How to Create a New Wiki Document

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of How to Create a New Wiki Document

Community of Practice Instructions

1) Create a New Document

Go to the list of Member Page and click on your name

Once you are on your page, click the "EDIT" tab in the upper right corner of the screen.

Now the gray Edit bar appears and you can type on the page.

To create a new document page you must create a link. First type a title for you document. Then highlight it.

Click the “Link” icon on the Editor bar to turn the document title into a link.

Verify that the title is correct and click “Add Link”.

Your title is now blue on the page. That means it is a link.

Click “Save”. Now your new document exists.

Click your document title to visit your new document page.

Your new document page is blank and the title is at the top.

To begin adding content, click the “EDIT” tab and start typing. Remember to click “Save” when you are done with each session.

Community of Practice Instructions
