How To Heal Your Negative Thoughts Presentation by Joseph Mercado

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Transcript of How To Heal Your Negative Thoughts Presentation by Joseph Mercado

How To Heal Your Negative Thoughts & Better Your Life!

Joseph Mercado presents...

Replacing 1 Negative Thought with 1 Positive Thought At-A-Time.


“Matter cannot be destroyed, it can only be converted or transitioned into another state.” -J.M.


TABLE OF CONTENTSTable of Contents.....................................................................2

You Will Learn.........................................................................3


Acres of Diamonds...................................................................5



The Success Traveler................................................................8

Negative People......................................................................9

The Brain..............................................................................10

Neural Nets...........................................................................11

The Creation of Your Thoughts.................................................12

Your Conscious Mind...............................................................13

Your Subconscious Mind..........................................................14

Your Emotional Chemistry........................................................15

Branches & Roots of Life..........................................................16

Influence: Positive or Negative.................................................17

18.........................................................................The 90 / 10 Principle

19.......................................................................The Power of Patience

20............................................................Stay Focused & Think Positive

21....................................................................The Law of Replacement

22........................................................................The Law of Attraction

23.................................................................The Law of Cause & Effect

24...........................................................The Brain Functionality Process

25...................................................................Trivia Challenge Question

26.....................................................How To Create Metaphorical Quotes

27..............................................................The Drawbridge of Your Mind

28...............................................................................Your Self-Image

29..........................................................................Your Self-Awareness

30.......................................................................Your Self-Actualization

31..........................................................................Control Your Destiny

32..........................................................Healing Your Negative Thoughts

33......................................................................Questions and Answers

“Negative thought healers prevent self-doubters, toxic influencer's, and night-crawling dream stealer's.” -J.M.


YOU WILL LEARN● You will learn how to motivate yourself and discover more positive energy in your life.

● You will learn how to extract positive energy from thoughts, people, places, and objects.

● You will learn how your thoughts are produced by electricity and how information travels in your brain.

● You will learn how to make more positives decisions, and take more positive directions in your life so you will achieve more positive results.

● You will learn the problem solving formula with the 90 / 10 Principle.

● You will learn how to see negative situations differently at a unique perspective of wisdom.

● You will learn to add more positive thoughts and influential keywords to your arsenal of thinking.

● You will learn how to better your life by transitioning the negative thought patterns in your mind.

● You will learn how to heal your negative thoughts.

“Learn to bite your tongue even when you feel the need to bite back. Your quietness is far more superior than your immediate rush to get the last word.” -J.M.



● Who am I?

● What's your why?

● Personal journey story.

● The primary objective.

● Your place of purpose.

“An emotional infection is caused by a negative thought or negative action. Become the disinfectant by transfusing positive thoughts through the intravenous of the mind.” -J.M.

Thomas Kinkade – Open Gates Image


ACRES OF DIAMONDS● The story of an old farmer.

● The initial problem.

● The concluding solution.

● The moral of the story.

“Put on the outfit of a farmer and begin seeding your plantation with seeds of security and prepare for a season of excess and plentifulness. You must work smart and delegate your influence wisely in order to see the energy

sewn, produced, and distributed throughout your life.” -J.M.




MOTIVATION● Where does your motivation come from?

● How do you become self-motivated?

● Is there a limit to your motivation?

● Why do you feel unmotivated to do certain things?

● Intrinsic vs Extrinsic motivation.

● Your internal motivation must be in conjunction with your external environment.

● What are we motivated by?

“Inspiration must be accompanied by motivation in order for you to take motive-action, allowing you to accomplish what you find to be of positive purpose.” -J.M.


INFORMATION● Information is one of the most valuable commodity items throughout human existence.

● Information is either positive or negative.

● Your supplied information allows you to engage in decision making.

● Based on your decisions, you are able to take direction.

● We live in the new digital age of how information is shared.

● Technology shapes the globe.

● People are fueled by knowledge and information.

“It's not about how much information you have, it's about what you do with the information you're given, as long as it reflects positive success.” -J.M.



● Carrying a boulder on your shoulder.

● A nap sack full of bricks.

● A bundle of sticks wrapped around each leg.

