How to Build Your List Using 111x74 Boxes On Facebook

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Transcript of How to Build Your List Using 111x74 Boxes On Facebook


How to Build Your List

Using 111x74 Boxes

On Facebook Timeline

Like this….

January 4, 2013


Marlon here.

A few quick updates before I jump into content.

$10 Weekend Special

Flip sites for quickie cash

If you have an interest in getting some quicker cash flow, flipping sites is one way to do it. I found a nifty PLR product on the topic I obtained rights to and am passing along to you at the lowest price they’ll allow me to sell it for according to the license.

By the way, the sales letter talks about getting rich flipping sites. IGNORE that. Good gosh.

Update on materials added to Steady Flow Facebook Training.

All customers please read.

First of all, if you ALREADY BOUGHT my Facebook Training on “Nearly as

good as solo ads” the special QUICKSTART TRAINING recording is now in

your account.

It was OFF THE HOOK good and more advanced than the first training. I

show you a search tool that finds the EXACT keywords you need to paste

into your interest section for cheap and big traffic….no one knows about

this, as surprising as that was to me.

Also, I added a whole A to Z video on how to set up your Timeline AND add

your App Tabs AND get your URL for the shared SSL using Hostgator. This

saves you around $240 a year.

Plus, if you don’t have Hostgator I show you where to get a shared SSL for 5

to 7 bucks a year.

Michelle says it’s worth $997:

Update on Push Button Letters Access:

We moved Push Button Letters to our new, state-of-the-art fast server.

However, we ran into glitches my programmer didn’t anticipate. I thought

we had them resolved but a new error popped up today and my

programmer won’t likely be available until Monday. I expect it’ll be working



Have you tried mailing my Marketing Dashboard? It’s at

One of the cool things about the Facebook Timeline are the application

tabs, which are 111x74 boxes.

QUESTIONS or problems? I want to hear from YOU because I want to not

only serve you well in promoting our products but also stay ahead of the

curve in terms of helping you promote and get good results with our

products and commissions.

You can post to me at

I do personally read and respond to affiliates.

Update on MY Facebook tabs:

Just so you know, you’ll get an error on my Facebook tabs at the moment.

My server admin does have to install our SSL and I’ve neglected giving this

attention since I put a 100% priority on getting Push Button Letters access

back to all of you who flooded the support desk with tickets!

Not that I blame you. I had a notice up on the situation but things kept

changing so I couldn’t keep a proper notice to you.

Anyway, rest assured, we’ll get these detailed all fixed up nice ‘n pretty

soon. I should hear back from our admin in 4 hours on this.

Unresolved support issues?

If somehow YOUR problem or issue has fallen through the cracks or not

gotten a proper response, go ahead and tell me about it on the support

desk. I want you to be well taken care of and served.


I’m hear and listening. If somehow you have a missing link in your Internet

marketing business you need a gap filled in on, tell me about it and I’ll

respond on the support desk.

I AM listening. I don’t have an answer or proper solution to every need and

problem. But at least I can guide you to an appropriate resource in many


How to Use Your 111 x 74

pixel boxes on your Timeline

to build your list and make

your Facebook marketing

rock and roll.

Let’s get down to it.

First of all, your Facebook Timeline is a funky name Facebook gave what

used to simply be called Fan Pages, which was ALSO a funky name since

really, the people who liked you weren’t necessarily fans!

People can see your PAST POSTS and status updates on your Timeline

Page so the word Timeline is somewhat appropriate.

Here is what a Timeline page looks like:

The picture at the top is your Timeline Cover photo. Then you see the tabs

where the yellow BEGIN HERE is and the picture of the girl juicing. Those

are now called APPLICATION TABS.

I have no freaking idea why they call them that. Shouldn’t they just be

called Timeline tabs or something like that?

Then where the girl is drinking the glass of water, that’s where you make

your status update posts, sometimes called page posts.

The FUNNY thing about the above pix is I was in a hurry to make the post

and couldn’t find a pix of someone drinking juice so I put the girl on there

with the water!

