How to download, install and use AllWebMenus Joomla Component

Post on 22-Dec-2014

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In this presentation you can see how to download, install and use the AllWebMenus Joomla Component. AllWebMenus Joomla Component is a joomla component dedicated to help you integrate your AllWebMenus menus into your joomla websites in an easy way. Download pages: Likno website: Joomla Extensions website:

Transcript of How to download, install and use AllWebMenus Joomla Component

How to download, install and use AllWebMenus Joomla Component


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In this presentation we will show you how to download, install and use AllWebMenus Joomla Component along with AllWebMenus Pro.

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In order to download the AllWebMenus Joomla Component you can either download from our website: or from Joomla Extensions website by searching for AllWebMenus.

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Switch to your Joomla Administration page, click on Extensions -> Extension Manager.

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Click on Choose File, select the and click on Open.

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You will receive the message “Installing Component was successful”.

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Click on Components -> AllWebMenus Pro. Then, click Move to settings.

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This is the settings page you will see.

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First, you can place the Menu name you want or you can leave the default.

Note: If you need to create more AllWebMenus menus on your Joomla site, you can click “Create Additional Menu” to create a new menu.

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Then, select the Menu Structure. Click on the select box and select the Joomla menu you want.

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Then, select the Menu Type.

There are 3 available choices:“Dynamic” Menu Type“Mixed” Menu Type“Static” Menu Type

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The “Dynamic” Menu Type means that the menu items in AllWebMenus Pro will only be used for preview/styling purposes. In actual pages the menu will be “dynamically” populated by the chosen menu. The styles will be applied by the AllWebMenus Pro.

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The “Mixed” Menu Type means that the menu will be populated by the menu items you created in AllWebMenus Pro along with the dynamic menu items from the chosen Joomla menu. The styling properties will be applied by AllWebMenus Pro.

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The “Static” Menu Type means that the menu will be populated by the menu items you created in AllWebMenus Pro only. Any change you might need it should be done in AllWebMenus Pro either for the menu structure or the styling properties.

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When, you have finished with all the settings, click on “Generate Menu & Upload (also saves changes in settings)”.

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The next page consists of 2 steps. In the first step you can copy the generated “Menu Structure Code” in order to import it in AllWebMenus Pro. In the second step you can upload the compiled zip file produced by AllWebMenus Pro.

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Select the generated “Menu Structure Code” and copy that.

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Open AllWebMenus Pro and choose a theme to start from. For this presentation we have chosen the Bootstrap menu theme.

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Go to Add-ins -> Joomla Menu -> Import/Update Menu Structure from Joomla in order to import the menu structure you previously copied.

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Paste the generated “Menu Structure Code” and click on Next.

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Then, click on “Import Menu Structure (and replace existing)”.

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As you can see the Menu Structure is updated with the menu structure we selected on Joomla Administration.

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Save your menu project. Click on File -> Save As, give a name to your project, select the folder where you want to save it and click “Save”.

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When, you have finished editing the menu, you can compile it. Go to Add-ins -> Joomla Menu -> Compile Joomla Menu (for domain: unlimited).

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On the window that appears, click on “Continue with Compile”.

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Select the Site Root folder by clicking on “Edit” and then click “OK”.

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When compile is finished, you receive the “Menu compiled successfully”.

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Switch back to Joomla Administration in AllWebMenus Component settings.Click on “Choose File”.

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Choose the produced zip file and click “Open”.

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You will receive the following message if you successfully uploaded the zip file.

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See your joomla website, the menu is where you placed it. For this presentation we had set the Menu Positioning relative to Window that is why the menu appears on the top left corner of the window.We will show you how to change the positioning of your menu on upcoming presentations.

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for more information

www.likno.comAllWebMenus Pro