How To help Students

Post on 24-Mar-2016

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Transcript of How To help Students



Recognizing and Helping Students

in Distress

Student edition…


A Guide for Students The college years can be a time of discovery

and excitement. However, at the same time, personal development experienced

in college can be stressful.



Ut eu libero

Aliquam laoreet tristique ante. Vestibulum porta nunc in nisl.

In sollicitudin ante

egestas ante. Proin

ante orci,

bibendum a,

venenatis vitae,

bibendum non, pede.

Aliquam tempor. Duis ut ipsum at orci

nonummy elementum. Donec turpis elit,

fringilla non, rhoncus eget, aliquet sed, augue.

Donec vestibulum erat non lacus. Sed sagittis

sapien at libero. Cum sociis natoque penatibus

et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur

ridiculus mus. Ut volutpat, ligula vitae

imperdiet vulputate, arcu justo consequat nisl,

sed feugiat lectus nulla id velit. Cras quis sem

lacinia leo convallis pellentesque.

Ut eu libero.

Curabitur magna risus, eleifend in, vulputate

in, pulvinar nec, purus. Fusce tristique, mi id

bibendum tincidunt, tortor quam vehicula

pede, vestibulum sollicitudin nisi elit tincidunt

dolor. Donec viverra, dui non tristique

semper, sapien arcu porttitor velit, pretium

consectetuer neque est quis ligula. Quisque

vulputate. In urna enim, facilisis ac, posuere sit

amet, rhoncus sit amet, risus. Morbi massa.

Cras sem. Sed iaculis, lorem luctus mattis

malesuada, neque neque scelerisque dui, eget

vulputate purus mauris at odio. Praesent

rutrum risus ut ipsum.

Proin venenatis rutrum nunc. Curabitur

convallis facilisis eros. In at nulla sit amet

sapien fermentum faucibus. Ut aliquet semper

felis. Nam sed sapien ac lorem vulputate

blandit. Nullam nec leo et ligula dictum

sodales. Maecenas eu nunc. Sed aliquet risus

et lectus. Vestibulum tellus. Donec tempor

vulputate nibh.

Duis blandit metus a tellus. Quisque

sollicitudin, est vitae blandit dapibus, dui diam

mollis felis, sit amet rhoncus purus mauris sit

amet tellus. Quisque luctus sem ut metus.

Maecenas sodales. Morbi odio. Integer

accumsan, sapien ac tincidunt tempus, tortor

tortor feugiat tortor, a condimentum felis felis

nec massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi

tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames

ac turpis egestas.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci

luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

Sed viverra ante ut arcu.

Vivamus ut nisl a lectus volutpat laoreet. Fusce

rutrum mi eget felis. Etiam sollicitudin, ligula

id accumsan lobortis, neque erat bibendum

erat, eget volutpat mi enim auctor turpis. Duis

tellus quam, vulputate eu, semper vel,

accumsan non, diam.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed

accumsan, ligula at consectetuer ultrices, urna

neque ullamcorper orci, in feugiat justo massa

euismod nisl. Suspendisse aliquet interdum

libero. Maecenas neque est, cursus non,

sodales vitae, rhoncus vitae, velit. Donec

bibendum eros vel nunc. Nunc id elit nec sem

facilisis viverra. Nullam egestas. Mauris

rutrum accumsan nisi. Sed ipsum dolor,

adipiscing vel, tristique vitae, placerat at,

neque. Donec semper dui nec sem.



What to Look For: Behavioral Indicators:

• Direct or indirect statements indicating distress, family problems or other difficulties

• Anger or hostility that seems unprovoked

• Threatening others in person or via the internet

• Impulsive behavior, acting out • More withdrawn or more

animated than usual • Distorted thinking or

deterioration of cognitive functioning

• Tearfulness

• Isolation, seeing student on campus frequently alone

• Extreme amount of time spent on the internet

• Expressions of hopelessness or worthlessness

• Expressions of concern for the student by his or her peers

• Statements to the effect that the student is “going away for a long time”

• Giving away possessions • A hunch or gut-level feeling

that something is wrong


Physical Indicators

• Deterioration in physical appearance

• Lack of personal hygiene

• Excessive fatigue • Visible changes in

weight • Attending class

bleary-eyed, intoxicated or smelling of alcohol/ drugs

• Signs of self injurious/ self-destructive behavior such as scars from cutting on arms

• Severe depression • Any behavior which

seems out of control


Contact On-Campus Resources

TCU Police If you have concerns about a student’s imminent safety- notify Campus Police immediately (817) 257-7777

Campus Life- Dean’s Office

(817) 257- 7926 This office is often in the best position to gather information from a variety of sources. Campus Life can also initiate a psychological evaluation if there is sufficient concern

TCU Counseling Center (817) 257-7863 You can always discuss your concerns with a Counselor in the Counseling Center. You can also suggest that your friend talk about their situation with a Counselor as well.

Housing & Residence Life (8187) 257- 7862 If you are a residential student- contact your Hall Director and/or Residence Assistant. These staff members are trained on providing assistance in dealing with these situations and can also speak with your friend and refer them to the appropriate resource.

What You Can Do By using the above indicators you will be in a good position to help recognize a

friend who may be in distress. You can discuss your observations with the student

and also contact helping resources on campus


On- Campus Resources

TCU Police


Campus Life


Counseling Center


Health Center


Alcohol & Drug Education


Office of Religious and Spiritual Life


Center for Academic Services


Housing and Residence Life




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