How to Improve Marketing with the Help of an Hours Tracker?

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of How to Improve Marketing with the Help of an Hours Tracker?

How to Improve Marketing with the Help of an Hours Tracker?

Marketing has been in business since 1950s.

It has significantly changed and evolved, and with it changed the requirements of its quality and efficiency.

You can find dozens of marketing blogs, thousands of articles with tips and tricks on how to increase rankings and brand awareness.

Even though there’s a lot of material out there that is supposed to help, marketing teams face some common problems.

Getting lost in time: a problem that marketers face is that it is easy to get lost in time. For,

example when you are writing an article, it is easy get absorbed by writing it and not notice that you spend 5 hours instead of two.

The last thing that a marketer should worry about, is time tracking. Yaware.TimeTracker runs silently in the background so that marketer

does not have to bother about time tracking.

So How Exactly Can an Hours Tracker Help the Marketing Team?

1) Detect unutilized software:

Because marketing teams use a certain set of tools, that are based on paid subscription, unutilized software costs you in lost money.

2) Improve time management and planning skills:The reports allow to detect the exact time, that every marketing activity consumes. This knowledge allows to make decisions on things that could be done to execute tasks faster, better or with less effort.

3) Increase personal productivity:

With better time management and planning skills, employees become in charge of their life, and so increase productivity.

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