How To Increase Web Page Speed

Post on 17-Jun-2021

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First, you need to minimize the load of HTTP requests is to combine similar resources. When you are minifying resources, you can combine similar files together, all stylesheets, and all custom javascript files can be combined into single files. You should avoid any redirects in your code because each redirect increases the load times of your web page. Use CDN because CDN is a collection of web servers present across vast geographical locations that deliver content quickly and efficiently to clients.

Transcript of How To Increase Web Page Speed

How To Increase Web Page Speed

How To Increase Web Page Speed

Optimize HTTP Requests

First, you need to minimize the load of HTTP requests is to combine similar resources.

When you are minifying resources, you can combine similar files together, all stylesheets, and all custom javascript files can be combined into single files.

You should avoid any redirects in your code because each redirect increases the load times of your web page.

Use CDN because CDN is a collection of web servers present across vast geographical locations that deliver content quickly and efficiently to clients.

Upgrade Images

The supplanting of a PNG with a JPEG picture document can undoubtedly save your page size and burden time.

JPG images are meant for photos and other complex images with a lot of color information in them.

PNG images are perfect for graphics that have little color information, such as interface screenshots.

Optimize your image locally before you upload images on your website.

Combine CSS and JavaScript/Minify

You can reduce page speed by minifying and combining your files, this reduces the size of each file, as well as the total number of files.

Minifying a file involves removing unnecessary formatting, whitespace, and code.

Since every unnecessary piece of code adds to the size of your page, it’s important that you eliminate extra spaces, line breaks, and indentation.

If your website runs multiple CSS and JavaScript files, you need to combine that files into one file.

Adjust Server Response Time

One of the biggest factors in how quickly your website page loads is the amount of time your DNS lookup takes.

When a user types a URL into their browser, a DNS server is what translates that URL into the IP address that indicates its location online.

A DNS lookup, then, is the process of finding a specific DNS record. You can think of it as your computer looking up a number in a phone book.

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