HOW TO CREATE AND READ INSTRUCTION MANUALS. Student Objectives Analyze technical instructions to...

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Transcript of HOW TO CREATE AND READ INSTRUCTION MANUALS. Student Objectives Analyze technical instructions to...

How to Create and read Instruction Manuals

Student Objectives• Analyze technical instructions to learn what makes them

effective or ineffective for an audience.• Analyze and describe the audience for a set of

instructions, noting what that audience needs from that document.

• Use document and audience analysis, drafting, peer response/user feedback, and revision to create effective technical instructions.

• Reflect on their writing process, noting how this assignment will be useful to them in future writing.

What are Instructional Manuals?• When did you last read a manual?• From your own experience, how helpful were they?• What parts were difficult?• What did you do if you had trouble understanding the

instructions? Or, what did you do if your product stopped working properly?

• Write your answers on a piece of paper and be prepared to share out.

Effective and Ineffective

Analyzing Technical Instructions• Analyzing Technical Instructions• You will see a set of technical instructions. As a group, analyze your

set of instructions for the following items. Take notes as you discuss.• 1. Audience: Who is the audience for the instructions? How do you

know?• 2. Purpose: What are the instructions helping the audience do or

create?• 3. Rate Instructions—Easy vs. Difficult: Are these instructions easy

for the audience to use? Why or Why not?• 4. Effective vs. Ineffective Elements: Identify both good and bad parts

of instructions.• 5. Visual Appeal: How does the set of instructions look? What about

its the look and design that is effective or ineffective for the audience?• 6. Language: What kind of language does the document use? Is it

appropriate for the audience? Give examples.

Effective vs. Ineffective

• Share out your answers for each of the manuals.

• Which one was more effective than the other?

• What made them effective?

• What made them difficult?

• What could you have done better if you were in charge of

writing a manual?

Writing Instructional Manuals• technical writing tips•


Small Group Activity• In your group you will be creating instructions for one of

the following tasks:

1.How to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

2.How to ride a bicycle

3.How to download a song from your iPod • Include 3 trouble shooting tips

• You have 10 min. to create your directions:• *Remember*

• Create detailed chronological order directions that ANYONE can follow

Homework (Individual Assignment)• Put the following on Your Desk

• The Manual of one product that you use on a regular basis• The Planning Sheet and the Visually Drafting Sheet• The Product Manual Rubric AND your Poster Board

• You will be creating a small product manual poster Due: Tuesday

• Remember to include:• visuals• 10 trouble shooting tips• Chronological detailed step by step instructions

EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY• Along with the product manual poster, you will create a

short power point about your favorite food recipe. (slide count is up to you)

• Write the recipe and its steps.

• Include 5 trouble shooting tips in case someone makes a mistake

while cooking, or if they are not able to find an ingredient.

• Include a video or photos of yourself following the recipe• Bring your final product to class to share!• Tips:

• Watch your favorite cooking show on TV or youtube• Notice how they break things down step by step and see if they

include trouble shooting techniques in case you do something wrong or don’t have an ingredient.