hurt you. As a side note, your “innate relationship” is

the relationship that you have with your inner self to maximize health. For instance, your body

speaks to you all the time. It tells you not to eat certain foods, and yet we still do it. We have

often become numb to our innate or inner self. The healthiest people in the world are

constantly listening to what their body and heart are saying to them.

Candice Pert is a Ph.D. at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. She is an

internationally recognized pharmacologist who has published over 250 scientific articles on

peptides and their receptors and the role of these neuropeptides in the immune system. Her

research shows that our brain, glands, and immune system are in constant communication

through our thoughts and emotions.97 98

© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

This field of study is known as psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) and it deals with the

interactions between psychological processes and the nervous and immune systems of the

human body. There are now a multitude of various research papers that conclude that immune

modulation by psychosocial stressors and/or interventions can lead to major health problems.

Your thoughts can damage your immune, nervous and endocrine system.99 100 If destructive,

they can also lead to increased rates of infection, 101 102 HIV progression, 103 104 and cancer

incidence and advancement.105 106 107

Your thoughts send a cascade of hormones from the brain to the rest of the body through

your endocrine system. These hormone messengers affect the functionality of the cell, which

can affect your level of anxiety, fear, tension, anger, heart rate and blood pressure. Thinking

more empowering thoughts can help all 11 organ systems in your body to function better which

will lead to a happier, more energetic, kinder and healthier you! You choose the meaning you

give every situation, and an individual living in the NHM is empowered and educated in order to

make life transforming decisions that optimize health and vitality.

Mastering psychology is so incredibly important that we work with Steve Linder, the

world’s leading expert in NeuroStrategies, human psychology and neuro-linguistic programming

(NLP). His company, Synergistic Results International (SRI inc.) has trained top seminar experts,

celebrities and world leaders. I have been certified with my Masters in NeuroStrategies and NLP,

which has been integrated into every program and seminar at Designer Health Centers in order

to help our health participants achieve the best results. By mastering your psychology through

maximizing your relationships and understanding advanced psychological strategies, you will

maximize your health and wellbeing!

Another Major Missing Piece in Health Care

How can we take this information and implement it into our lives to achieve results? It

would be through a term called “behavioral change.” This is what Designer Health Centers is

pioneering in 21st century healthcare. Emerging research proves that the best way to overcome

© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

disease is through behavioral changes. In the book, Health Care Delivery in the United States,

Doctors Anthony Kovner and James Knickman state the following:

“One perplexing part of our health sector is that changing an individual’s

behavior has much greater impact on health and mortality than does spending

money on medical care. Despite excellent research evidence documenting the

importance of healthy lifestyles, we spend nine times more on medical care than

on public health and behavioral health.”108

One of my good friends, and world expert in neurotoxic illnesses said, "Over 90% of

people alive on this planet are silently developing disease due to the level of toxicity in their

body." For many, the presence of these toxins has resulted in the development of chronic

conditions. Forty-six percent of Americans (131 million people) had at least one chronic

condition in 2005. This number is projected to grow to 50% (or 161 million) by the year 2030.109

This research is based on what is already diagnosed. There are millions of people silently

developing diseases and they are unaware.

As we’ve discussed throughout this body of literature, most of these conditions are not

genetic. Designer Health Centers has created programs that are designed to allow each

individual to reach optimal health by using two main strategies: #1 Get to the root causes of the

problem and #2 Help each health participant implement a healthy lifestyle design through

behavioral changes. That is why I founded Designer Health Centers (DHC), an international

company designed to educate people on true health and give them the tools and strategies to

get real results.

Designer Health Centers is a company of

doctors and experts that have undertaken advanced

training (and ongoing training) to learn the most

cutting-edge detoxification and behavioral change

strategies. These strategies are the foundation of

holistic health and they are proven to deliver real


Designer Health Centers

Mission Statement:

To lead people to live the 3 essentials of the NHM.

