How to give your sofas a longer life

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of How to give your sofas a longer life

How to Give your Sofas a Longer Life

Avoid the Sun

Keep away from harsh sunlight or heating devices; a little sunlight is necessary for getting rid of bugs.

Reverse Cushions

Place your cushions upside down every day and sit

evenly on both sides

Avoid Jewelry Snags

Do not drag on the thread if a piece of jewelry snags on the sofa. It can

unravel an important piece.

Dust the Sofa

Dust and vacuum your sofa every day to remove insects and prevent

it from moldering

Clean Spills Promptly

Quickly sponge clean any stains on the Chesterfield sofa. Never scrub harshly as it can cause the color to fade and fabric

to damage