● Balancing a pumpkin on your head.

● The Moral of the Story.

“The road to success is always under construction.” -Unknown Author


NEGATIVE PEOPLE● Birds of a similar feather flock together.

● Statistically, 87% of people think negative.

● Negative people are toxic and draining.

● You are a product of your own environment.

● Negative thoughts that come from negative people are derived from negative roots, negative habits, and negative behavior.

● Negativity must never outweigh your positive thinking abilities.

● Negativity is resulted from anger, stress, turmoil, instability, depression, isolation, anguish, pessimism, discouragement, and more.

● Negative thoughts will cause dis-function inside your emotional equilibrium.

“Never allow the range of your rage within the level of your anger to emotionally tangle your mind with vines of thorns. It will hinder your opportunity for thinking rightfully and obtaining a humble personality.” -J.M.


THE BRAIN● Right Hemisphere (Holistic Thinking) & (Creative) vs Left Hemisphere (Linear Thinking) & (Logic)

● The Hypothalamus – what is it?

● Neural-nets and the transfer of data flow through the pipelines of internal cache in your memory.

● The brain processes 400 billion bits of information per second.

● Your conscious mind is only aware of 2,000 of those bits of information.

“The existing mass region of thoughts scattered throughout your brain are created by two forces of matter called: positive and negative.” -J.M.


NEURAL NETS● Nervous System

● Neurons

● Synapse

● Axons

● Dendrites

● Dendriticles

● Myelin Sheath

● Nodes

● Positive and negative ionic charged particles Image of a neural network

“The neural network in your brain is your central hub for transitioning and delivering your thoughts to your consciousness. Charges of influence will invite either positive or negative electrodes into your entity of impulses.

Your perception of life will determine the images of your reality.” -J.M.



“Your imagination is a snapshot of images seen behind the creation of your thoughts.” -J.M.

● Nerve Cells

● Electrical Impulse

● Wave of Electricity

● Crossing the Gap

● Opening Channels

● Triggering the Target Cell


YOUR CONSCIOUS MIND● Your conscious mind is the objective faculty.

● Your consciousness makes decisions.

● Your conscious is either accepting or rejecting information.

● Any bit of info suggested and accepted by your conscious is automatically accepted by your subconscious.

“Conscious productivity is the predecessor to subconsciously attaining positive results.” -J.M.


YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND● Your subconscious is your subjective faculty.

● Believes and obeys what the conscious says.

● You can only hold one thought at-a-time either positive or negative, good or evil.

● The subconscious is like a large data bank, it receives and stores information.

● Your subconscious permanently records every single experience you've had in your life.

● In life, you must reach for greater heights of excellence. Take what is not, and make it so.

“What you consciously believe is what you subconsciously give life to.” -J.M.



“In order to make sense of its physics, you must first understand its chemistry.” -J.M.

Your 12 Segments of Life Related Balances & Imbalances of Emotions:

● Emotional Intelligence – control you have over yourself

● Self-Esteem – appraisal or worth of yourself

● Securities / Insecurities – measure of your stability factors

● Thought Process – use of energy of mind for specific purpose

● Beliefs – your psychological and spiritual state for truth

● Trust Issues – your level of security in yourself

● Unforgiveness – lack of genuine love

● Past Problems – reflection of previous experiences

● Influence {Positive or Negative} – energies gathered

● Self-Confidence – your assurance of belief from within

● Anger / Frustrations – negative energy from unresolved matters

● Guilt – the state of being responsible for a negative action

If you mix and entertain negative chemicals,you will create emotional fission, fusion, or anexplosion causing you a catastrophe of stress.



The half-life tree without visible roots.

The tree of life with visible roots.




“Life is like a tree; it either is nurtured by the light of nature and contains healthy roots, or it is ignored, left in complete darkness to slowly wither away, and create rotted roots of death.” -J.M.



“An abstract mind of creative influence can subtract negative thoughts.” -J.M.

● Your positive thoughts must outweigh your negative thoughts in order to maintain positive influence.

● The influence you accept, is the influence you become.

● Get rid of the frown and turn it upside down!

● Put on your positive look of certainty.

