How to Lose Love Handles for Men

Post on 27-May-2015

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An Ultimate Guide for Men to Lose Their Love Handles Fast.

Transcript of How to Lose Love Handles for Men

How to Lose Love Handles For Men


• Having love handles as a man is a terrifying prospect. It is no laughing matter. Chances are you probably have ended up here after desperately searching around the internet about the topic, because you are one of the unlucky men who have them.


• Women who have a little bit of extra fat around their sides can always cover it up. They can dress up to cover them. Use make-up, and play around with their hair to distract the attention away from their love handles.

• But, if you are a man, and you have love handles, how are you expected to get rid of them and get a flat tummy? Many men think that press ups will help. That extensive time spent training in the gym, and dieting will be the key to being able to get rid of those terrible loves handles. The thing is though: this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Love Handles and Men Are Not a Pretty Sight

• Love handles are basically extra parts of fat that form around your stomach and hips. It is a disgusting sight, and every man’s worst nightmare. Women can have the excuse that they have them because of having kids, their hormones, periods, and of course sitting at home looking after the kids.

So Just What Causes Love Handles In Men?

• According to Specialists, what causes love handles in men, is poor diet, overeating, eating the wrong types of food, and of course, something that may sound really weird to you, under eating! That is not to forget to mention the accumulation of waste.

• Yes, you read the text right. Under eating can actually cause you to snack on all the wrong foods because your body starts to crave fats and carbohydrates instead of balanced and healthier, more nutritious options. Not to worry though because there are heaps of ways that you can fix them and start to lose fat.

Love Handles Exercises for Men to Get Rid of Fat

• • Squats• Weights• Jumping Jacks• Push ups• Speed Walking

• you can start to make some small changes in your life that will make a big difference. Cardio work outs are fabulous. Some fantastic exercises that really help to shift the flab and turn the flab to muscle are weight training or resistance training, and of course push ups.

• You can do some very strong cardio work outs without the need to have a personal trainer. 10 minutes of speed walking, followed by 5 minutes of running, followed by 10 minutes of weights, 5 minutes of jumping jacks, 10 minutes of jogging on the spot at a slow pace, 5 minutes of push ups, a final 10 minutes of walking and 5 minutes of squats, if you get the concept!

• Cardio work outs with interval training are all based on getting your heart up fast, helping to burn calories, and shift problematic areas of fat, then of course 10 minutes at normal pace and then all of it repeated again.!

First Steps to help Get rid of Men’s Love Handles with Food and Lifestyle Changes

• Eat five balanced meals• Drink enough water• Always eat breakfast• Have an early dinner• Increase fibre intake

5 Foods that Help Lose Belly Fat Quickly

• Avocados• Eggs• Almonds• Cashew nuts• Cheese

• We have a fantastic plan to get you looking fine in a short space of time. A specially designed exercise, diet, lifestyle regime to help you LOSE THE LOVE HANDLES and get a FLAT TUMMY FAST! You do not need to have a fat tummy forever you know.

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We provide secrets to lose your love handles