1. Create Purity 2. Optimize Nutrients 3. Maximize Relationships

© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

“If an illness is long enough and

expensive enough, private

insurance offer very little

protection against medical

bankruptcy and that’s the major

finding in our study.”—Steffie

Woolander, M.D. of Harvard

Medical School113

A prevailing thought among many doctors and epidemiologists is that most cancers,

heart disease and diabetes are “dummy diseases.” They are termed "dummy diseases" because

they are more often than not, preventable. The prevalence of these “dummy diseases” is highly

attributable to the TMM. The TMM does not address the primary cause of disease, nor is it

interested in understanding it. For many individuals, this lack of focus on the root cause has led

to the development and worsening of a myriad of chronic conditions. We must create purity

through removing toxicity, we must optimize nutrients through removing deficiencies, and we

must maximize relationships through mastering our psychology!

Investment to Live In the NHM

“What they call healthcare is like a tapeworm eating away at our economic body.” - Warren Buffet

Why You Can’t Rely on Health Insurance

Before we dive in to the investment to live in the NHM, let’s first discuss why we

shouldn’t rely on the traditional healthcare organizations like insurance companies. More and

more people are disillusioned thinking that they are going to be "taken care of" by their

insurance company. However, the true facts are hard to deny. According to the Kaiser Family

Foundation and the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of uninsured Americans was up 10% in

2009 jumping from 48 million to 50 million 110. The economic recession in the United States is

one of the main contributing factors for the rise in unemployment and the rise in the number of

individuals without healthcare coverage. Health

Affairs magazine also notes that premiums are rising

at rates that are much faster than paid salaries

making insurance coverage unaffordable for many

Americans 111.

Harvard University performed two studies

that analyzed the correlation of medical bills to

bankruptcies. Dr. David Himmelstein, lead author of

the 2005 Harvard study said, “Unless you’re Bill Gates, you’re just one serious illness away from

bankruptcy. Most of the medically bankrupt were average Americans that happened to get

© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

sick.” Dr. Himmelstein’s findings from this 2005 study were that approximately half of all

bankruptcies in the U.S. were attributable to medical bills 112.

Steffie Woolhander, M.D. of Harvard Medical School performed a similar study in 2009

investigating contributing factors of medical bills to bankruptcy. At that time, Dr. Woolhander

found that medical bills were responsible for more than 60% of bankruptcies. Additionally, most

families were middle class and well-educated 113. As economic conditions worsen, we can expect

that these numbers will continue to grow.

This is a sad reality and should spark a fire within

you to take the necessary steps to ensure optimal health

and functionality before it’s too late. The only real

insurance company that will take care of you is you. I'm

not saying you shouldn't get insurance. I have

catastrophic insurance, and for the dozens of trips to

Europe and other countries around the world I purchase

travel insurance. The only true protection you have is in

living at cause. Create purity through removing toxicities,

optimize nutrients through removing deficiencies,

maximize your relationships--internal and external—and

start living the life today that will dramatically decrease

your dependency on the false security that we have

come to know as the “healthcare system.” This tip alone

could save you, your family and/or your business tens of

thousands of dollars, if not hundreds of thousands of

dollars throughout your lifetime. Not to mention the

increase in health, energy and vitality that you get from

living under the umbrella of the NHM which we believe

at Designer Health Centers…is priceless.

Spending vs. Investing When It

Comes To Healthcare: Part 1

Cost of Living in the TMM:

$8,047.00 per person per year in

the U.S. (2009)

Cancer costs up to $1,190,322

per year --Harvard 2007

Average cost of having a stroke

(90 days post) is $15,000

-- American Stroke Association

Lifetime average of ischemic

stroke is $140,048.00

- -American Heart Association


Average costs for heart disease:

o Severe is $1,000,000.00

o Less severe is $760,000.00

--National Business Group on

Health 2006

% of GDP spent on healthcare:

o 18.5% USA (2.5 trillion)

o 15.8% UK

o 17.7% Australia

© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Cost of the New Health Model

