How to Give a Great Presentation

Post on 12-May-2015

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Tips for public relations and marketing professionals.

Transcript of How to Give a Great Presentation

Trade Tips:How to Give a Great Presentation

Helpful hints for public relations and marketing professionals

By Shannon R. Mouton

How to Give a Great Presentation

It’s all about the audience, they are the heroes of your presentation.

Practice Makes Perfect

It was true for your performance in the school pageant and it’s even wiser advice today.

Practice Makes Perfect

1. Pay attention to your natural speech rhythm and tempo

2. Consider how the slides will advance

Present As If It’s 1999

Reliance on the slides is a pitfall, even the best technology can run afoul of your plans.


Present As If It’s 1999

3. Be an engaging and enthusiastic speaker, who happens to have slides

4. Use your slides as a guide, not as a script

Do More with Less

“We want more slides,” said no one ever in the history of the world.

Do More with Less

5. Get to the point of what you want to say

6. Use graphics to illustrate and reinforce your points

Demonstrate the Value

Advance the WIIFM?

Demonstrate the Value

7. Make the presentation relevant and show the value of the information VALUE


8. Share a personal anecdote to make the presentation memorable

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