How to make software user friendly

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to make software user friendly


How to make your software user-friendly

Without question user experience is a critical element to ensuring that a new software system is successful. If users do not find it easy and enjoyable to use it’s likely they will avoid using it or, just not use it at all.

This SlideShare provides 10 top points to consider to ensure that your software development isn’t just about functionality but usability too.

1. Understand a cross section of your users

Creating a system that one department finds easy and intuitive to use does not mean others will find it the same.

Make sure you understand what varied users need so that all are considered.

2. PC, laptop and mobile too? If the users of your system are going to be accessing via varying devices (e.g. PCs, tablets and smartphones) ensure that it works consistently across all of them.

Users will not thank you if they have to change the way they use the system depending on what device they use.

3. Visually engage There is no question that the functionality of a system is vital but, to help support a good user experience it must be visually engaging too.

Using visual design to help users understand where they are, how far they are through a process and more can all help improve engagement.

4. Navigation - simple and clear It’s likely that you have come across a website or application where you are immediately baffled by where to find the information you are looking for. Did you leave or spend time getting frustrated trying to find what you are after.

Don’t let your system users be faced with this. Make sure navigation is clear and simple.

5. Inform the user Don’t put a user in the position where they have to assume or guess. If a user does something correctly, confirm via an in page message or pop up .

If something has been done incorrectly or not worked make sure they are served a message that not only tells them that is the case but that tells them what they have to do next.

6. Keep it simple Once users are using the system make sure pages are uncluttered. If you think users may need further information relating to a specific page or process don’t clutter the page with instructions. Simply provide onscreen prompts or a link to ‘further help’.

That way users are not distracted or confused by additional information they may not need.

7. Automate Avoid asking users to undertake actions that could be automated. A user who knows that a process is the same every time is likely to get annoyed if they are finding themselves manually completing each and every time.

Where you can automate make sure you do.

8. Is the functionality really needed?

When you are completing your requirements gathering ensure you identify which functions are truly required and if possible check existing systems to see if they are actually used.

If they’re not don’t add them, there’s no need to provide a user with a function they’re never going to need.

9. Consistent imagery/icons Where you may use images or icons to improve usability it can be tempting to create ones that are unique to your brand. Our advice? If there is existing imagery recognised globally then use it (so long as it’s legal to do so).

There’s no point in asking users to learn what a new image or icon represents when there’s already one that does the job.

10. Customise the experience If it’s relevant and possible why not ensure that defaults are set to be relevant to the users role?

This will not only save the user time but will also make them feel that they have been thought of – great for improved user experience!


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