Yeah, someone was confused by that on a Timeline page about juicing!

Now, at the top right is a little button that says SHOW OR HIDE.

When you SHOW, it shows the admin which then puts some admin featurs

on your Timeline page:

When you make that page a tad bigger, you get the INSIGHTS graph.

So I’ve only made 3 posts and my page is actually doing pretty good! I need

to drive more opt ins with it …

I can now drive REALLY cheap clicks to this page and will when I wanna

take a few minutes to muck around with it.

You can see that you have a BUNCH of tabs you can link to other Timeline

pages, offer OTHER free reports on or even link to product sales pages,

which I personally wouldn’t do, but you CAN.

So these squares and 111 x 74 pixels big.



You can squeeze pages for DIFFERENT freebies that attract different

audiences or types of people into your marketing funnels. Marketing

funnel is a big word.

In other words, you STICK ‘EM on a list in Aweber or Getresponse or and send ‘em emails for offers and also content.

When you have a sequence of emails that go out automatically, we call this


You can also link to your BLOG, your PINTEREST page, and so forth.

WHO are the groups of pe0ple who might buy from you?

You could, for example, have one freebie for dentists, one for chiropractors,

one for dry cleaners, if you sell to offline businesses.

Or maybe you have one list for WAHM’s, work at home moms, and another

list for bloggers, and another list for affiliate marketers.

You can build ALL these lists from one page.

The GREAT THING is that EACH Timeline page (and you can have as

MANY as you want) has TABS on it!

And you can cross promote from one Timeline page to another!

Not only that, I know you may be concerned about being in DIFFERENT


You can send people in ONE market DIRECTLY to that Timeline page so

they don’t see the OTHER ones!

You could be in 3 different businesses and send them to 3 different

Timeline pages.

AND you can keep your PERSONAL page, the main page you see when you

sign into Facebook, SEPARATE from your business Timeline pages!

These little 111 x 74 tabs are moneymakers.


Because when you send out status updates to the people who have LIKED

your Timeline page, and people COME to your page, they’ll see your

different TABS.

You can ROTATE tabs to get people onto different lists (funnels).

Here is one tab I think is HOT:

So people come to your Timeline page and they see the START HERE.

That’s where you have an intro letter with links to your Twitter, your blog,

your squeeze page, your free reports, whatever.

Then you have to have a FREE REPORT tab like this:

I could run that right there as a Facebook ad and do very well with it. For

example, it would take me 3 minutes to have that ad running where ALL

DENTISTS in my city of San Antonio see it, or where all CHIROPRACTORS

see it! How about high end spas? Or cosmetic dentists who go for bigger

dollar clients and need advertising help?

Do you think they know how to use Facebook ads? I doubt it.

You could help then run ads locally on Facebook that ONLY target people at

certain companies. Or ONLY target people in high income occupations. All

of those things can EASILY be done on Facebook.

Using a special trick, I could even show Facebook ads to their own patients

when they log into Facebook. How cool is that? Think of a dentists who

needs to haul clients back in for their annual teeth cleaning. All of a sudden

their pix and a reminder is on the client’s Facebook page.

You can even target by zip code, which is pretty cool. So I could ONLY

target ads to people in a certain part of town.

I have a SECRET TOOL I showed on the webinar this week where you just

type in your keyword and you get the EXACT places to run your ads that no

one else knows about and you get the cheapest clicks!

No one seems to know about this, oddly enough.

So if you’re marketing to dentists, you just type that in, hit the button then

copy the word or words, place it in interests in your Facebook ad and


You’re off and running! Big traffic. Highly qualified. Cheap clicks.

I can’t reveal that tool here for free unfortunately. It’s really a secret and I’ll

keep it that way.

In addition, I show you how to set up these tabs. You can get the training

here. This part 2 training is ONLY available after you pay. I recorded a

whole video I JUST ADDED that shows a to z how to set up the Timeline

AND the application tabs, including explaining in exact detail how to do the

“tech part” that people trip up on. Knowing this saves you $120-$240 per

year, or more.

