How to cure your medical marijuana crop curing marijuana

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of How to cure your medical marijuana crop curing marijuana

How to Cure Your Medical Marijuana Crop Curing Marijuana

Medical Marijuana Crop

Curing your medical marijuana crop isn’t rocket science. In order to get the quality your crave, you must follow the proper procedure. First – grow your crop and chop it down. There is no need to smoke harsh weed that tastes bad. Here are some basic tips for experiments in preparing the harvest, curing the crop, and adding flavors.

Preparing The Harvest

Curing the harvest is an important step, and it is a shame that many new growers are so eager to consume the fruit of their labor that they don’t allow it to mature.

They cut off unripe buds and dry them quickly, sometimes in microwaves, unwilling in their haste to give them time to dry. But whoever appreciates taste, aroma,and maximum potency wants to cure buds, not just dry them.

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