How To Know If The Fuel Filter Is Faulty

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How To Know If The Fuel Filter Is Faulty

How To Know If The Fuel Filter Is Faulty?

Fuel filter filters out the fuel and sends it to the engine through fuel injector.

Its prime responsibility is to filter out any dust particles or debris that may be present on fuel which can damage the engine

or create contamination.

Fuel filter is located in between the fuel pump and fuel injector to screen out the impurities in the gasoline that could

contaminate the engine.

The fuel filter protects fuel injectors, engine health and the vehicle's overall performance as it acts as a barrier for


Symptoms of bad fuel filter

Engine Hard start :-

When you struggle hard to start the vehicle but it wont start at all.

In this situation, the vehicle engine hesitate to start as the gas flow is restricted by the clogged fuel filter.

The clogged fuel filter can reduce the car's power and responsiveness ultimately if not taken to the service station


Sometimes if the vehicle doesn't respond to acceleration or

deceleration then it also caused by the faulty fuel filter.

The engine needs a constant flow of power to make it run, but when the fuel filter doesn't send oil continuously, the engine

starts to stall.

Stalling :-

When the fuel filter is dirty, it can restrict the flow and excessively small flow can make the engine stall.

When the stalling happens more often then make sure to replace the fuel filter as soon as possible.

The stalling issues also can cause by immensely clogged or totally dry fuel filter.

A telltale sign of dirty fuel filter is when you get some awful odor coming from your car's exhaust.

Exhaust odor :-

Sometimes the car's exhaust fume that initiated from engine looks cloudy or dark --- This is also a sign of fuel filter problem

and you need to replace it.

When fuel can't reach to the combustion chamber at right time, it increases the chances of misfire and ultimately lead to engine


Engine Misfire :-

When the fuel filter is severely clogged, it can cause decreased power, rough acceleration, and stalling etc.

In some cases, vehicle will start but goes to idling while you are on wheels.

Idling Issues :-

This situation initiated when there is enough fuel for starting the vehicle but after that there is limited fuel for a smooth


If the vehicle is running in low speed then it creates sputtering sound.

Sputtering Issues :-

But when the vehicle's fuel filter is not working properly, it also generates sputtering sound.

In some vehicles the fuel pressure sensor detects low pressure and pops on the check engine light to let the vehicle user know

about it.

Check engine light pops on :-

A new user can't guess the issue but when it comes to an experienced user, they can take the error code and check it

with the professional mechanic about the issue.

Sometimes when fuel filter is partially dirty but sends contaminated fuel to injector and carburetor. It makes them

clogged and leads to engine stalling and idling.

Carburetor & Injector Issue :-

The fuel filter should be replaced in every 45,000-60,000miles for better output.

