How to Lose Weight Permanently The Natural Way

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Conventional wisdom regarding weight loss is failing us. Greg McLean challenges the established norm and supports his declaration with linked to medical experts and clinical research. A must view for anyone who is resolved to do something about their metabolic disorder.

Transcript of How to Lose Weight Permanently The Natural Way

Change your biochemistry for good

I am not a doctor

I‟m not a nutritionist

I‟m a mortgage banker who developed a metabolic disorder. With an open mind and a willingness to question conventional wisdom, I researched and applied an evolved new understanding over a period of several months with great success and I look forward to continued success.

Greg McLean

Demonstrate the conventional wisdom about diet and exercise that has failed us.

Offer an alternative supporting a new understanding through medical experts and clinical trials.

Point someone with a metabolic disorder in a life changing direction.

Weight management is all about Calories

Saturated fat is bad for you

People who are overweight have only themselves to blame

The best reason to exercise is to burn calories

Wholegrain foods are good for you

Obesity is the cause of many diseases such as diabetes and heart disease

Greg‟s proclamation:

There are so many problems with the Calorie approach to dieting, the term “Calorie” needs to be eliminated from any meaningful discussion about weight loss.


Gary Taubes, a Harvard graduate physicists, certainly understands the laws of thermodynamics. He devotes his life to the understanding of why we are fat. In this hour long presentation he debunks the notion that a Calorie is a Calorie.

Greg‟s proclamation:

There are good fats and bad fats. You need fat to burn fat. Saturated fat is one of the good guys. It has been demonstrated time and time again in clinical trials that saturated fat is benign in its affect on heart disease.


The Study:

Conclusions: A meta-analysis of prospective epidemiologic studies showed that there is no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of CHD or CVD.

Greg‟s proclamation:

Following the FDA‟s food pyramid and recommendations for a low fat, high carbohydrate diet is the reason for the obesity and heart disease epidemics. Two thirds of Americans developed an insulin resistance from eating the wrong foods. Body fat plays a vital roll in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. You are as fat as you need to be for your hormones to do their job.

Greg‟s proclamation:

Calories don‟t make us fat. Hormones do. Many hormones are able to contribute to weight loss or weight gain. Exercise is great for all these hormones, especially in its ability to reverse insulin resistance.


Dr. Colberg discusses "Effects of Exercise on Insulin Resistance“ Notice the word „Calorie‟ is not mentioned.

Greg‟s proclamation:

All wheat is bad and needs to be eliminated from your diet. Weight loss is one of numerous heath benefits that one enjoys from eliminating wheat from the diet.


Dr. William Davis - Wheat: The Unhealthy Whole Grain

Greg‟s proclamation:

Obesity is associated with but not the cause of certain diseases including diabetes and heart disease. The association is because the same thing that makes us overweight makes us sick. Focus on good blood hormone health and losing weight will be a bonus to your good health, life expectancy and quality of life.


Don't fall for the toxic myth that you caused your diabetes by reckless overeating

Obesity does not lead to heart disease: New Study

Commit to the following for the rest of your life:

There are good carbs and bad carbs, good fats and bad fats, good proteins and bad proteins. Eliminate the bad and indulge on the good.

Eat when hungry and until satisfied.

Incorporate 30 minutes of aerobic exercise into your daily routine.

Don‟t make the scale your focus. Rather focus on improving your blood hormone health naturally.

Remember: You carry as much fat as is required for you blood hormones to do their job. So, focus on reducing the requirement.

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