Post on 27-Mar-2022

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Rev. Peter Spackman (President) Mr. Brian Paterson ( Vice President) Angela Spackman

( Sec./Treas.) Rev. Johnny Jones Mr. Dave Bryant Mrs. Gladys R. Wat-

son Mr. Bob Messick Mrs. Joan Christian Mrs. Naomi Hellums Mrs. Rachel Harborth

If the person you are talking to

doesn't appear to be listening—

be patient. I t may simply be

that he has a small piece of

fluff in his ear! A.A. Milne

Pooh’s Little Instruction Book



Take one bunch of very

giggly girls at a birth-

day party. Feed them lots of sugar

until they are feeling

absolutely silly Let them stay up later

than usual! Add in some roller

skates and a movie -

And six or seven bean bags……. And voila! Glorified chaos! Fredria (now 12) and Jaylenn (now 11) have birthdays in the same week, so they decided to have a joint birthday party ! Jaylenn has been with us for over a year now and Fredria has been with us since birth. They have become real BFF’s this year and can always be found, after school, riding their bikes around Adullam House or feeding the goats and don-keys! They are doing what all kids should do—being kids!

This is often the scene in our Adullam House

Church meetings. Long before the altar call is given and while the praise and worship is still in full swing, children begin to spontaneously make their way to the front of the Church. Brother and Sister pray for each other. Chil-dren reach over to pray for their friends. A staff mem-ber cradles a child in their arms as they softly pray for them. Hurts are washed

away in the sweet presence of Jesus. Burdens are laid at His feet. There is an unspoken under-standing of each others pain. They have all been there - but …...“He restoreth my soul”

Last month, thanks to the hard work of our intern/volunteer Direc-tor, Ms. Hannah Powell and of Ms. Joan Christian, (who we could not survive without), we were able to honor our volunteers, with a beautiful afternoon tea. The food, presentation and décor were impeccable, but even more wonderful was the fellowship that these lovely ladies shared. Many of them had never met each oth-er, since they volunteer at different times, but they touched our hearts, as they each stood and shared, with tears, how much they

loved the children and the opportunity to serve at Adullam House.

See you at the Pole! What a privilege for our kids at AHCA to share their faith in Jesus, by testifying in the schoolyard and starting the day with some gutsy singing around the flagpole. Ms. Hamby, on guitar, led the rousing chorus of “There’s No- one Like Jesus,” and Coreen, ( age 14), took his courage by the horns as he stepped up to testify! Wow!

The tragedy of this generation!

Most of the babies and children who come to Adullam

House, have been already damaged by the tragedy of

sin. Recently, one of our tiny babies was having a hard

time keeping down her food. She was struggling to put

on weight. Following an ultrasound, the doctor

diagnosed “fetal alcohol syndrome”. Of course, we

quickly went to work, to learn all that we could about

this condition. What we found was

shocking to say the least.

Did you know that babies who have been exposed to

even a small amount of alcohol while still in the womb,

can suffer from stunted growth, weight problems, small head size, slow development and distinct facial as well as neurological defects. Language and Intellectual disabilities can be their fate, as well as vision and hearing problems, difficulties with memory and low IQ. These problems often increase as they age.

Did you know that there is no safe amount of alcohol

that you can drink while pregnant?

Did you know that there is no safe time to drink while

you are pregnant?

Did you know that a developing baby cannot process alcohol?

Did you know that alcohol causes more harm

during pregnancy than Heroin or Cocaine?

Did you know that fetal Alcohol syndrome is now more

prevalent that Downs Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, SIDS,

Cystic Fibrosis and Spina Bifida combined.

Did you know that 1 in every 100 children born has


It lasts a lifetime and there is no cure for it!

And it is entirely preventable.

As we read the medical reports and saw

these pictures of children with FASD,

we gasped!

We could clearly see the faces of many

of our children at Adullam House

staring back at us from those pages.

God help this generation.

God help the children of

Adullam House!

I had a hand in Adullam House… Christmas! Those of you who help so kindly and faithfully, with our monthly ongo-ing needs, know that paper products, laundry detergent, diapers and

wipes are always in demand here at Adullam House. But as Christ-mas looms large on the horizon, we want to make an especially urgent appeal this year for EARLY HELP to provide presents (early being the operative word)! Providing a wonderful Christmas for so many children can become quite a task, but when you hear a little one say, “I never had a birthday party before”, or “The other kids told me Christmas is exciting here,” then all your memories of last years exhaustion fade into oblivi-on! However the few days before Christmas can be so frantic for our staff that they hardly have time to enjoy their own children. It really can become the “Nightmare before Christmas”! Though it may be jolly to give gifts close to Christmas Day, we are asking this year if we could set a dead line of no later than December 7th for Christmas donations. This will allow time for us to organize and check that no child has been overlooked and then to join the Christmas rush to find and wrap anything that

may be lacking—and we won’t have to do it all on Christmas Eve! If you would like to help a child this Christmas please check our Facebook page for information on how you can help, or call our office for a wish list! Help turn the “Nightmare Be-fore Christmas” into something a little more ‘Merry and

Bright’! On behalf of the kids—a great big - Thank you!

Volunteers are not paid—not because they are worthless,

but because they are priceless!

Our friend and brother, Sam Craig Brinlee, came to work at Adullam House with Bethel Pentecostal Fel-lowship from Patterson, Louisiana. Sam also made and donated all the amazing metal supports for our bridge that spans the property, con-necting the homes. Sam died sud-denly this month in a workplace accident. Our prayers are with his family.

This month saw the passing away of two very precious people whose lives have affected Adullam House

forever! Sally Stevens (left) -Ms. Sally to all of our chil-dren- brought love and cuddles to all of our babies for over 12 years, and left an indelible mark on their lives. We love you Ms. Sally.