How to enhance digital magazines and e books

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Transcript of How to enhance digital magazines and e books



As digital publishing technology is evolving and new platforms/devices continually emerging,

publishers have become increasingly attracted to the opportunity to create digital editions.

These digital versions boast a whole host of extras that can further engage the audience and ultimately enable publishers and marketers to make the most of their publications.

1. Embrace the digital community and interaction

We are in a sharing, social culture.

Times are very different to the once ‘one to many culture’ communication channel – we can no longer expect communications to be one way.

Blogs, reviews and social media are platforms where publications can be openly shared, recommended, rejected and reviewed.

Accepting the digital community and becoming involved, listening to what is being said and embracing this channel is a must.

Within the digital edition publishers could place email or comments links at the end of articles to generate feedback.

Publishers can start to encourage interaction with their readers from monitoring/contributing to blogs and using interaction tools within the digital edition.

Adding a suggestion email link so readers can suggest articles or features of interest for inclusion in future editions or allowing readers to ‘send to a friend’ are other simple interaction tools.

Earlier this week we wrote a blog giving simple steps to integrate a social widget to you site which could show visitors live feeds of reviews of your digital publication.

2. Differentiate your content

Readers now have so much choice, by a simple search using just a few key words readers, are presented with a number of articles, news and opinions.

To enhance the value of your publication the content needs to be unique, to stand out from the other choices presented to the reader.

It is the unique articles and content on the web that makes the reader want to share this publication or article amongst their social networks.

A digital magazine gives the opportunity to create a different, unique experience to the reader.

Whereas printed publications provide a static format; Video, audio, flash, links and interactivity are all features of digital magazines create a unique user experience.

3. Add to the user experience

PERHAPS THINK ABOUT:• including videos alongside the text based interview• animations of concepts which could prove difficult to convey by text and flat images • links to provide quick access to other related content that could be of interest