How to deal with Perspiration and stay fresh all day?

Post on 29-Aug-2014

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Caraselle Crystal Deodorant Stick is a Fantastic new product from Caraselle. A Cooling Crystal in a handy to use stick, which is small enough to keep with you at all times. Use straight after a shower or bath, to keep you feeling fresh and odor free all day! The stick is made from 100% natural products and is un-scented and sensitive on your skin. The Crystal Deodorant Stick has been specifically designed to be used on any part of your body, and is 100% safe to be used on, around and under the breast area. So if suffer like many women with sweat under and around your breasts, then this product is for you. Get more information please visit

Transcript of How to deal with Perspiration and stay fresh all day?


Answer is “Yes” its work and If you used every day, 3 months

Lets Know about Caraselle Crystal Deodorant Stick

The Caraselle Crystal Deodorant Stick is a Fantastic new product from Caraselle. A Cooling Crystal in a handy to use stick, which is small enough to keep with you at all times. Use straight after a shower or bath, to keep you feeling fresh and odor free all day!

The stick is made from 100% natural products and is un-scented and sensitive on your skin. The Crystal Deodorant Stick has been specifically designed to be used on any part of your body, and is 100% safe to be used on, around and under the breast area.

So if suffer like many women with sweat under and around your breasts, then this product is for you.

What is the product made from? 

A crystal deodorant is a deodorant product made with potassium alum or ammonium alum. Both are double sulfate forms of the class of minerals known as alums. Alum crystals are highly soluble in water, which explains their ability to act as a deodorant. When a crystal deodorant is applied to the underarms, some of the mineral is dissolved by the body's sweat (the stick can also be pre-moistened with water).

This leaves behind a thin layer of mineral salts on the skin's surface. That layer of salt prevents body sweat from coming into contact with odor-causing bacteria. Unlike antiperspirants, which reduce the amount of sweat the body produces, deodorants are designed to prevent naturally odorless sweat from becoming a breeding ground for bacteria. 

Most commercial deodorant products contain antibacterial agents or perfumes to prevent body odor or mask its scent. People who choose to use a crystal deodorant instead often do so because they are concerned about the potential health risks of applying such chemicals to the thin and highly absorbent layer of skin under the arm.

Many people also find that rock deodorants are gentler on the skin. Mineral salts taken from the Earth are crystallized from an aqueous solution then hand-shaped into crystal deodorant form. In addition to the benefits of being natural, a crystal deodorant can also be a cost-effective alternative for preventing body odor.

A single crystal deodorant stone can last up to one year -- much longer than the typical commercial deodorant product. Unlike other deodorants and antiperspirants, rock deodorants are also hypoallergenic, don't stain clothing and do not involve lab testing on animals.

What is perspiration?

Perspiration or the process of sweating is just another physiological function like breathing or digestion performed by the human body. It is in fact the body’s way of maintaining the “homeostasis” to keep us cool. When the body temperature goes beyond normal limits the brain sends the signal to release fluids on to the surface of the skin so that the skin as well as the whole body cools down.

Thus sweat glands are like the air conditioners of our body and perspiration is a beneficial process to neutralize the effects of sudden spurts of heat on our system.

What is body odour?

Body odour is an outcome of sweat but perspiration itself has no odour as such and this is an important distinction. At its core sweat is a salty watery liquid free of any odour. When it reaches the skin’s surface it becomes exposed to other elements and certain types of bacteria start to break down the sweat. It is the action of these bacteria that is responsible for the strong body odour that some people emit. From areas like the underarms sweat cannot evaporate easily and the bacteria have more chances to accumulate in this and similar parts of the body.

In addition there are special kinds of sweat glands to be found under the skin of the underarms called apocrine glands. These are the glands that grow during puberty and secrete sweat in response to sexual arousal emotional tension or nervousness. The organic substances that these glands ooze draw a higher number of odour-causing bacteria. In addition to these bacteria factors such as stress wrong diet skin problems or dysfunctional metabolism may also cause body odour.

The use of deodorants in dealing with body odour

Whatever the source of body odour, deodorants seem to be the commonest solution for combating this irritating part of life. Deodorants are products meant to diminish body odour by deactivating the functions of odour-causing bacteria.

However they do not address or claim to eliminate the root causes of the odour from your system. They merely reduce the discomfort resulting from a foul smell. Being applied more than once through the day deodorants work to prevent bacteria from growing in those parts of the body that sweat most profusely, and thereby keep the bad odour in check to a large extent.

The emergence of natural deodorants

At the turn of the millennium the world seems to have been invaded by new generations of environmental hazards and newer kinds of diseases seem to creep into human genes.

Extreme stress in our professional as well as personal lives threatens to strike at the core of human relationships. Under these circumstances natural ways of living and use of all things natural in almost all aspects of life are becoming the norm for an increasing number of people all over the world as our concern about the environment and the effects of chemicals on our health rises rapidly.

People are concerned about what they are eating what they are using on their skins and even what they are wearing like never before. The use of natural deodorants is an integral part of this new attitude to grooming among both men and women. In short natural deodorants represent an organic solution to the problem of body odour.

What is a natural deodorant?

Natural deodorants are an environment-friendly answer to the problem of body order. In most natural deodorants ammonium alum is the chief ingredient.

It is an organic compound abundantly found in nature and it encourages bacterio-static action reducing bacterial growth. Since alum molecules weigh almost 36 times more than water it is impossible for our skin to absorb them physically.

You can obtain these natural deodorants in the form of crystallized rock but they are also available in spray and roll-on forms. Natural deodorants are strictly free of toxic components such as alcohol and aluminium. They are biodegradable and cruelty-free.

Perfume is an optional ingredient and in most of the cases essential oils are added to make them scented.

Benefits of natural deodorants

Several studies in applied toxicology have found links between breast cancer in women and chemical ingredients used as preservatives in some synthetic deodorants. But alum the chief ingredient of natural deodorants is an organic element and its molecules are too large to permeate through the skin

    * They address the problem of odours by hindering the process of bacterial growth without blocking the pores on the skin and without interfering with the process of cooling the body through perspiration

    * Tests have confirmed their hypoallergenic nature

    * They offer a non-sticky way of neutralizing underarm odour and offer all-day protection

    * They are stain free and have a shelf life of 10-12 months