How to identify a fake diamond ?

Post on 16-Feb-2017

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Transcript of How to identify a fake diamond ?

When you're taking a look at a diamond through a

loupe, a real stone is going to have sharp edges,

and a fake stone will have rounded edges.

If the metal used for detting diamond is gold plated

or silver, chances are it's not a diamond

because Most diamonds are mounted in gold or

set in platinum.

If the setting of a diamond looks like it's of poor

quality, that probably means it's not going to be a

real diamond either.

Rub a sandpaper with your stone.If it's a

diamond, it will remain perfect, if it's a cubic

zirconium, it will scratch it up.

Breathe hot air on your stone.A fake diamond

will fog up for a short period of time whereas a

real diamond will not because it won't retain

the heat.

Diamonds reflect light uniquely.A fake diamond

will have rainbow colors that you can see inside

the diamond whereas the real one sparkles grey

and white colors inside the stone.

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