How To Earn Money With A Blog

Post on 21-May-2015

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There are many people earning a full time income as bloggers. So many others will like to join the community of full time bloggers but have no clue how to earn money with a blog. This slide explains exactly how people earn money from their blogs

Transcript of How To Earn Money With A Blog

Earn Money with a BlogHow regular people make full time

money by blogging

All over theworld, there are so

many persons making a living as


But there are also many who try to

make it but never succeed.

Many people spend years  on end trying to make money on

the internet.

They get scammed over and finally

they quit. They quit without making a

single penny.

The reason most people fail at making a living from blogging or any other internet business

for that matter is they come in with the wrong mindset.

The simple truth is, if you want to start making money from

blogging , then you need to redirect your focus.

Here are some problems that people are looking for solutions for:

- Genital Warts

– deal with insomnia

– How to play

Here’s a Big Secret…..

The thing that you’re passionate about, and usually have fun doing is the solution to somebody’s problems

To Earn Money from Blogging…. You must find something you enjoy learning, researching and writing about.

You must also enjoy helping


Your Niche is what you will blog about

So you need to decide what to blog


Assume you were interested in

healthy living and weight loss…



Did you know that every month, there

are more than 20,000 persons that search the internet looking for information on

Gluten Free Diet as a way to loose


You could even decide to go one step

further by deciding to blog about gluten

free recipes.

By blogging about something as

specific as gluten free recipes, you position yourself as

an expert on the subject.

A well targeted Niche like that will help you make money faster from your blogging

efforts.Because people will see you as

the expert

When people go on the internet to search for information about Gluten Free Recipes, they will see your


As more people come to your blog for

information about Gluten Free Recipes,

you start to make money.

Here are the 4 Main Ways to make money with your blog

• Affiliate Marketing• Google Adsense• Selling Your own products• coaching

Affiliate MarketingThis is where you sell products created

by other people to the people who read your blog.

There are people who make more than $5,000 every month just by selling

other peoples products

Google AdsenseThis is where you will partner with Google for them to put different

advertising on your blog. When people come to your

blog, they will see those advertising and click on it.

For each time someone click on the Adsense link, you

will make

Your Own ProductYou could decide to create your own

products to sell to the people that visit your blog. Some products you could sell include:

- E-book- CDs- DVDs- Short courses- Etc.

CoachingYou could also make money by

providing one-on One coaching to some of the people who visit your


For example, because I have become an expert on blogging, I offer

coaching on my blog for people who want me to personally help

them get their blog

Through my coaching, I help my clients to find the best niche that they will blog

about. I also help them get their

website setup with all the tools.

You may not need a coach however. Because the process involved in

setting up your blog is pretty straight forward.

And the best part is you can start your blog for less than $30. It will take you less than 15 minute to start

your blog

So let’s agree that that you’re going to be blogging about gluten free recipe

to help people solve the problem

of Weight loss.

So the next step in the process is to

Register Your domain name

Get your domain name

Your domain name is like your address on the internet. When

people type in that name in their address bar, they will come directly to your blog. Example of domain name:

If this is your first internet business that you’re

starting, the best domain name to register is your own


So if your name is Jack Williams for example, you

will register as your domain name.

The Company I regularly use to register my domain names is

Click here- to register your domain name now.

Once you’ve done that, the next step is for you to get Web hosting

Get Webhosting

Imagine you have your house. Your domain name is the address you give

our friend to come to your house.

Well, the house must be sitting somewhere right? It must be on a

plot of land. The webhost is the land where your house (the blog) will be

sitting on

The host that I recommend is BlueHost.

Bluehost has awesome support for anyone who is new on internet

business. The step by step instructions are easy to follow.

And they’re very cost effective. You can get your website hosted for as

little as $3.95 per month

Write valuable information

The Final Step is to providing valuable information to your readers so that they

will keep coming back and inviting their

friends too.

This is called providing content.

It’s All About

the Content

I am starting another website that will teach people how to write great

content for their blogs.

I will even give out a free content outline template that anybody can use to create awesome content for

their blog

Go to www.ContentSolutions.Guru to learn

I hope I’ve been able to help you with the

information on how to Earn Money With Your Blog.

If you have found this information helpful, please share it with your friends and relatives that may be

interested in it.

They’ll thank you for it