How to kill bed bugs yourself

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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This publication will pertain to DIY pest control solutions for learning how to kill bed bugs yourself. Times have changed since 75 years ago when we were able to nearly eliminate the entire population with poisonous insecticides. Fortunately, most of these dangerous chemicals have since been banned. In the time since then, we have become distracted and stopped paying attention to the threat of a bed bug infestation. This decreased vigilance has allowed their population to grow to record numbers. The time has come to re-educate ourselves and fight back. You don’t always need to hire an expensive pest control company to come in and perform the word for you. In most cases, you can learn how to kill bed bugs yourself. In order to eliminate these pesky insects you will need a solid treatment plan. Most professionals refer to this as an integrated pest control plan.

Transcript of How to kill bed bugs yourself

How To Get Rid of Bed Bugs (Naturally)

- Use a UV flashlight to illuminate bed bugs, eggs and excrement

- A magnifying glass is also helpful

Search the following areas for traces of a bed bug infestation:

Mattress seams, folds ant tagsBedding and pillows

Cracks in the bed frame Curtain folds and creases

Dresser drawer jointsElectrical receptacles

All woodworkLoose wallpaper

In the cracks of drywallSeams and folds of furniture

Behind wall-mounted pictures Behind mirrorsSwitch Plates

Items under bedCarpet edges along the walls

Cracks in wood moldingClothing and clutter

Clocks, television or other appliances

Try to detect any: reddish/brown flat insects, eggs, excrement or small blood stains from crushed bed bugs. If you are unsure about anything you find, you can take it to a

bed bug forum and seek advice on how to proceed. You can also find great advice there how to get rid of bed bugs naturally.

Use high heat cycles on all bedding, pillow cases, curtains and fabric to kill any bed bugs and eggs. It may be more practical to throw some of the items away. Dry clean

only items can skip the wash and go into the dryer. Use high heat for at least 30 minutes. Heat treatments are the best way to naturally get rid of bed bugs.

Vacuum vigorously to help get rid of bed bugs, eggs and excrement. Scrub with a brush while vacuuming to dislodge any that are below the surface. A vacuum is another

fantastic tool for getting rid of insects naturally.

Put 91% rubbing alcohol into a spray bottle and treat the same areas. Alcohol does not have an extremely high kill rate on bed bugs. However, it is a great way to naturally

sanitize the areas and kill some of the pests.

Do you have access to a steam cleaner? If so, they are worth their weight in gold when it comes to natural methods of killing bed bugs. You need a steamer that can maintain a temperature of 150 degrees. Move at a rate of 12 inches every 30 seconds across all

of the infested areas.

If you don’t have access to a steam cleaner, use diatomaceous earth. DE is a amazing solution for getting rid of bed bugs naturally. Just be careful that you don’t buy the wrong

grade. You want a non-toxic food grade. Consult my bed bug elimination guide for recommendations on what to use and where to get it. All diatomaceous earth is not

created equal.

Products such as mattress encasements and moats to protect your bed are wonderful sources for natural prevention. The bed bugs WILL die if they can not eat. These

products are inexpensive and very effective.

Eliminating a bed bug infestation may require some patience and persistence. Don’t give up!

If you need more assistance or you have any additional questions on this process…

Visit my free step-by-step guide on how to get rid of bed bugs naturally. Or watch my video about the best ways to eliminate a bed bug infestation.

(Yes, those are a clickable links)