How to Improve Your Leadership Skills

Post on 15-Feb-2017

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Transcript of How to Improve Your Leadership Skills

How to Improve YourLeadership Skills

If you want to succeed in life, onequality that can certainly help you

achieve your goals is leadershipability. Strong leaders are needed

in all facets of society. This includesbusiness, education, science, sports

and government.

However, very few people are bornstrong leaders. Instead, leadership

is a skill you need to acquire overtime. With that in mind, below are

a few great strategies to use toimprove your leadership skills soyou can achieve your goals in life.

Develop YourCritical Thinking


If you want to be a leader, you needto be a thinker. The kind of

thinking you need possess is knownas critical thinking.

Critical thinking goes beyond thesurface of issues. Instead, a critical

thinker analyzes and assessesissues on a deeper level. He or she

views the issue from multiple viewpoints.

That person tries to get to the rootof complex problems and issues to

find the logical building blocks theyare composed of.

It’s a much deeper analysis free ofthe simple biases and “gut feelings”that may drive the decision makingof others without critical thinking


Being a critical thinker meansbeing able to study complex

problems and come up with the bestsolution based on strong logical

conclusions. People expect theirleaders to be effective problem


Become anEffective


If you want to get people behindyour cause, you need to be able to

effectively communicate with largegroups. Without that

communication, there is noleadership.

Try your hand at public speaking infront of live audiences. While stagefright can certainly be scary, it can

dissipate with practice.

These days, you also have otheravenues for communicating with awide audience. Running a blog or a

podcast are two ways many modernleaders convey their messages to

their followers.

However, simply speaking to othersis not enough. You need to bepersuasive. This is where the

critical thinking comes into play.

If you can use your logic andreasoning to convince others that

your way is the best, you will have amuch better chance of developing a


Consider studying thecommunication styles of the great

leaders of the past to help youdevelop your own style.

Create Your OwnPhilosophy

To truly lead, you need to developyour own personal philosophy that

you can convey to others in yourpublic speaking, actions and


Consider what values, ideals andcauses are important to you. Don’t

simply rely on the ideology ofothers. You need to be an innovator

and an individual with your ownideas and views. If you aren’t, you

will never effect real change.

This is even the case for business.Apple, for example, would have

never come into prominencewithout the individualistic vision

and leadership style of Steve Jobs.

You have to bring something new tothe table that reflects your own