● Avoid harboring the negatives.

● Just simply be positive.



“It's not about how many problems you have, it's about how you deal with your problems.” -J.M.

● Life consists of problems till the end of your time. 10% of your life will be the actual problems you encounter. The remaining 90% of your life, is how you deal with your issues. You can accomplish this by devising feasible solutions to eliminate each negative.

● Problems are purposed for you to become the professional inside every problem. Turn your problems into opportunities. Regardless if there are challenges along the way. Each one will help change you to become a better person. You can achieve this through your positive perspectives.

90% Solutions + 10% Problems = 100% Life Opportunity

19“Utilize the power of patience to develop self-discipline, engage in the law of attractionand magnetize positive people who will help guide you throughout your journey.” -J.M.


An Assumed Major Premise (logical proposition):

Every virtue is laudable (praiseworthy);Patience is a virtue; (moral goodness)Therefore, patience is laudable.

● Patience entices a humble mind to become more positive.

● The more patient you are, the less stress you will have.

● When you're patient, you have the ability to understand your situations more clearly. This will allow you to find the solutions to remedy your problems more quickly and easily.



● The way you think is the way you live.

● Your quality of your thoughts produce the quality of your lifestyle.

● Create positive thoughts and positive habits will develop for you.

● Engage in positive change by first removing the negatives from your inner circle of influence.

“The law of focus is your friend. Stay with it and positive thoughts will follow you.” -J.M.



“It's very simple to solve certain situations of dislike, remove the negative people from your life, and replace them with accomplishment.” -J.M.

The Law of Replacement tells us that you can, on-demand, replace one single thought with another single thought at any given point in time. For example; you can replace a negative thought in your mind with a positive thought and create positive energybased on the replacement. The moment you replacea bad thought with a good thought, you automaticallyby default, invite The Law of Attraction into your life.

This is true as a result of the replacement. If you're putting positive into your life, you will attract positive into your life. This is also true based on the fact that your subconscious will obey your conscious mind and follow through with what it is being told. The more youpractice reversing your negative thoughts into positiveinfluence, the more positive results you will experiencethroughout your life.



“The very thing you think about most often, is the very thing you attract into your atmosphere.” -J.M.

The Law of Attraction tells us that what you believe through your thoughts is what you will attract into your life. If 'like' attracts 'like' then 'love' must attract 'love'. We are living magnets positioned inside of a magnificent universe consisting of both positive and negative chargesof influence. The Law of Attraction is accompaniedby The Law of Replacement.

What you attract into your life, is a result of what you think about, and the thoughts you manufacture on the assembly line of your mind is what you knit and stitch into your life.



“As long as what you're doing mirrors a positive effect, it will reflect a good cause.” -J.M.

According to The Law of Cause and Effect, every problem has a root cause attached to it. The cause is resulted from either a positive or negative effect. Create positive causes and positive effects will occur. To diffuse the negative effects from re-occurring in your life, you must locate the roots to each negative. Next, chop them up with your Axe of Positive Influence, and bury the negative thoughts along with your seemingly, perpetuating problem.

The cause starts with the creation of your positive or negative thought. It is then put into appropriate action. The Law of Cause and Effect says that for every action there is a reaction; as for every reaction there is action.



Your Reality

Atoms Chemistry

Energy Matter Electricity


Thoughts Mind Emotions Words


Character Image

“The brain is a university all by itself.” -J.M.



Q. You're walking along the side of the road, stranded in a desert. It's about 110 degrees, and it's sweltering hot. Your mouth is extremely parched, you can barely swallow from the dryness, and all of a sudden you see a water well about 100 feet ahead of you, right on the side of the road.

You immediately think about how good it would feel to drink some fresh cold water. As you run towards the well, you fail to pay attention to what's in front of you, and you stumble on a rock and trip over, head first into the water well. After falling about 20 feet down, you notice you're still alive and breathing. You scratch your head wondering what just happened with not a scrape on you. Aimlessly; looking around, before your very eyes, you look to your left and you see a goat has been trapped in the well too. Along side the goat, you find a shiny; metal slinky. After all this happening, you come to the conclusion that you're stuck in a well with a goat and a metal slinky more shinier than Armor all, how do you escape alive?

