How To Kill your Idea

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Transcript of How To Kill your Idea

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea


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@yennie @kaolinek

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

HELLOHi - thanks for joining our ‘Kill Your Idea’ destruction workshop

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea


Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

@yennie @kaolinek@ideo@IDEOorg

Yennie works at IDEO’s non-profit in the San Francisco and Karoline is a designer at IDEO in London

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Most of you’ve probably heard of IDEO - but for those of you who haven’t, we’re a global design & innovation firm.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea’s mission is to use design to solve complex social problems. We partner with organisations to bring products and services to underserved consumers around the world.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

At IDEO(.com) we design products, services, experiences with companies and organisations. We recently partnered with IKEA to reimagine the kitchen in 2025

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Creative approach to problem-solvingDesign thinking is exactly this - a creative approach to problem-solving.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

This is a sketch of the design thinking process. Notice how there are deliberate moments to build concrete ideas and to divine abstract concepts.

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This is another sketch of the design thinking process, which delineates three phases of “inspiration,” “ideation,” and “implementation.” Where we “diverge” is to go wide and open ourselves up to any and all ideas. Where we “converge” is when we bring focus back to the problem at hand.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Both of the previous sketches are quite linear in theory - one phase follows another. But, in our experience, the process can feel a bit more like this - meandering, interconnected, sometimes even confusing.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Ideas are the basic units of creativity

Process aside, we know that ideas are the things that inspire solutions. Without them, the design thinking process couldn’t exist!

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

But where do they come from?

Yup, we’re asking this question out loud. Today we’re going to put the magic aside and get pragmatic about generating lots of ideas.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

.In appearance, an idea can look like this. It’s discrete, self-contained and by itself.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

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But, really - they’re more like this. Ideas contain elements and principles from many other sources of inspiration and facts. They’re messy!

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea


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Ideas beget other ideas, meaning that ideas are at once the synthesis of many things, but are also points of inspiration for many, many other ideas.

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In fact, we’ve discovered that elements, principles can be extracted and collectively lead to a better, stronger idea if you give yourself enough time to stretch your brain

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Today we’re going to simulate this

with you

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Our goal today is to get to creative

abundance You’ve all come to this workshop with an idea. We want you to leave with 100!

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1. Goals and Mindsets 2. SHARE: Your idea in 30 seconds 3. Prompt Party!

4. Prompt Afterparty! 5. SHARE: Reflection 6. K bye

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea


Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Basic rules of brainstorming1. Defer judgement 2. Encourage wild ideas 3. Build on the ideas of others 4. Stay focused on the topic 5. One conversation at a time 6. Be visual 7. Go for quantity

Brainstorms are a design thinking method. We use them a lot to generate ideas. There are some rules to them, but we find that they are generalisable to the scale of the entire creative process.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Also, three mindsets

Here are some mindsets that we think will get you on your way to creating new and strengthening existing ideas.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

1. Don’t be precious.

@yennie @kaolinek

Don’t be precious about your idea, your ego.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Seriously…Being precious about your idea leads to obsession and no change. No one wants to be that guy who can’t stop talking about their own idea.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Dominant ideas hijack space

Being precious about your ideas makes it impossible for other, new ideas to influence and strengthen your ideas. It closes you up from inspiration and collaboration.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

The lone genius is a myth

Lone geniuses are out there, but usually they’re not doing anything . It’s really hard to create something meaningful by yourself - so don’t forget your team!

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

2. Seek challenges.

@yennie @kaolinek

You must be deliberate in practicing the “hard things.” This is what leads to better ideas.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

“It’s working if it burns.”

Practice and mastery takes time, effort, and a bit of productive struggle. It’s hard! A good litmus for whether or not your idea is improving is whether or not you’re grappling with it, confused about it.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Fail early to succeed sooner.In fact, “failure” has more to do with learning from obvious, hard falls. This helps you improve your idea with irrefutable evidence of what doesn’t work.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

If you have the choice, take the red pill.

Seek adventure! The creative process is so much more about pushing your own ability and comfort level with something new. Always take the red pill - even if it’s scary or ambiguous.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

3. Always bring a friend <3

@yennie @kaolinek

We say this because it’s true. Nothing works well unless you have a team that wants to help you and wants you to succeed.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Feedback should be your fuel

Feedback! Remember our bit about ego? Without feedback, you could be going in a bad direction. Set your ego aside and let people give you earnest feedback on your idea - even if it’s difficult to hear.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Homogeneity is for the birds.

Don’t just bring a known friend, try to get new friends, too! Diversity in experience and opinion will strengthen your ideas. When we talk about building “interdisciplinary” teams, we mean to deliberately bring in different perspectives and expertise into the process.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Collaboration is about compromise

Ooh, this is a hard one. Collaboration is not about building general consensus among everyone, it’s about moving forward with an idea when it’s clear that perhaps your contribution isn’t what the idea needs.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Now, back to the “framework” - lol.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea


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Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

What’s your idea?