The CRITICAL Mental Mindset

I’ll say one thing.

All the pitches tell you everything is simple and you just push a button.

Sometimes that IS true! But usually you run into things that need figuring


What I notice is a lot of people wanting to be in the Target-List-Offer

business as I call it have no patience.

They try something like setting up an application tab. They run into a

frustrating snag and then give up and go onto the next deal that promises to

be easy.

That isn’t how it’s done.

Listen, if you want to be in business and STAY in business, you have to

build a list ALL the time and send offers.

You can’t build a list once then do nothing.

And you have to go through a little pain sometimes. That’s just part of the

business. I make things as simple as possible. But you also have to reach

inside and straighten out the thoughts you’ve been fed that say you’re

gonna push an EASY BUTTON and money pops out.

When you HAVE a list, that IS true. You send an email to your list and

money comes in!

But getting people on a list, setting up different things, it takes good ol’

fashioned work sometimes.

But after you get it set up and the ball rolling, it’s also really sweet. Getting

MOMENTUM is the part that takes work. And it’s heavily front-end loaded

in the process.

All I’m saying is, don’t expect everything to be easy. You will run into

things you have to figure out. Be patient. And if you get stuck, it might be

worth your money to hire some help.

This should be pretty great news. Here is what you’ve learned:

1. How to have separate pages for separate businesses

2. How to keep your personal page and friends separate from your


3. How to target different audiences and get them onto lists all from one

Timeline page.

4. How to use the begin here tab to send people to your blog, Pinterest and


5. Where to put links to Pinterest and Twitter (on your available

application tabs).

6. How to make your admin appear and disappear by clicking the show/hid

button at the top of the page.

Best wishes,


PS: : As a reminder in case you’re reading the P.S. first, if you bought and

paid for the Steady Flow Facebook training, webinar #2 is now up and is

totally awesome with advanced information. There is also an A to Z video

on setting up your Timeline and application tabs.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ D. "Services You Can Use" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Set up your squeeze pages, autoresponders And email sequences here: PUT UP YOUR WEB SITE? Discover how easy and simple it can be to do your own graphic design (or at least some of it). Plus, find out the exact resources I recommend to save a bundle. Avoid going down the wrong path.

NEED A SALES LETTER? Many people have copied my software. But there really and truly is only ONE original. SEE MORE PRODUCTS:





Allan Gardyne

David Jenyns

Dan Cauthron

Michael Merz

Jason Fladlien

Matt Gill

Kevin Wilke

Dr.Mani Sivasubramanian

Russ Brunson

Tim Castleman

James Jones

Connie Green

Pat O’Bryan

Sean Mize

David Jenyns

Terry Duff

Yanik Silver

David Ledoux

Bill Hibbler

Jim Edwards

Sasi Kumar

Ewen Chia Ti Wah

Michael Wong

David Vallieres

Titus Hoskins

Michael Paetzold

David DiPietro

Brian Terry

Dan Kelly

Michael Filsaime

Dave Lovelace

Derrick VanDyke

Gary Martin

Melanie Mendelson

Keith Wellman

Joshua Jenkins

Jeremy Burns

Sharlene Raven

Michael Nicholas

Anil Kumar

Joel Comm

Gabor Olah

Craig Haywood

Sterling Valentine

Frederic Patenaude

Jessica Clark

Liz Barton

Roger Hall

Marc Horne

Willie Crawford

Thank all of you. You have my gratitude forever.

Your contributions to my life and my business do

not go unnoticed nor unappreciated.

If we stand tall, it IS because we stand on the shoulders

of giants who came before us and who gave us a helpful hand.

This poem summarizes everything I am, everything I believe about

marketing and life.

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim Because it was grassy and wanted wear,

Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I marked the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,

I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

Copyright 2013 Higher Response Marketing Inc. All rights reserved.