A. The answer is... there is NO one right answer. You can think of multiple ways to escape and make it to the top of the well and make it to a safe destination. It's all about how you use your imagination and tap into the creativity bank of your mind and get out of the water well. The moral of the trivia challenge is to get out of your troubled situation and be an overcomer of you problem.

“Whenever you get stuck,, use that moment to get unstuck and extract the positive out of the negative.” -J.M.


HOW TO CREATE METAPHORICAL QUOTES●1) Metaphor Object #1: The Broom Quote●

2) Metaphor Object #2: The Filing Cabinet Quote●

3) Metaphor Object #3: The Shredder Quote●

●4) Metaphor Object #4: The Calculator Quote

“A quote per day is wisdom in pay.” -J.M.



“The mind is like a drawbridge; it opens itself to what it allows itself to be opened to.” -J.M.

● Be careful as to what you allow enter into your mind.

● Negative thoughts will look to plan a strategy of attack on your life if you allow it.

● Be open and welcoming to positive thoughts.

● Say NO to the Trojan Horse of deceit!

● Your drawbridge is your gateway.


YOUR SELF-IMAGE● Is will power the answer?

● Self-image management.

● Polishing your personality.

● Redeeming your mind.

● Be careful while improving your self-image, it can lead to an egotistical behavior of unattractiveness. Leave out the negative ego and make a positive echo.

“When you want something so bad in life, you'll do everything possible that fits in line with your integrity, through the right appearance of your image to make it part of your destiny. Think it and you will achieve it.” -J.M.



● Are you aware of the person you are?

● Are you aware of the sacrifices you need to make in between the person you are and the person you want to become?

● Are you aware of the person who you want to become?

● Be aware of who you are.

● Know your emotions, and how they make you behave.

● Seek the differences of awareness between positive and negative.

The 3 “Are You Aware” Questions:

“Be aware of your soul, your spirit, your mind, and your body and you will create positive symmetry within the most important and vital areas of your life.” -J.M.



● You are able to read situations more clearly.

● You realize your maximum potential.

● Your emotions are influenced by charisma.

● You are resourceful and independent.

“When you actually understand who you are, what you're capable of, and how to think like your capabilities, you have unlimited potentialities to delve into throughout your life.” -J.M.

The riches in life don't come from a money tree; they comefrom the riches of your spirit and your mind, based on the value you place on your soul and in your thoughts.



“The path taken by a chosen chariot will bring you to a crossroad of a chosen destiny.” -J.M.

● Control your thoughts and your emotions.

● Command authority over the negatives in your life.

● Exercise positive thoughts to create yourself an on-going positive lifestyle.

● Be the person you see yourself to be from inside your mind. You must see it to be it.

● Are you AWAKE-NING the inner you?

● Be in control of your destiny.



● Replace 1 Negative Thought with 1 Positive Thought At-A-Time.

● Transform your negative thoughts into positive energy.

● Extract energy from people, places, and, or things (objects).

● Create keyword quotes in the form of an analogy or a metaphor to develop positive influence.

● Apply the positive information in your life so you will make more positive decisions, and take more positive directions, leading you to more positive results.

“Heal your impure thoughts and you will heal your life.” -J.M.



20 Minutes = 8:20:59 p.m.

First, take out one of your index cards found inside your manila folder of self-help info tools.

Second, write down one question on one side and one keyword related to your life on the other side of the index card.

Third, hold onto your index card. You will hand it in to one of the associates at the end of the event.

Questions will be answered based on a randomselection until the 20 minutes on the clock has run out.

Any questions that do not get answered here will be delivered to you via email within the next 72 hours.

“Ask and it will be given unto you...” -Luke 11:9-12


THANK YOU!Joseph MercadoAuthor and SpeakerMaster Mind PublishingP.O. Box 3462Huntersville, NC 28070Tele: 631-681-8373mercadoj@outlook.comFaceBook: HealingYourNegativeThoughtsTwitter: HealNegThoughts

"Abolish the negative misery that looks to chain yourfeet with shackles of cynicism by using your bolt

cutter as the positive tool to set yourself free."