How to Give a Good Presentation? Yi Ma Visual Computing, MSRA (with inputs from Lidong, Moshe, and...

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Transcript of How to Give a Good Presentation? Yi Ma Visual Computing, MSRA (with inputs from Lidong, Moshe, and...

How to Give a Good Presentation?

Yi Ma

Visual Computing, MSRA

(with inputs from Lidong, Moshe, and Shipeng)

• Why do we want to give presentations?

• What is a presentation all about?

• How to improve presentation?

Reasons:Obligation for publication

Obligation for job report

Obligation for work review

Obligation for communication

Why do we want to give presentations?

Every presentation creates an opportunity for self-advancement!

Real reasons:Opportunity to advertise your work

Opportunity to demonstrate yourself

Opportunity to improve self-understanding

Opportunity to influence others

Motivation: What the problem is.

Justification: What the approach is.

Reward: What the solution is.

What a presentation is about?

Public want to know what; intellectuals need to know why.(外行看热闹,内行看门道!)

The truth is:Why is the problem worth researching?

Why is your approach the best possible?

Why is the solution generalizable or limited?


The same talk for all audiences

Assume audience know

Diminish work by others

Describe all details flatly

How to improve your presentation content:

Your talk is as good as the most valuable message got crossed.


A different talk for each audience

Put yourself in the shoes of the audience

Stand on the shoulder of giants

Select one or two essential messages

( 凸凹有致,重点突出! )


Two many words on each slide

Slides are summary of the paper

Read slides as notes

Speak from memorized notes

How to improve your presentation form:

Practice with scripts, perform without!(练时有招,用时无招 !)


One punch line per slide

Enhance with additional visual aids

Slides entirely for the audience

Tell your story from the slides


Not well prepared

Blaming English

Lack interest in the content

Nervous gestures or voices

Bad answers and arguments

How to improve presentation skills?


Never too much time and practice

Design in your native language

Better preparation (or better research)

Pay attention to yourself

You have the podium!

• Know how good or bad your presentations are. (take and watch videos of your own presentation!)

• Ask your colleagues to criticize. (train and improve through practice talks.)

• Learn from both bad and good presentations. (go to every talk you can attend!)

• Learning from doing. (get every chance to design(自编 ), direct(自导 ), and perform(自演 )!)

Dexterity comes from practice. ( 勤能补拙,熟能生巧!)

How to start to improve?

Exert your influence through great presentations!