How To Keep the Sport Alive!. PART1: HOW TO RECRUIT.

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Transcript of How To Keep the Sport Alive!. PART1: HOW TO RECRUIT.

How To Keep the Sport Alive!



New members are the lifeblood of our clubs.Without them we will not survive.

It Takes a Club.

Chatham increased significantly and in a wide range of age groups. Their rebuilding program

in the past 2 years was to increase our membership from what was once 20 members

to over 60 members.

“It takes an enthusiastic group to move things forward. But with new members, comes a wealth of enthusiasm

and willingness to get involved. This includes our membership activities.”

— Brian Kirkwood, Staynor Lawn Bowling Club

Take Me to your Leader!

Find your Membership Director. They need to be:

• Enthusiastic • Knowledgeable • Connected in the community • Willing to tell people what to do!

Set your Objectives.

• Determine how many new members you want to recruit.

• Determine where they might be. • Decide how to reach them. • Invite them • Retain them • Measure your objectives. (what would you change or adjust for next year?)

New Members come in Sets.

• Rotary, Probus,Kinsmen, Optimist and other community clubs

• curlers, alley bowlers, bocce players • work (or ex-work friends) • church • active senior’s clubs

Prospect People who are Most Likely.

50% of our new members came from other sports…we prospected people

from curling clubs, bowling alleys and Bocce Clubs.

—Andre Regimbald,Richmond Hill Lawn Bowling Club

Prospect People Who are Most Likely.

We have been very successful recruiting new members from Probus Club members. Our first Open House attracted 50 people. Last year we

had more than 100 and had to do two Open Houses.

— Brian Kirkwood, Staynor Lawn Bowling Club

Bowlers Bring Bowlers.

Our 9-day Open House involves all the club members. It is bowlers that bring in bowlers.

You do have to start with a few dedicated people in your club, giving many hours to

show that it can work.

—Bruce Smith,Collingwood Lawn Bowling Club

How to Advertise.

Use the tools supplied. The posters can be customized by

adding Open House information or contact information for your club.

Put them up in curling clubs, bowling alleys, community centres – your

local variety store.

Get Some Face Time.

The best recruitment results have come from participating in community

events like sports shows, cultural festivals, etc. where the members take out a short mat – or just the bowls and are able to let people get a feel for the

sport. The brochures can be handed out in situations like this.

Present your Recruitment Card.

The easiest way to gracefully give someone aninvitation that they can slip in their pocket or

wallet. Personalize it and then follow up – get their name and phone

number so you can call to confirm they

are coming!

Signage. The Best Investment in Advertising.

Clubs are oftenhidden in older neighborhoods.

Putting up a banner suddenly gives you street presence –

and a giant advertising billboard.

Open Houses. The Recruitment Answer.

Open Houses are the common element for all the clubs that have been successful at recruiting. Generally they are held around the May long


What others have done:• Steak dinner for $10 and all you can bowl• Hot dogs, pop and a specific time• Get a SOP (special Occasion Permit)

from the LBCO nearest you.

Public Relations. The Next Cheapest form

of Advertising.

Send our notices to all the media in your community about your open house. Radio,

television, newspapers, etc. all have room for ‘special event’ coverage at no charge.

A sample Open House media release is included in your kit.

Paid Advertising. How to Spend Wisely.

Small space ads can be submitted to newspapers to run as ‘filler’ at no charge. Community papers are also

relatively inexpensive. Sample ad slicks are included in your kit.

If paying for your space, make sure there is an Open House or an invitation to try lawn bowling.

Generally it takes anywhere from 7 to 10 times for a message to be seen. Running an ad once won’t

do it.

Sample Ad Mats.

Paid Advertising. How to Spend Wisely.

Community television and radio may be interested in covering an event like an open house as a news event.

The cost of paying for such media is steep. In order to get the necessary GRPs (share of audience attention), you will likely have to spend more money

than is wise.To make any kind of impression, you’d need to have a minimum of 5 ads per day for two weeks. If this was inviting people to an

Open House or event, this might be a reasonable expense and net a response.

But radio and television and newspaper are all communicating to people who aren’t necessarily our target group – but you still pay for advertising to


(Go for the free stuff.)


PART 2: Retain.How to Keep Them!

Recruitment efforts will be wasted if you do not have a club program focused on retention.

Make sure you have a Bowls Buddy Program.

Bowls Buddy Program

It has been proven that new members will continue to

come if they are made to feel welcome and comfortable.

OLBA believes it is imperative that each club establish a Bowls Buddy program

for new bowlers.

Bowls Buddy Program

Make sure you have the right pair!

Lawn Bowling – It’s for Everyone!

What Are You Waiting For?