How to innovate right now

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Scott Berkun’s “How to innovate, right now” from Source: ejournal USA presented by: Pragya, IIBM Patna, PGDM 2012 on 22-Jan-2013

Transcript of How to innovate right now


Pragya PGDM 2012 |Roll no: 48 22-Jan-2013

Innovate means “to introduce something new”.

Every great innovators borrowed and reused ideas from past to make whatever it is they are famous for.

As long as idea, or use of an existing idea, is new to the person you are creating it for, or applies an existing concept in a new way ,you qualify as an

What and How

Scott Berkun’s “How to innovate, right now” from Source: ejournal USA presented by: Pragya, IIBM Patna, PGDM 2012

innovator from there point of view.

Some examples proves that the trick to innovation is to widen your perspective on what qualifies as new like

a. Wright brothers, the innovators of powered flight in the US, spent hours watching birds.

b. The total kit of every innovator includes 3 things.

What and How

Scott Berkun’s “How to innovate, right now” from Source: ejournal USA presented by: Pragya, IIBM Patna, PGDM 2012

A work can be done through hundreds of alternative approaches.

Without asking questions and looking around, creative talent would never have had a chance to surface.

Some questions for innovators are:

a. Why it is done this way?b. Who started it and why?

Ask Questions

Scott Berkun’s “How to innovate, right now” from Source: ejournal USA presented by: Pragya, IIBM Patna, PGDM 2012

Asking question is another thing but trying to answer them is another.

No one can see the world exactly the way that you do.

The way an individuals experience or make something, may discover lessons and make observations that other people failed to notice. Progress depends on people thinking.

Try things yourself

Scott Berkun’s “How to innovate, right now” from Source: ejournal USA presented by: Pragya, IIBM Patna, PGDM 2012

If you do something new then it is hard to predict what the outcome will be.

The bigger the innovation the more the risk of failure.

If you fail then instead of regret you ask questions with yourself like:

a. Why did I fail?b. What will I do differently

next time?

Attempt, learn, and attempt again

Scott Berkun’s “How to innovate, right now” from Source: ejournal USA presented by: Pragya, IIBM Patna, PGDM 2012

Q&AScott Berkun’s “How to innovate, right now” from Source: ejournal USA presented by: Pragya, IIBM Patna, PGDM 2012