How to Effectively Study the Word Literal Interpretation.

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Transcript of How to Effectively Study the Word Literal Interpretation.

How to Effectively Study the WordLiteral Interpretation

• Introduction and Preparation• “Literal” Interpretation• Principle I: Examine Word Meanings / Relationships• Principle II: Observe The Context• Principle III: Determine The Historical Setting• How To Productively Study The Word (Steps 1-4)• How To Productively Study The Word (Step 5 -

Interpretation)• How To Productively Study The Word (Step 6 -


Layout of the Lessons

"Hermeneutics, the universal laws of human language, is a science. Man has not made up these laws, rather he has discovered them. These laws are just as real and objective as the law of gravity. These laws apply to all languages and cultures. They are timeless. They are relevant in interpreting writings written four thousand years ago and they will continue to be up-to-date as long as man is communicating to other men or even God. Just as for thousands of years, men knew and functioned by the law of gravity even though Newton had not formulated the law, even so for ages man has observed and functioned by the laws of human language even though they often were not aware of their existence."

- Dennis W. Brindley

Literal Interpretation

• Schools of Interpretation– Allegorical

• Gives to words hidden and deeper meanings that were not intended by the author• Popular in Jewish Theology (Example: there must be 903 ways of dying because the

Hebrew word for death in Psalm 68:20 has a numerical value of 903)• Popular in the early church fathers (Example by Origen: The two donkeys used in

Christ's triumphal entry represent the Old and New Testaments.)– Literal

• Gives to words the same meaning they would have in normal, ordinary usage• Seeks to understand the intended meaning of the writer of Scripture• “Allegories are empty speculations and as it were the scum of Holy Scripture” – Luther• “It is the first business of an interpreter to let his author say what he does say, instead of

attributing to him what we think he ought to say” - Calvin

• Why “literal” interpretation?1. Literal fulfillment of biblical prophecies.

Look up Isaiah 35:4-6. Then read Matthew 11:2-6. How does this passage indicate that Jesus thought Scripture was to be understood?

2. Exercises some control over the interpreter3. If God gave man the ability to communicate, and man communicates in a

plain, ordinary sense, then God’s communication to man should be the same4. It maintains a respect for the historical nature of the Bible

Literal Interpretation

• Figurative language occurs when a writer or speaker represents one concept in terms of another– "The animal devoured his meal" is a literal statement. "The flames devoured an old

landmark" is a figurative statement– A skillful writer or speaker will use figurative expressions both for greater emphasis

and for intensified feeling .. Yet there is still intended meaning

• Plain - literal statement– Meaning is the explicit assertion of the words (“Jesus went up on the mountain, and

there He sat with His disciples”)

• Figurative-literal statement – Meaning is the specific intention of the figure (“the church of the living God, the

pillar and ground of the truth”)

• Guidelines for working with figurative-literal statements1. Look carefully for a plain-literal meaning first (Zech 14:4 – Literal?)2. If a figure of speech is employed by the author, look for an explanation or clue to its

meaning in the context (Jn 1:29 Vs. Exodus 11 & 12)3. If the plain-literal sense of a statement gives a contradiction, or a moral or physical

impossibility, then look for a figurative-literal sense (Mat 7:3,5)4. The "GOLDEN RULEGOLDEN RULE": If the plain-literal makes good sense, seek no other

Literal Interpretation

• Metaphor: a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another (“God is my Rock”)

• Simile: indicated by such words as “like” or “as” (“The kingdom of heaven is like a man who planted good seed in his field”)

• Hypocatastasis: an implied metaphor: “Beast!”; “beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees”; “destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it”

• Synecdoche: a part is spoken of as if it were the whole; a hired hand (worker) who desires to keep bread (food) on the table, a roof (shelter) over his family

• Metonymy: occurs when one thing is spoken of to refer to something else, to which the first thing is related in some way; for example, “the White House said today.…”