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Get into groups of 10ish

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Share your idea in 30 secsAnd if you don’t have an idea - tell the group a little bit about yourself.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

No mic hogs allowed!

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Prompt Party!Don’t forget we’re going for quantity

We call these “prompts” because they prompt inspiration and idea generation. The following examples are of us modelling what a potential response or “answer” might be to them.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Let’s blow this shit up

The goal is to go for abundance. Don’t get locked into a single thing, but face a collection of ideas to combine, mix, improve.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Go completely analogueRemove all digital features and find other ways to make it work

Take your existing idea and apply this thinking to it. If it’s an app, what would it look like if it wasn’t enabled by a digital interface, platform or technology?

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Learn from extremesDesign for the person least likely to use your idea - and make it relevant to them.

Deliberately try to “break” your idea by seeking a different audience to use it.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Reimagine your audienceReimagine your audience as kids only. What would your idea do for them & how?

How do you simplify your idea and lower the threshold for engagement and experience?

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Let’s get goingIf you want - find a buddy, and run through the prompts together

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Basic rules of brainstorming1. Defer judgement 2. Encourage wild ideas 3. Build on the ideas of others 4. Stay focused on the topic 5. One conversation at a time 6. Be visual 7. Go for quantity

Don’t forget to draw upon these rules while you “kill your idea.” And, demonstrate some of these things for yourself - defer self-judgment, show self-compassion and acknowledge that you’re doing something new!

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

REVERSE IT what if your idea achieved the opposite of what it’s currently meant to do?

EXAGGERATE an element of your idea. Make it bigger, smaller, bolder etc.

EXTRACT a minor feature. Blow it up to its own idea

What if you had UNLIMITED FUNDS in the world - how’d you make impact happen tomorrow?

Reimagine your audience as KIDS only. What would your idea do for them & how?

SPEAK TO EXTREMES Design for the person least likely to use your idea - and make it relevant to them.

Go completely ANALOGUE - remove all digital features)

Go completely DIGITAL - remove all physical touch points

EXTRACT A PRINCIPLE or element from one of your ideas. Work with it to find new ones

EXAMINE the benefits of your idea. Are there other, simpler ways of achieving them?

CHANGE THE SETTING - Place your idea in the middle of the sharing economy - or reimagine it as a B2B business. Or take it from home to work etc.

Through? Pick one of your new ideas and start over!











Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea


Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Prompt Afterparty!as in, what you might want to do next

We call this the afterparty because we know there is much more left to do - to make your idea real in the world. Here are some things you can do to inspire next steps.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Consider the system

The “system” is about the comprehensive consideration of where and what your idea is accomplishing.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

This is a framework that prioritises the “desireable,” “feasible,” and “viable.” Always make sure your idea address these things, with special attention to “desirability.” Don’t forget: it’s all about the people. People, people, people!

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Get more feedbackIt never stops. Feedback is the data you need to continuously improve upon your idea. It’s also the most valuable thing you can receive from someone. Feeeeedback!

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Sometimes, it requires getting out there and collecting feedback from your audience or end-user yourself. Don’t stop at “not knowing.” Get that feedback!

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Examine the needAnd your ego…

Don’t forget that your idea can’t be captive of your own desire and thinking. Are you building something that others will benefit from and find meaningful?

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Practice at the trade show yo

You can practice this yourself. Examine the need with products that you encounter everyday. Do they hit the “desireable, feasible, viable” qualities?

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Score to rankUse tools to move fast. This might mean that you establish a scoring system to identify what your idea is really accomplishing.

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Data - however big or small, helps makes decisions and keep decision-making transparent. Tools like this help collaboration move faster.

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Don’t ever ever forget the userYou’ll be screwed otherwise.

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

Phew, okay. Almost through! We’re keen to hear where you’re all at

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Let’s share Your most exciting new idea, element, learning or reflection. What will you do differently moving forward?

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

ResourcesDesign Kit by - comprehensive tool for design thinking

Design Sprint by Google Ventures ( - a nice process for quick ideation

Creative Confidence by Tom & David Kelley - a primer on finding your inner creative

Method Cards, Nature Cards by IDEO - prompt cards with design methods

Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions & Drawings byYoko Ono - a neat tool for creation

Oblique Strategies by Brian Eno & Peter Schmidt - prompt cards for the creatively and zen-inclined

You Are a Message by Guillaume Wolf “Prof G” - a neat tool for creative entrepreneurship

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea


Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

It’s been great!Keep in touch new friends

Kill Your Idea SXSW 2016 #diedea

@yennie @kaolinek@ideo@IDEOorg