How to make the welcome real Engage People to Come and Stay between Christmas and Ash Wednesday.

Post on 26-Mar-2015

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Transcript of How to make the welcome real Engage People to Come and Stay between Christmas and Ash Wednesday.

How to make the welcome

real Engage People to Come and Stay

between Christmas and Ash Wednesday

Opening PrayerGood and gracious God,

You are love, and call us to be love in the daily circumstances of our lives.

Help us to be witnesses to your desire that all people may be one with you.

We ask this through the One who draws us into deep communion with you and one another, Jesus Christ, who is one with you and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever. Amen.

Three Steps

•Put out the welcome mat

•Invite people to join the family

•Give them a way to give

Step 1:Put Out the Welcome Mat

•What difference does it make

•to have faith?

•to be part of your parish?

•to reach out to others in caring and sharing?

Put Out the Welcome Mat

•Isn’t this what you want for your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers?

•Give them a special gift this Christmas -- the gift of a community that will help them grow in faith!

Put Out the Welcome Mat

•Help guests to know your real hope that they will stay

•Remove obstacles where they exist

Our Plan•It’s really very simple:

•Invite folks to come to Christmas Mass

•Invite them to stay between Christmas and Ash Wednesday


•Time with a Small Group

Guess What?

•You will grow too!

•Your life will be enriched

•Everyone will be touched

Step 2: Invite People

to Join the Family•Let’s talk about this:

•Recall a time when you were invited to a friend’s house for the first time

•or when you have welcomed someone to your home

Invite Peopleto Join the Family

•What happened?

•The guest is welcomed

•The family is present and pays attention to them

•We share traditions and what it means to be part of the family

Invite Peopleto Join the Family

•What happened?

•We invite the guest to return

•We grow closer to each other

•We introduce the guest to other family members

•Invite your friends to join you

•Talk about faith and life together

•Learn and grow in faith

•Become closer with one another

Step 3: Give Thema Way to Give

•People have a need to give!

•Make it simple.

•Perhaps help with a food drive collection

•or time at a local soup kitchen

•or a visit to a neighboring care facility

Give Thema Way to Give

•Go with the one you are companioning

•Chat about how serving is part of the life of faith

•Be attentive to the needs of your friend as well as those of the people you serve

Open the Doors and Keep Them Open!

•Make this the beginning of a new or renewed way of being in community with one another

•Enjoy each other’s presence

•Grow in faith together

•Know that all who come will be touched by the impact of your living relationship with Christ in community!