How To Get Started With Social Media

Post on 25-May-2015

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Social media marketing, how to get started quickly and cheaply

Transcript of How To Get Started With Social Media

Social Media - How to get started

Social media is..

Social Media is:

A channel to empower marketing.

corporation consumersMarketing

take product to market


Social Media is:

A good indicator of your brand health

Social media: ratings, reviews, fans, followers … 100,000’s participants

survey research… typically 100’s participantsfocus groups… typically 10’s participants


Social Media tools:



Content publishing

Social networks

Store, share, rate

A ‘web-log’ normally on one topic.Simple to set-up, can include text, photo, video

Frequent short status updates – can include hyperlinks, and follow people

Upload and store multi-media (video, image, presentations)

Communication platform, leisure or work. Applications can plug-in

Bookmark content, get ‘feeds’ on favourite topics or sites delivered to you

Social Media tools:



Content publishing

Social networks

Store, share, rate

A ‘web-log’ normally on one topic.Simple to set-up, can include text, photo, video

Frequent short status updates – can include hyperlinks, and follow people

Upload and store multi-media (video, image, presentations)

Communication platform, leisure or work. Applications can plug-in

Bookmark content, get ‘feeds’ on favourite topics or sites delivered to you

These tools used for:

• publishing / broadcasting• networking• opinion / research• customer service• discovering content• promotion

But how do I get started?*

*(the easy, free version)


Set up alerts, straight to your inbox:

To start with, these should suffice:

Google alerts (blogs, webpages, video)

+TweetAlarm (twitter)

Add more as you need:


Prepare to respond

Read these guidelines first:

Play ‘Trolls & Flames’:- Get creative- Think of as many objections and insults--- be extreme, left-field, awkward, belligerent- Use the above guidelines to prepare your response



As customer serviceAs an informed commenter

(as per Step 2)



Create interesting social media activity of your own.

That’s another presentation, but some nice examples:


Nice examples

The Home Alone Project

Who: Nation DesignIdea: The plot of Home Alone is played out on Twitter, in

real-time (22nd-25th December).

Results: Lots of coverage, including posts on Mashable and IMDB

Dell Outlet

Who: Dell ComputingIdea: Connect with the tech community to sell B-stock


Results: Over $3million in sales, and ‘classic’ Twitter marketing status.

My Starbucks Idea

Who: StarbucksIdea: Conduct (cheap) market research by asking customers

what they think of the brand.

Results: Over 80,000 ideas submitted; the best are put into action.


Who: Moonfruit Website BuildingIdea: Increase brand recognition via giving away Macbooks

to people who Tweeting the #moonfruit tag.

Results: #moonfruit was the top trending topic on Twitter for a week.

First Direct Live

Who: First DirectIdea: Get feedback on brand and pull together Twitter/blog


Results: No exact statistics, appears to be well populated.

Coffee Groundz

Who: Local Houston Coffee Shop, ‘Coffee Groundz’Idea: Connect with potential local customers on Twitter.

Reserve orders for pick up via @coffeegroundz

Results: Doubled customers; Twitter party attracted 100 people alone.

Expedition 206

Who: Coca ColaIdea: Send 3 people to every country that sells Coke,

document via social media.

Results: Currently still ongoing, generated good PR so far.

Naked Pizza

Who: Independent Pizza Store ‘Naked Pizza’Idea: Replace traditional-but-expensive DM with Twitter.

Reach new audience.

Results: 15% of first sales promotion came from Twitter; 90% were new customers.