What do you think is more expensive: to prevent disease or to try and treat it after it has

become symptomatic? What is it worth to avoid the pain of cancer, heart disease, depression,

chronic fatigue and/or diabetes? For a company to implement one of our wellness programs it

could save them between $2.30 and $10.10 for every dollar invested through decreasing

absenteeism, presenteeism (team members are sick at work and rendered unproductive), fewer

sick days, reduced insurance claims, lower health insurance costs, and improved employee

performance and productivity.114 Imagine what it could do for you personally or for your


Socialized healthcare is just like the privatized healthcare system that is dominated by

insurance companies. The philosophy of TMM is pervasive. If you live under the umbrella of the

TMM then you know where you’re headed. When it

comes to death your flame should just go out. It

shouldn’t be flickering on and off for years before you

pass. When flames are flickering, disease care revenue

is flowing. The goal again is to die feeling young at a

very old age!

As a doctor, I’ve seen the “miracle” of people

overcoming stage four cancers, heart disease, and

diabetes. But I don’t think that’s truly the miracle. The

real miracle is not developing disease in the first place.

Most people want maximized experiences and

high performance and function in life. We want quality

emotions, relationships, and sensory stimuli. We want

to travel, laugh, and eat good food. We want to grow

old with our grand children and have the energy to

bend down and play with them. How much is that

worth? You’re going to be investing into your health.

Do you want to invest a few thousand dollars or

Spending vs. Investing When It

Comes To Healthcare: Part 2

Return of Living in the NHM:

Hospital admissions down by


Disabilities cost reduced by 34%

Claims costs reduced by 27.8%

* Review of 32 studies of corporate

wellness programs Aurora

Healthcare Org.

Improved physical and

psychological health:

o 64% improved morale

o 70% improved job satisfaction

o 66% increased productivity

o 83% increased energy

* Aurora Healthcare Org.

473% ROI, Citibank’s health

management program

250% ROI, Blue Cross Blue Shield

615%, Coors Corp.

* T.E. Brennan Corporation

Evidence based ROI 2004

© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.

pounds now or tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands to even millions of dollars later?

Conclusion and Next Steps

The health care systems of the future focus on creating purity through removing toxicity,

optimizing nutrients through removing deficiencies and maximizing relationships through

mastering psychology. I’m sure you’re wondering, “What’s the next step?” If you want to live a

high quality life, maximize your experiences and optimize health and wellbeing then you want to

live under the umbrella of the NHM. Designer Health Centers is the gateway to living and playing

in the glorious fields of the NHM. Here are the essential steps you should take:

STEP 1: Plug into the Designer Health Centers culture by signing up for our free newsletter

at By joining in this revolution, you’ll get the following:

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STEP 2: Email for details on how to sign up for a 20-

minute consultation with myself or another health expert (please reference gift below)

where you will receive:

The 8 most essential questions any health professional can ask you to

undercover what could be causing disease or disorders in your body

Learn some of the top strategies to implement right away to start heading in

the right direction

Find out the essential customized lab tests that you would needed in order

to learn about what is going on in your body

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STEP 3: Enter into one of the worlds most advanced behavioral change and

detoxification programs that will be customized to your individual needs.

STEP 4: Join our mission in transforming the worlds healthcare systems through staying

plugged into our culture and spreading these truths of health to the world.

Having an understanding of how to create true health is priceless. Your life experiences will be

optimized. We look forward to serving you in whatever capacity you’re committed to. To true

health and real results!

*Special Limited Time Offer

I want to extend a gift to you. Just to say thank you for taking the time to read this book,

I’m offering a free 20 minute health consultation for people that are serious about their

health and are truly interested in what is going on inside their body. If you’re interested

in ordering lab work to uncover the causes of your health problems, email for more information. This special gift is only

available for the first 25 people that read this book and sign up by emailing


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© 2011 Designer Health Centers Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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