How to make our sentences better in writing? Designer: Li Yu.

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Transcript of How to make our sentences better in writing? Designer: Li Yu.

How to make our sentences better in writing?

Designer: Li Yu

Warming-up:The good voice of Class Four Grade Three:

1. 这项实验表明:适量的运动如果有规律地进行,能够改善我们的健康。

2. 镇上的大多数人都强烈拥护为孩子们建一个运动场的计划。

The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if _____ out regularly, can improve our health.

The majority of people in the town strongly support the plan _____ a playground for children.


to build

• 3. 将近 1000 人在这里定居,他们中的许多人都背井离乡去城市追求更美好的生活。

4. 她酷爱的芭比玩具在她的童年期间给她带来了如此多的快乐。

The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people, many of _____ left their village homes for a better life in the city.

The Barbie toys she was quite fond of _____ her so much pleasure during her childhood.



Pre-writing: task1: endless 'love'

1.My son ________ ( 酷爱 )playing the piano.

2.Many football fans ______( 痴迷 ) Beckham.

is fond of

are crazy about

to like something, especially something you have liked for a long time

liking someone very much, or very interested in something:

3. 他热衷于摇滚音乐。He has a ________ for rock music.

great enthusiasm

4.He lay in the sofa, ____ ______( 沉浸于 ) the book.

absorbed in

a strong feeling of interest and enjoyment about something and an eagerness to be involved in it

to interest someone so much that they do not pay attention to other things:

I love reading !

1. 学生忙于学习,长期忽视阅读。Students are busy with their study and don`t pay attention ___ reading.

_____ with their daily study, many students tend to put books_____, _______ them untouched for months.Many students , occupied with their daily study, often ______ to realize the importance of reading.

While-writing task2: on reading

Busy aside




busy doing something

to not succeed in achieving something

2. 读书使人快乐,忘记烦恼。 ______ can make people _______ and make people forget worries.

Those ___ like reading are more likely to live a happy life _____ from worries.



happy Reading

3. 对文学一无所知的人不可能真正理解生活和爱的意义。

If a man doesn`t know anything about literature, he can`t really understand the meaning of ___ and _____.

Man knowing _______ about literature can`t really understand the meaning of life and love.


life love

4.Reading can change a person`s whole life.

Only by reading _____we take hold of our fortune and make a _______ to it.

The habit of reading ______ at an early age is bound to( 注定 ) make a ________ to one`s whole life.




5. 读书非常重要,要坚持读书。

Reading is very _______. We should keep reading.

Reading is to us what water is to _____. It is necessary that we _______ read more books in our daily lives.




6. 所读书籍应难度适中;

We should choose books ______ are ______ too difficult nor too easy for you to read.


The books we choose should be neither too ____ nor too _____ .



A tadpole transforms into a frog.

As a tadpole changes into a frog, its tail is gradually absorbed. a small creature that has a l

ong tail, lives in water, and grows into a frog .have a frog in your throat

= to have difficulty in speaking, especially because of a sore throat

7 .要读自己感兴趣的书,但更要读对自己有益的书。

• Read books that not only ______you but also _______ you. benefit



Task3: Look at the picture carefully and tell the class how you understand it.

As we can see in the picture, a girl is getting stuck( 卡 ) in a bottle. Regardless of this situation, she looks optimistic, _____on a pile of books she has read and _____ in reading the one in her hands.



• That is because she believes that the books can serve __ a ladder leading up to the opening of the bottle. The ____ books she reads, the sooner she will get out of the bottle.


• This picture ____ me of the famous saying: Knowledge is power. And the books are the sources of knowledge. Books, _____ can give us power to conquer difficulties, are the best friends of us.



• When we come across problems in our daily life, we can always refer to books, _____ can help us find out solutions. Just like the girl in the picture, despite the fact ____ she is stuck in the bottle, she could ____ get out of it by reading as many books as possible.



• As for us students, by reading books, we can accumulate( 积累 ) adequate(enough) knowledge to face the challenge in the future. ___ let's read more and success will be ahead of us.


• Solutions to making a better sentence:• 1. think about the different expressions in words

and phrases • 2. focus on the different patterns in sentences• 3. try to accumulate some better sentences you lik

e according to the various topics


Homework: read the passage again and again ,then try to recite it as quickly as you can.