How to go from overwhelm to clarity

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to go from overwhelm to clarity

Welcome to Overwhelm to Clarity Training

Hi, My name is Nina

• Emotional Intelligence Certified Coach

• Social Worker • Care Giver

The Oprah Show

Ali BrownElevate


Dreams and visions

A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven't truly decided.Tony Robbins

The hardest thing is the implementing part, making

your decision a reality


To fight fear, act. To increase fear - wait, put off postpone.

David Joseph Schwartz

Fear is an indication that there is a danger or a risk, instead of seeing it as something that holds you back, see it as an opportunity to evaluate if the risk is worth taking based on your desires, dreams, wants and needs.

Often any decision, even the wrong decision, is better than no decision.Ben Horowitz

Focusing on the result that you wish to accomplish with

taking action

Remember YOU


We make decisions based on our emotions and we justify those decisions

with our logic

Mini training that will help you make

better decisions right now

1. What if there wasn’t a wrong decision, what if no matter what decision you

make is the right decision?

2. What is your inner drive that wishes for

a certain result?

3. What is the bigger purpose that you

want to achieve by making this decision

4. How are you rocking the boat with

this decision?

5. What are the benefits if I say YES to this decision?What are the costs if I say YES to this decision?What are the benefits if I say NO to this decision?What are the costs if I say NO to this decision?

Special offer for you

Get Clarity Now

• 3 hours 1-on-1 with yours truly 500 $• A replay of our session so that you can listen

again if you have forgotten some of the aspects of our call 100 $

• A free 10 minute Get Clarity Now Meditation – this meditation will help you get connected with your body and emotions so that you can make better choices whenever you need to 50 $

• You will also get 3 Action Steps that will help you make your decision a reality 100 $

All of this you are getting

for only 397 $

Testimonials: Results that clients got by this


When I first worked with Nina, I was doubting myself about taking the steps of publishing my book, with a lot of fears showing up, anxiety and doubts. With her masterful precise guidance, she

helped me to use fear as an ally, instead of a block. Healed all the emotional monsters that were showing up during the decision

making process, so they vanished immediately, and I could see clearly all the positive potential my book has to transform my life

and the lives of many others. It was the most empowering coaching session, absolutely a huge positive impact in my decision making

process as well as in my life. She made it easy, it was healing, empowering, FANTASTIC Thank you, Nina

Anjara, Spain

Nina's work creates deep transformation in a short period of time. She has the capacity to tap into what's needed on a mind, body and spirit

level to uncover the signs and signals you are meant to see. In the course of just a couple of hours we were able to get through to some

big shifts and simple clarity that had been nagging me for a while. She is one of the very few in the realm of transformation who I trust with the deepest forms of emotional awareness, which is not an easy task even for the most 'conscious' facilitators and coaches. Nina is gifted

with emotional awareness and a grounded sense of guidance that will serve you no matter where you're coming from in your current

awareness. I HIGHLY recommend working with her

Jordanna, San Diego, USA

Working with Nina was a real joy! She went from addressing my small, rudimentary decision about my website to deeper, more impactful

underlying issues that were holding me back. By the end of the session I was really excited to get moving on my business and make

some decisions!

-Regina Fletcher, Breakup Coach and Founder of Breakup Breakthrough, San Francisco, USA

Before my session with Nina I was stuck. I was thinking about my decision for a few weeks, I had a few options in my head but was unsure which direction to

go in since my emotions were attached to all of the options. Nina asked questions that really made me think about myself and the role I have in this

decision-making process and I realized I was the key. I saw my emotional attachment to the past and how it was affecting my present decision-making

process which also affects my future decisions. I was able to connect the past to the present and let go of the past emotions since that was my problem, the

way I looked at the situation six years ago. Nina helped me to remove that block which helped me to be able to make a clear decision. Since then when I

am about to make an important decision I think about my emotional connections to the decision and I consider them, I also consider two important emotions that's comes from MY GUT and my compassionate self, not only for

myself but for the other persons that will be affected by my decision........Thank you NINA.

Abieke, Georgetown, Guyana