• Personification: occurs when a thing, quality, or idea is represented as a person; for example, “the heavens declare the glory of God”

• Euphemism: a word or phrase that is less direct is substituted because the writer believes that the direct form would be distasteful or harsh;, “he was gathered to his fathers”; “Lazarus has fallen asleep”; “she is having an affair”

• Hyperbole: exaggeration used for emphasis or effect. (“And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast [it] from thee”)

Different Figures of Speech

Ex 13:22: He did not take away the pillar of cloud by day, nor pillar of fire by night

Psalm 23:1: The Lord is my Shepherd

Isaiah 53:6: All of us like sheep have gone astray

Daniel 6:16: … Daniel was brought in and cast into the lions’ den

Mat 5:13: you are the salt of the earth

Mat 5:30: if your right hand makes you stumble, cut it off and throw it from you

Mat 12:34: you brood of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak is good?

Col. 3:24: Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men

I Pet. 2:2: like newborn babes, long for the pure milk of the Word

Mat 6:34 Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things

2Chr 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal …

Figure of Speech Identification

Types• Some Old Testament constructions, events, and relationships were indicators in

advance of what would become reality in the New Testament.Type Meaning OT Reference NT Reference

Adam’s Fall Contrasted to Christ’s representative justification. Gen 3 Rom 5:12, 18

Circumcision New life available in Christ Gen 17, Lev 26:1 Rom 4:11, Col 2:11f

Passover Christ’s sacrifice as redemptive substitute Exo 12 1 Cor 5:7;

lamb w/o blemish or broken bone

Christ’s sinlessness, preservation of body at crucifixion Exo 12:5,8-9

1 Peter 1:18f, John 19:33, 36

Sabbath The “rest” achieved through Christ’s ministry Exo 16, 20, 23, 31 Col 2:16f, Hebr 4

Tabernacle-Temple God’s presence with men and in men in Christ’s incarnation Exo 25, 29

Hebr 8:5f, 2Cor 6:16, Rev 21:3

Sacrifice Christ’s atoning death Lev 17 Hebr 10:4ff

Brazen Serpent His being lifted up in crucifixion that all who see may live Num 21:8f John 3:14-15

Guidelines for interpreting1. Look for the basic meaning of the symbol. Go beyond the superficial.

2. The physical is often used to picture the spiritual.

3. Look for the consistent use of a specific symbol in the Old Testament.

4. The symbol or type must be an illustration of and consistent with New Testament truth.

5. Limit to the topic under consideration in the context

6. Assume that details given have meaning. However, don’t expect every detail to fit.

7. Identify symbolic constants (e.g. “Lion” symbolizes power, whether evil or good)

• The lesson is always woven into a story which is true to reality

• Jesus’ transition to parables is explained in Matthew 13:10-17

• Designed to reveal the truth to those who really want to know it, and to conceal the truth from those casual curiosity or commitment to their preconceived errors

A few guidelines

1. Look for correlation of the physical features to the spiritual implications

2. Seek to gain one solid point of application which speaks to the issue presented in the context where the parable is found

3. Our Lord revealed the hidden meaning to believing hearts then; he will do so for us now, if we humbly seek enlightenment as did the disciples

4. Don’t strain to make every minute detail fit


Allegory- Example in Galatians 4:22-31. Specifically told it is an allegory (v 24)- Don’t place MORE meaning into historical events than Paul does - Many people allegorize things which had no intention of being allegorized

History- Not all historical narratives impart proper behavior (e.g. Noah’s drunkenness,

Abraham’s multiple wives, etc.)- Not all historical statements about God are correct (e.g. Job)

Proverb- A short saying that may be in frequent and widespread use that expresses a basic

truth or practical precept. - No context -- like giving the moral of the story without telling the story- Not always hard and fast rules or promises, but often general rules of thumb

Sermon- Religious discourse delivered as part of a religious service or public address- Sermon on the mount (Mt 5), Apostles in Acts (Acts 2:14ff, Acts 17)

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